USSR 1941

Chapter 618: railway bridge

  Chapter 618 Railway Bridge

   The encirclement was indeed completed, but the German army was surrounded by the Soviet army.

  Captain Lex's intuition was right, the Soviet army had indeed set up traps in the building waiting for them.

  The German army seemed to be fighting along the street in a powerful manner, blocking and killing gods and Buddhas, but in fact it was full of loopholes, and most of the buildings behind them did not have enough troops to defend.

  So, Vasily took a team of people and led the deserters to implement an anti-outflank against them, and quickly cut off their retreat.

Among them, the use of deserters from the 42nd Infantry Brigade is still a bit particular. Although their combat effectiveness is not strong, the focus is on the large number of people, and it is still possible to let them garrison a certain building... Troops with low quality are usually suitable for relatively dull execution. tasks, such as garrisoning a certain building, under what circumstances can retreat, when must be garrisoned, and so on.

   And the simpler and clearer the task, the better.

  If they are asked to fight guerrillas with snipers and mortarers, they will be dizzy before turning twice.

  The tactic of the German army is to leave a small army at intervals to occupy a building to protect the rear... This is necessary, otherwise it will soon be impossible to encircle the granary.

  The German military camps are about 100 meters apart, and all buildings that can pose a threat to them within this 100 meters are blasted.

  Blasting is much simpler than bombing with artillery fire. They only need to enter the building, and then install explosives on the internal load-bearing columns or load-bearing walls, and then "boom", the whole building or even the entire row of buildings will fall down.

   Of course, this requires some knowledge of blasting.

This is a helpless approach when the German army is short of troops, because only in this way can the buildings it garrisons stand out from the crowd, so it is possible to block the surrounding 100-meter range with firepower and use this network of garrison points and firepower to encircle the granary. in.

The problem is that in this way, the Soviet army can also blockade the same area with firepower... The destroyed ruins are lower than the buildings on both sides. The Soviet army only needs to find a suitable building, or they can also block The blasting of a building that blocks the line of sight or the angle of fire can also block the German army with firepower.

   Soon, the German army was quickly cut into sections that could not reinforce each other.

  Captain Lex panicked at this moment.

   "Major!" he reported to Major Paul: "The situation is getting complicated, I don't even know if we are surrounding them or they are surrounding us! We need more support!"

   "We don't have any more support!" Major Paul replied: "If there is, it is artillery and air force!"

   "They're useless, Major!" Captain Lex replied, "They're so intertwined with us that sometimes we don't even know which building is ours!"

   This is indeed the case, especially when the infantry communicates with the Air Force through dictation, it is difficult for them to clearly describe which of the similar-looking buildings is the enemy and which is the friend.

   Coupled with the fact that they are very close to each other, the Air Force can only stare blankly.

   "I request to retreat!" Captain Lex said: "The enemy is more difficult to deal with than we imagined, we should think of other ways!"

  Major Paul knew that Captain Lex was right, so he had no choice but to reply: "Okay, Captain, I agree to your request!"

   However, it is too late to retreat now.

  Because Vasily has organized a storm against several German garrison points.

  The storm was launched with the cooperation of snipers. The infantry of the 42nd Brigade shouted and rushed towards the German-held building like ants.

   Then, grenades and submachine guns rushed into the building and beat the German army hiding inside into a hornet's nest.

   Once the station is lost, the escape route of Captain Lex and his party is also cut off.

  However, Captain Lex was not easy. He made a quick decision to break through the encirclement, and used the firepower of tanks and armored vehicles to take a turn from another street and make a **** road to escape.

   This was beyond the expectations of Vasily and even Shulka.

  Because what tanks and armored vehicles are most afraid of is the unknown situation... These things are strong and powerful, but they are also very fragile. As long as a few anti-tank mines are planted on the road, they can all be blown into the sky.

  So, according to common sense, Captain Lex should not choose an unknown or undetected route to retreat.

   But he did just that, instead catching Vasily off guard and allowing them to escape back easily.

   But in the end, the German offensive failed.

While the soldiers of the 42nd Infantry Brigade were cheering for this victory, the signaler reported to Shulka: "Comrade Captain, the reinforcements sent to us by the 10th Division have arrived! There is a battalion in total, and they are waiting for you outside the warehouse The command!"

   Then another communicator took the phone and said to Shulka: "Comrade Captain, Comrade Batrakov is on the phone!"

Shulka answered the phone and revealed his identity, and then Batrakov said embarrassingly on the other end of the phone: "You have played well, Comrade Shulka! I think the third battalion has arrived, it It is under your command, I hope you can guard the granary! This is very important!"

   "Yes, Comrade Batrakov!" Shulka replied.

   At this time, Batrakov should have apologized or admitted his previous mistakes.

  But Shulka can understand, after all, he is a general, the head of a division, and it is really embarrassing for him to admit his mistakes in front of his subordinates in the headquarters.

  In fact, Major General Batrakov sent him reinforcements and even handed over these reinforcements to Shulka's command, which already meant admitting a mistake.

  So Shulka accepted it as soon as he saw it. After all, this is a battlefield, not a place to be unreasonable.

   After a pause, Shulka said: "However, Comrade Batrakov, I don't think there are enough reinforcements!"

   "Sorry, Comrade Shulka!" Batrakov replied: "The current situation is very critical...I can't send more troops to support you. We need to take back the railway bridge, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!"

   "What?" Shulka couldn't help being stunned when he heard this: "The railway bridge was not blown up?"

"No, it didn't!" Batrakov said with some embarrassment: "The moment the battle started, the railway bridge was attacked by the enemy's Branfenburg troops. Until their reinforcements come. Now that the railway bridge is in their hands, I am concentrating my forces on a counterattack!"

  Shuerka really didn't expect this to happen.

  The Branfenburg troops of the German army pretended to be the Soviet army and snatched the bridgehead.

   Once the railway bridge is lost, the German reinforcements can be continuously replenished from the south bank of the Tsaritsa River to the north bank, so the No. 2 railway station is really dangerous.

  (end of this chapter)

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