Transmigrated as a Ghost

735 Chapter 735

735  Chapter 735 Together for One Big Battle

With Marcus' promoting, both Roxene and Mrazivý turned towards the large set of foreboding doors that would bring them to the final challenge of this floor which they would all need to face together.

"So, what do you think we will be in for?" Mrazivý asked.

"Who knows. This dungeon has a sick sense of humor from what I can tell. For all we know it might force us to fight a monster while we have to be stacked on top of each other." Marcus said with a shrug.

At first Mrazivý want to tell him to be a little more serious, but she did remember them reading about the crazy challenges that could occur in the Great Gome Woods Dungeon and what they had already been through in this one.

'I highly doubt that it will be something that convoluted. This is not some random dungeon but a special one. Its purpose is to make us stronger even if we are pushed to the brink. It is not going to force us do anything unreasonable just for the sake of it.' Roxene said, having a better understanding of this place than anyone else.

"Yeah, I guess you are right. Then I would say it is likely whatever we have to do will correspond to what we learned on each of our paths to see how well we can work together." Marcus said, giving his best conjecture.

Still, they could theorize all they wanted but at the end of the day they would not know what was going to happen until they got started. And to that end they pushed open the doors and entered.

As soon as all three of them had stepped into the new room which was a large pentagon shaped room a glowing circle appeared in the middle.

'I figured it would be something like this.' Marcus thought with a grimace.

Appearing from the circle was a giant adamantine statue with six arms.

In each of its sets of arms it wielded a different set of weapons. With the top two holding spears, the middle two holding large war hammers, and the bottom holding staffs like a mage would use.

The creature gave off an incredibly formidable presence and a thick black aura was emanating from it.

In the center of its chest and head were two separate pulsating dark purple cores that each seemed to contain a great deal of power in them.

"Mraz, can you get a read on it?" Marcus asked when his appraisal skill was blocked.

However, despite her dragon eyes being able to pierce through and appraise most things, she only shook her head.

Even her power could not tell them anything about the enemy in front of them and they would have to rely on their senses to gage its power and learn its abilities while fighting.

'Since we cannot get anything on it, we need to be cautious. I will take the vanguard as I can recover from hits easier and am immune to more status effects than either of you. Just try to skirt around it and do what you can from afar while we figure out what it can do.' Marcus relayed to Mrazivý and Roxene with telepathy.

Nodding their heads, they both accepted Marcus' orders, already being more than used to him taking command.

Jumping into battle Marcus pulled out his scythe and shield and charged towards their enemy.

As he did it finally seemed to react to their presence like it was waiting for them to make the first move.

Both of its top arms holding the spears lunged out at him unbelievable quickly, and if his held had not moved in front of him to guard on its own he surely would have been hit.


Taking the swiftly blow, Marcus was surprised by how heavy it was and was pushed back.

He had thought about going ethereal at first, but he already knew this dungeon was ready for all his tricks, and when he received this attack, he was certain it would have run him through ghost or not.

Marcus though did not have practically any time to analyze this opening move, as the statue initiated its next attack, or more precisely had already sent out its second one at the same time as the first.

Its arms holding the hammers had seemed to elongate and were closing in on him from both sides. Like the statue had calculated in advance how far he would be pushed back.

Thankfully before it hit him and squashed him like a bug, an egg made of ice formed around him.

Mrazivý in her support role had used her tier six ice magic spell frost dragon's egg to protect him.

Yet even this powerful defensive spell only lasted a second before cracking under the power behind this adamantine statue's hammers which continued on their way to crushing Marcus.


In response Marcus using the time Mrazivý had bought him readjusted his scythe and positioned it to catch both hammers.

For any normal pole arm, they would have snapped immediately under this strain, but Marcus' scythe was a top tier amethros adamantine hybrid that was reinforced with the bones of a high-level mythic grade magic beast. It was not going to break easily even under the pressure of a power dungeon monster.

A bright light then burst past Marcus, as Roxene fired off a quasar blast spell to take advantage of the statue's attention being on Marcus.

Unfortunately, this attack while fast and powerful did not catch the statue off guard.

To counter it raised one of its staffs and a barrier formed in front of it and not only blocked the tier six spell but reflected it towards Marcus.

His eyes went wide as the familiar spell he used himself came barreling towards him and he had little recourse to do anything about it as he was struggling to not be crushed.

In a flash he was completely engulfed by the spell that had been deflected, and the statue pulled back as a huge explosion rocked the area.

Normally watching this happen one's allies would have been panicking at their comrade that had just been blown up by their own attack. But Roxene and Mrazivý remained calm and eyed their enemy without worry for Marcus.

'Whew, good thing we learned it could do that with a light magic spell. Had it been Mrazivý's ice magic instead I might have been in a little trouble.' Marcus thought as he appeared unscathed.

To his fortune his race ability ruler of light made him immune to any light-based attack other than those from another ruler. Which included Roxene no matter how powerful she was.

And his time fighting up front had not been for naught as he had learned a few things.

'I would say that its power of its hammers is about the same as that demon we all fought together, and its spears are as fast, if not a bit faster than your light speed slash Mraz. Also, what it used to deflect magic was not just normal magic but a trap it had already set up in advance. I can tell that it has been littering them all around it and is constantly making more.'


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