Transmigration: The Fate of the Villainess

Chapter 175 - 175 Benwang has done it before Part II

175 Benwang has done it before Part II

Bai Yu could not believe she would be able to have this day, the day she married Ouyang Feilong.

Throughout their ceremony of saluting heaven, Bai Yu felt as if her heart was floating amidst a dream. She could not remember what anyone said to her at all. She knew only the warmth of the body next to her. Ouyang Feilong made it possible for her to see that today was possible, the day she grasped the right red string. From today onward, fate would change forever.


In every world…

And every life…


Bai Yu was sitting alone on the bed. Ouyang Feilong was still outside, greeting the guests as tradition dictated. As for her, tradition directed her to be here, sitting still and waiting for the auspicious time to consummate their marriage.

The experienced villainess squeezed her hands together tightly. Her palms were wet with sweat. Bai Yu tried to wipe them on her red robes, but no matter how many times she tried, the sweat never seemed to cease.

It’s just a nuptial chamber… What’s there to be so nervous about?! No, she was not nervous… She was only so hot that it felt like she was drowning in sweat!


The weather might be cold, but she had never worn a wedding dress of this era before, so she was not used to it at all! There were these phoenix accessories and a veil, too. These must be what made her feel so hot!

Bai Yu had three days to prepare for her marriage to Ouyang Feilong. With the abruptness of their marriage, she had to prepare various things according to the tradition she was not used to. Everything was so complicated and difficult that she did not have a chance to meet Ouyang Feilong and ask him about the emperor and Yue Nan. She was sure that he could answer her questions. He was frighteningly calm. There was sorrow in those golden eyes, but at the same time, there was also something else hiding beneath.

Today, she was woken up before dawn to get dressed, without much of an opportunity to eat. The ceremony required more energy than other wedding ceremonies since her husband was a member of royalty. When finally, it was time for the bride and groom to be together, drowsiness had already taken over and washed away the nervousness Bai Yu had felt while waiting for Ouyang Feilong at first.

The soft sound of a door opening was heard. It was two royal maids leading a man inside.

“May Wangye and Wang Fei have a lifelong marriage, blessed with a home full of offspring.” It was the two maids uttering a blessing, followed by the sound of a door closing.

There were only Bai Yu and Ouyang Feilong left in the room. Bai Yu rapidly blinked to drive away from her sleepiness. She straightened her back, waiting for the other person to proceed to the next step in the ceremony.

Though it was preceded by the maids’ words, she had temporarily forgotten that after that it would be Ouyang Feilong lifting her wedding veil. The result was her devastating beauty being exposed to her husband while she was still blinking to wake herself up, not realizing that her face was now without a veil.


Ouyang Feilong amusedly laughed in his throat. It was fortunate that the maids had left; otherwise, his consort, who was the famous number one beauty, would be embarrassed by her own sleepiness.

“Ugly woman.”

Slap! Bai Yu fully regained her wit as soon as she heard his teasing. She immediately hit her hand on his arm, already forgetting how nervous she was before while mulling over how she should act with the person who had freshly become her husband.

“Wangye can come back again tomorrow,” she blurted out a sarcastic reply without a trace of shyness. A moment ago, she was so sleepy that she could hardly wait for him.

“So you were that eager to share the bedchamber with benwang?”

She raised her hand again, intending to hit the person who misinterpreted her words but was captured by him. Bai Yu glared at the golden eyes that were gazing at her in amusement through the dragon mask that had been worn since the start of the ceremony.

Ouyang Feilong tightened his hold on Bai Yu’s smaller hand before bringing it to his mask. Two pairs of eyes met in silence. Then, Bai Yu moved her hand to gently take off his mask.

“The mask is needed today because benwang wants you to be the only one to take it off.” The sudden sweet words made the heat crawl up Bai Yu’s face once more. She pressed her lips tightly together, not uttering a word in reply. It seemed the other person wanted to speak until her face heated up to the point of burning.

“From now on, no matter what mask benwang wears…” Golden eyes cast downward to look at the mask in her hand before glancing up to meet her eyes with a smile. “…Remember that you’re the only one who has the right to take it off. Remember, this face is yours and yours alone.”

No one said a word more. Bai Yu looked down to escape from his sharp gaze that wanted to convey the meaning of his words. Both of them knew that from tomorrow on, they might not be the commander-general and the first miss of the Bai family anymore. And they might not be Rui Wang and Rui Wang Fei forever. It could have been something more…a greater title, that came with a heavier burden.

After tonight, the first thing Bai Yu and Ouyang Feilong would have to face was not the war nor the court officials. It was about the consorts and concubines in Rui Wang Palace. These first words on their wedding night were not typically sweet, honeyed words, but an oath that would envelop the fragile hearts. Now that they had chosen…they must protect each other to the bitter end.

Bai Yu smiled, then lifted her face to gaze back at the man who did not look away from her for a fractured moment. “It’s heavy, Your Highness.”

“Heh.” Ouyang Feilong let out a chuckle. He was unsure whether it was because of amusement or relief from the strength and resolve in her gaze that assured him of her firm footing next to him. He did not wait any longer for her to complain one word more. He had been in this world for so long, how could he not understand what she meant by ‘heavy’? His hands quickly and carefully took off the various accessories in her hair.

“Wangye’s hands are quite nimble.”

“Benwang has done this before.”

Bai Yu could not help but smile at the image in her memory of the headpieces falling onto the ground amidst the cold wind of the royal palace on that banquet night. It was him who had liberated her from her past and enabled her to become who she was today. Who would have thought that it would be him who removed the decorations from her hair once again? However, this time was different… Finally, there was nothing left to pin in her hair anymore.


It was as if her consciousness was slowly fading at the realization that they were in the middle of the ceremony on their wedding night, not one of their usual conversations. Right now, their every action was everything that was expected of a husband and a wife on their first night.

And that was…drinking the auspicious wine.

Bai Yu should have been the one to pour wine for her husband, but at one glance at her lowered face that had the color red crawling up to her ears, Ouyang Feilong gladly arranged everything by himself with a smile.

The prepared wine was handed to her. Bai Yu took it and drank the whole cup in one go. The heat that flowed throughout her body finally snapped her back to full alertness. She closed her eyes at the frustration she felt at herself. What are you being this demure for?!

“Is there anything left to do, Your Highness?”

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