Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting

Chapter 13

Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting Inventory 13


The shop door was open, but there was no one inside the shop.

Has the owner gone out to run an errand after closing up the shop?

Min Hyuk slowly looked around the store.

It wasn’t very spacious, but colorful objects filled the shop to the brim.

And it was very clean.

Normally, if there were a lot of items, there would be a lot of dust on them.

However, everything gleamed as if it had just been polished.

The floor, walls, and furniture were also spotlessly clean, without a speck of dust.

He felt good walking into a clean store.

‘The atmosphere here is so nice.’

There was a shelf displaying potions in the corner of the store.

The colorful potions in glass bottles sparkled in the sunlight streaming in through the window.

Red, green, pink, yellow.

There were potions he had never seen before.

<Purple Intermediate Strengthening Potion>

– A strengthening potion made by mixing herbs and mineral ingredients.

– When consumed, it enhances concentration, thereby improving crafting ability.

It was a potion that increased concentration when making something.

It wasn’t an effect that Min Hyuk needed right now.

‘Are these all the potions here?’

He lifted his head and looked at the built-in shelf.

On the highest part of the shelf was a red potion.

<Red Superior Recovery Potion>

– A healing potion made by mixing herbs and animal ingredients.

– When consumed, it recovers all abnormal conditions caused by external injuries.

The superior potion that Min Hyuk was planning to sell was placed alone on the highest position of the shelf.

It was tilted at an angle with a wooden support, as if it might fall over.

When you go to the liquor section of a large mart, the most expensive liquor in the store is usually displayed in this way.

“Oh my! We have a customer.”

A woman appeared as the side door next to the shelf opened.

She had a small stature, large eyes, and a youthful face.

And she was wearing a very luxurious dress.

The woman looked at Min Hyuk and exclaimed with her mouth open.

“Wow! You’re in really good shape! Are you a soldier? Or a martial artist?”

She came up close and tried to touch Min Hyuk’s bicep without permission.

“What are you doing?”

“Oh my, I didn’t mean to… I’m sorry.”

She apologized with her mouth, but her eyes were twinkling with playful laughter.

Her actions were completely different from her youthful face.

“But what brings you to our store? Are you looking for something?”

At her question, Min Hyuk pointed to the top of the shelf.

“How much is that one?”

“You want to buy the Superior Red Potion? It’s 10,000 crowns per bottle.”

10,000 crowns was one gold coin.

A bottle of potion for one gold coin,

An egg for a potion, so an egg was one gold coin.

A crate of eggs was 30 gold coins, which in Korean won would be…

‘150 million won!’

You could make over 100 million won from selling a crate of eggs.

That was a much better return than stocks or cryptocurrency.

Of course, the price that consumers paid for potions in this store would be different from the wholesale price.

I’d have to haggle, but even if they offered me half the consumer price as a huge discount, I could still make 75 million won from a crate of eggs.

‘My struggles are finally over!’

My past flashed before my eyes.

The years I’d struggled to pay off my father’s hospital bills.

The thought of being freed from the financial worries that had weighed me down for so long filled me with joy.

But Minhyuk kept a poker face.

He planned to start haggling over the wholesale price right away.

“Are you the owner of this store?”

“Yes, I’m Luna, the owner of Luna’s Alchemy Shop!”

“Actually, I’m not here to buy a potion. I’m here to sell.”

“What kind of potion do you want to sell?”

“The same as that one. The Superior Red Potion.”

The woman’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Really? You have a Superior Potion? Where did you get it? Did you make it yourself? That would be amazing!”

Minhyuk smiled to himself.

If her reaction was this good, he might be able to get 80% of the consumer price for the wholesale price.

If he played his cards right, maybe even 90%.

“How much can you offer me per bottle?”

“You have more than one bottle? Did you really make these yourself?”

“I can’t reveal my trade secrets before we even start negotiating. First, tell me what price you’re willing to offer.”

Minhyuk dove into the negotiation without hesitation.

They say that when you have a good product, the salesperson gets excited. I guess that’s how it feels.


The woman’s response was completely different from what Minhyuk had expected.

“I won’t buy it.”


“I won’t buy a single bottle.”

“Why not…”

“I don’t need it, so I won’t buy it.”

She wasn’t just offering a low price, she didn’t want to buy it at all.

At first, I thought she was just trying to drive up the price by pretending to be tough.

But that wasn’t the case.

“There’s no demand at all. There’s no reason to buy something I can’t even sell if I stock it.”

Minhyuk pointed to the top of the display case and asked,

“Then why do you have that on display? If you can’t even sell it?”

“My mother happened to get a single bottle of that ten years ago and put it on display. She said it would increase the prestige of the store. I inherited the store three years ago. I just want to sell that thing, but no one’s bought it in three years. I can’t just sell it for dirt cheap either…”

In a word, it was just for decoration.

Since no one had come looking for it in three years, it was pretty much the same as having no demand at all.

“It’s not just that one. It’s the same with the other potions. No one’s looking for them these days.”

Apparently, in the past, there were quite a few wanderers and hunters who roamed outside the territory of the House.

So there was some demand for potions.

But now, no one wants to go outside the territory of the House.

Since there’s no hunting or fighting, naturally, there’s less demand for potions.

“A while ago, there was an opportunity to sell potions. The kingdom organized an expedition.”

When the princess organized an expedition, she bought a significant amount of potions from the alchemy stores in the citadel.

“I made a good profit selling potions back then. But I still couldn’t sell that one.”

At the time, Luna tried to deliver the red superior potion to the military along with the other potions, but since she only had one bottle, it was excluded from the military supply list, which only handled bulk orders.

“After the expedition ended, the other potions didn’t sell well either. The stock of potions I made a lot of back then is just piling up.”

The conversation had been long, but it was simple to summarize.

The red superior potion was an incredibly precious item that not just anyone could make, but it couldn’t be converted into cash.

No matter how good an item was, it was useless if there was no demand for it.

Luna stared at the potion bottles and muttered to herself,

“If the kingdom organizes another expedition, maybe the potions will sell again.”




Minhyuk left Luna’s shop and walked around the citadel, stopping by a few more alchemy shops.

But it was the same at every shop.

There was no one who wanted to buy a superior potion.

But he couldn’t just hand it over for an absurd price either.


He had thought selling potions would be too easy.

He should have kept supply and demand in mind for any business…

He felt pathetic for having hastily dreamt rosy dreams.

But he wasn’t discouraged.

There were plenty of ways to make money.

For now, he had a way to use the pink intermediate potion.

That potion was a luxury perfume.

He could use the red superior potion to barter or buy the pink intermediate potion in bulk.

And then he could turn that into a luxury perfume and sell it through an online secondhand market.

There’s a lot of work involved and the profit is low, but I could still make money.

There was another way.

The silver coins were USB sticks.

I could buy a bunch of USB sticks with the 5 million won I got from changing the gold coins.

If I put those USB sticks in the refrigerator, I could get silver coins.

And then I could change the silver coins into gold coins.

100 silver coins equaled 1 gold coin.

The important thing here is that the price of each USB stick has to be less than 50,000 won in order to make a profit.

‘But how much do USB sticks cost these days?’

Obviously, the bigger the capacity, the more expensive they are, and the smaller the capacity, the cheaper they are.

As far as I know, some are less than 10,000 won, and some are over 100,000 won.



With a flash of light, I was back in my studio room.

I opened the refrigerator door and took out the USB stick to check it.

I searched the internet for the price of the same capacity.

The lowest price was a little over 50,000 won.

At this rate, I wouldn’t make a profit; I’d actually lose money.

‘Is it possible that any USB stick will turn into a silver coin, regardless of capacity?’

I opened the drawer.

There were two cheap, low-capacity USB sticks rolling around in the drawer.

I put them both in the refrigerator.



With a flash of light, I was back in the Goblin Square.

I checked the refrigerator first.

On the top shelf, I had put a 16-gigabyte USB stick.

<Wild Goat’s Fur>

-Material for making winter clothes.

-The downside is that it has a strong odor.

I almost threw away the smelly fur, but I held back.

It’s a USB stick when I get back to the real world.

I continued to check the other USBs.

On the bottom shelf, I had put an 8-gigabyte one.

<Iron Ore Lump>

-Can be smelted to make iron ingots.

As expected, it had turned into something strange instead of a silver coin.

At this rate, it would be difficult to make a lot of money using USB sticks.

But there was another way.

Fairy tales were candy canes.

So I bought a ton of candy canes…

‘What am I doing?’

I’m going through the pain of being bitten by a venomous snake to earn my return time while hunting.

And with the little money I have left from that bloody time, I’m thinking of buying candy canes.

‘Get a grip!’

As expected, the best way to make big money is to sell potions.

‘If there’s no demand, create some.’




Earning gold was important, but so was learning swordsmanship.

As planned, Minhyuk visited General Drake’s mansion in the afternoon.

He showed the pass the general had given him to a soldier patrolling the castle, and he was immediately escorted to the mansion.

The general’s mansion was enormous.

However, it was not as lavishly decorated as the royal palace.

There were spacious training grounds for martial arts practice all over the mansion.

“Please wait a moment. The general will be here shortly.”

Minhyuk waited for the general while drinking the tea the guide had given him.

Then he started thinking about how to make money again.

If a large-scale expeditionary force were to be organized in Asdel, there would be a market for high-level potions.

It was the same principle as the demand for military supplies increasing when a war broke out.

“Here you are again.”

He heard a woman’s voice.

From Noble mtl dot com

He turned around and saw the princess.

“I was waiting for the general…”

“I asked the general. If he came, he would contact me.”

“Why do you want to see me?”

“I’ll be straightforward. Please help me.”

The princess kept asking Minhyuk for help whenever she saw him.

“What do you want me to do this time?”

Words came out of her mouth that Minhyuk couldn’t ignore.

“I’m going to organize an expeditionary force. One that’s dozens of times larger than last time. Please help me by becoming the backbone of the expeditionary force!”

To be in charge of such a large expeditionary force,

The smell of money wafted in the air.

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