USSR 1941

Chapter 265: bridgehead

  Chapter 265 Bridgehead

  From a strategic point of view, Marshal Kruger's decision is correct.

  Kruger believes that it is not difficult to defend the two bridges with armored trains and the natural danger of the Volga River.

  Although the armored train is not a very high-end thing, it is basically a fancy and useless equipment at this time, and it has even been reduced to dealing with guerrillas to protect the railway line.

  But if armored trains are used to guard the bridge... and there are four 88MM caliber anti-aircraft guns guarding the bridge deck that is only tens of meters wide, Kruger can't think of any way for the Russians to pass.

  So, in this case, of course, the German army has no reason to choose to blow up the bridge, and at the same time, it cannot install explosives on it to add uncertain factors.

  Because once these two bridges are blown up, the German logistics transport team, armored troops and subsequent reinforcements must use the prisoner bridge to cross the Volga River.

   To make matters worse, the supplies transported by the train from the rear can only reach the west bank of Tver and cannot continue forward, which will add a lot of burden to the already overwhelmed German logistics.

The only problem that Kruger didn't consider was that the Soviet army facing Tver was the 4th Tank Brigade. This army fought many battles that others, including the Soviet army themselves, thought could not win, and they all won. victory.

   At this time, Shulka and others did not know the arrangement of the German army. They still cautiously advanced towards the bridge under the cover of tanks.

   There are two bridges, three to be exact: Tversa River divides Tver from north to south into two parts, and there is a Tver bridge between the two parts. Then to the south is the Volga River, and each of the two parts has a bridge across the Volga River to connect with the main city of Tver.

  In order to facilitate identification, the Soviet army named the two bridges "No. 1" and "No. 2" bridges, and the bridge across Tver Bridge was named "No. 3" bridge.

The main offensive targets of the Soviet army are the "No. 1" and "No. 2" bridges. The reason is that the second tank battalion has crossed the Tver River from the upper reaches along the road, and the "No. 3" bridge has already crossed the Tver River along the road. Surrounded by the natural surroundings, it is self-defeating.

  The situation at this time is that the first battalion is responsible for attacking the "No. 1" bridge on the east bank of the Tversa River, and the second battalion is responsible for attacking the "No. 2" bridge on the west bank of the Tversa River.

Perhaps because of nervousness, Larinovich began to spout some meaningless words: "If it is daytime, you can see black water in the Volga River. Don't think it is a factory The sewage that flows out is because the leaves of the upstream forest form a large amount of black, humus-rich soil, so the river water has also become this color!"

   "Maybe it'll be red soon..." said the veteran.

   "Comrade Matvey!" the instructor interrupted the veteran: "Maybe you can say something else!"

   "Yes, comrade instructor!"

   Then there was a silence.

  The distance from the bridgehead is getting closer and closer.

   Then there was only a "whoosh" sound, and a flare went up into the air. Before the others got used to the bright light of the flare, the sound of dense machine guns rang out, and mortar shells exploded nearby.

   "Enemy!" Shulka shouted: "Flare!"

The tank stopped, and several flares went up into the sky to illuminate the enemy's bridgehead position in front... The German army occupied a three-story and two-story building on both sides of the bridgehead, and then built several trenches in the middle to connect them. Together they build a line of defense.

  Of course, barbed wire and barricades are unavoidable in front of the defense line.

   "See that building?" Shulka shouted to the soldiers behind the tank: "Blow up the firepower above!"

   "Yes, Comrade Second Lieutenant!" The follower replied, and immediately reported the information to the tank crew by phone: "At ten o'clock, one hundred meters on the second floor, the machine gun fort!"

  This is the benefit of the tank phone. If you want the tank to attack which target, you only need to tell the following infantry, and the rest is a question of whether the tank gunner can hit accurately.

  The accuracy of the T34’s 76.2MM caliber artillery is actually not high. Like other Soviet equipment, it is rough but safe. However, the T34’s hit rate in actual combat is quite high, especially at the beginning of the war.

   This has something to do with tank defense.

  More precisely, it is the psychology of tank crews... Soviet tank crews also know that the enemy does not have any anti-tank equipment that can threaten them beyond the 100-meter safety line, so naturally, they can aim with confidence in the tank.

   As for the German tanks, you have to worry about whether there are enemy anti-tank guns in the dark at any time, or whether there are anti-tank rifles on the side, etc.

  Psychological pressure is different, and the results are of course different.

  As it is now, T34 adjusted its gun barrel leisurely, and even made a callback once during the process, like a drunk person walking staggeringly on the road.

   Shulka couldn't help scolding, this Fedosiev must have drunk too much again.

In fact, Shulka was not wrong, Fedosiev did not drink too much, he just took a couple of sips before aiming and stuffed the jug into his pocket...Tank soldiers usually use jugs to save their rations, and then put these The wine is served in a flat flagon that can be carried in your pocket.

This is because the space inside the tank is narrow, and the wine bottle is fragile... Glass wine bottles are very dangerous in the tank compartment. When the tank is opened, especially when it is crossing a trench or rolling over a high place, it basically goes straight up and down. The wine bottle is very dangerous. There is a chance that it will come down with a "bang" from the other end.

  If someone gets hurt, it’s a trivial matter, but if the wine is spilled like this, it will definitely hurt for a long time.

Then, just listening to the sound of "boom", a shell shot into the window of the enemy's machine gun very accurately... The shell exploded into the room, and the shock wave spread from the inside to the outside, and several German machine gunners were connected through the window. The bricks and tiles were blown out together with the broken wood.

   Then the tank turned around again, and fired another shell at the crowded part of the building. This time the shell hit the top of the floor, half of the fragile roof collapsed in an instant, and the whole building was covered in a burst of smoke.

  Shuerka waved his hand and rushed forward with his subordinates.

   On the battlefield, it is not necessary to follow the tank at all times. For example, now, the tank can only clear the firepower that can be seen from the outside, and it cannot do anything to the enemy hiding inside.

   At this time, it is very dangerous for the tank to move forward. If there are several anti-tank guns hidden in the dark... then the tank will be tragic when it goes forward.

  If at other times, it is definitely necessary to use equipment to replace players.

  The problem is that the Soviet army is in short supply of equipment at this time, especially the T34. In this case, it is necessary to use people to replace the equipment.

  In fact, this cannot be said to be a replacement of equipment.

  Because the purpose of replacing equipment with people is to save more people with equipment.

  (end of this chapter)

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