USSR 1941

Chapter 261: morale

  Chapter 261 Morale

   Shulka complained to the soldiers of the 251st Division while following the tanks. Their so-called "coordinated attack" was purely to cause trouble for the Fourth Tank Brigade.

  For example, now, in order to save the tanks of the officers and men of the Ministry of the Interior, they have to advance to within the 100-meter line and risk being destroyed by German anti-tank guns.

   Fortunately, the German army had lost the will to resist at this time, and they dropped their equipment and fled in batches. The Soviet army quickly occupied the defense line.

   "Go ahead!" Major Gavrilov ordered loudly, and the troops continued to attack the German positions in depth.

  The German army can be said to have been defeated like a mountain, especially since the German army organized offense instead of defense from front to back. Even the German army organized Soviet civilians to build roads because of logistical convenience or the easier passage of armored and mechanized troops.

  This allowed the fourth tank brigade to advance very smoothly, but it advanced ten kilometers in two hours, which also eliminated two German artillery battalions and a logistics transport team by the way.

  The news quickly reached the German Fourth Army Command.

   "Your Excellency the Marshal!" The staff officer reported to Kruger: "We have discovered the fourth tank brigade..."

"They attacked?" Kruger, who was drinking hot coffee and looking at the snowflakes in the darkness outside the window, turned back excitedly, put the coffee cup on the table, and said, "They finally got fooled! They attacked Where are you? Order the 106th Infantry Division to prepare for battle!"

   "No, Your Excellency the Marshal!" The staff officer's face was a little ugly: "They are not attacking from the direction of Volokolamsk, but from Klin!"

   "Kling? You mean they attack from Kling?"

   "Yes, Your Excellency the Marshal!"

   "The Fourth Tank Brigade? Are you sure it's the Fourth Tank Brigade?"

   "They are not sure, but the tanks they saw were all T34s, at least dozens of them, attacking along the road and the railway at the same time!" The staff officer replied: "The target is Tver!"

   Kruger couldn't help but turn pale.

   There is no doubt that it is the 4th Tank Brigade, and there is no other army that can have dozens of T34s.

   That is to say... those nasty Russians tricked him into thinking that the 4th Tank Brigade was in Volokolamsk.

   After being stunned for a while, Krugten stood up and walked to the map. After looking at the map for a while, he ordered: "Order the 5th Engineer Battalion, immediately reinforce Tver!"

   "Yes, Your Excellency the Marshal!" The staff officer responded and conveyed the order.

   On the other hand, Major General Rokossovsky also contacted the 32nd Army at this time.

The reason why I did not contact the 32nd Army until this time was mainly for the sake of confidentiality... The 4th Tank Brigade attacked from the direction of Klin was unexpected. Once the news leaked, not only the 32nd Army could not be rescued, but the 4th Tank Brigade might fall into a trap .

   At this time, the telephone line with the 32nd Army had been cut off, and Major General Rokossovsky could only order through the radio: "Get ready to attack Tver, Comrade Anufrievich!"

"What? Attack Tver?" Major General Anufrievich, who was surrounded by the German army, couldn't help being furious after receiving the telegram. Regardless of the presence of other people, he cursed: "These bastards, they only sit in the office Send some inexplicable orders, why don't they come here to take a look?!"

As he spoke, Major General Anufrievich called back in an unceremonious tone: "Sorry, Comrade Rokossovsky, I cannot carry out your order! Because we are surrounded by twice as many enemies, we are Work hard to break through!"

   When Major General Rokossovsky called back, Major General Anufrievich realized that the commander of the army was wrong.

"Attacking Tver is a breakout!" Major General Rokossovsky explained in the telegram: "The 4th Tank Brigade is advancing from Klin to Tver, and it is estimated to arrive in two hours. You attack at the same time and occupy Tver from both sides. After that, you have successfully broken through!"

   "Klin... They actually attacked from the direction of Klin?" Major General Anufrievich couldn't help being stunned.

   Colonel Katukov, who was commanding the tank troops on the front line, couldn't help laughing when he heard the news, and his tense face gradually relaxed.

   "Comrade Commissar!" Colonel Katukov raised the phone in his hand, and said to Commissar Fumin not far away: "Do you know? It's Shulka! The 'Breakout Hero' is here to rescue us!"

  There was a burst of cheers from the headquarters in an instant. They didn't even know the battle plan at all, let alone where the reinforcements had arrived and how the situation was.

  Shuerka, who was still marching along the railway, certainly didn't expect that he would have such popularity, and even just showing his name could boost the morale of the troops.

  He and his subordinates were heading towards Tver in a car.

  After the German defense line was breached, there was no German army for a long distance. Sometimes even if there was German defense, it was temporarily organized.

   Shulka even believed that these German troops were organized spontaneously, because they didn't even have a radio... No radio means they couldn't communicate with their superiors, and of course the superiors couldn't give them orders.

  They are logistics troops and SS special operations teams scattered in the villages along the way.

  As I said before, the SS special operations team followed the Wehrmacht and was responsible for maintaining order and hunting guerrillas... Because the target was guerrillas, they had to be dispersed.

   But because of this, most of them only have light equipment.

   Of course guerrillas cannot have tanks.

   If there is any heavy equipment, it is the mortar.

  The real threat to the Soviet army is the anti-tank grenade called "parachute" by the Soviet army... This kind of grenade that will open a small umbrella at the end after throwing can blow through 150MM armor. Of course, it is no problem to deal with T34.

  The Germans would hide in a row next to the railway, and prepare one such grenade in each hand, and throw the grenade together when a tank passed by below.

   Two T34s of the Soviet Army were blown up in this way.

   It should be said that these German soldiers are brave, because their approach can almost be said to be a suicidal action.

  The Soviet army quickly fired at their hiding place with machine guns, and then divided into several teams to outflank them and beat them all to death in the jungle.

  From this perspective, German soldiers and Soviet soldiers also have similarities. They also have examples of desperate battles with the enemy regardless of their own safety, and there are not a few of them.

   It's just that some people prefer to render these battle cases as heroic, while similar battle cases of the Soviet army are said to be crazy and disrespectful to life.

   Shulka knows that it doesn't really make much difference, because it's all about winning.

  (end of this chapter)

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