The Villainess and I, her Zombie

Chapter 494 - Durians Mansion (part 18) - Inside The Barrier (part 2)

Chapter 494 - Durian's Mansion (part 18) - Inside The Barrier (part 2)

The torrent of crimson threads erupted from the pommel of the bastard sword in the blue undead's hand and enveloped him like a cocoon.

"Master, you are kidding, right? You are joking, right? You are not being serious, right?!"

the weapon flashed white and turned into a short girl with a terrifying expression dressed in the most fancy dress that was completely out of place– the threads turned out to be her hair – and she actually lift her master up with them, pulling him closer as she leaned him in.

"That other sword isn't even that good! It's that guy's skill! Master, you are being deceived by the flashy lights!"

Kopia cried out and covered Zombie's eyes with her hands like a little girl who didn't want her father to look at her unfinished drawing.

"Oh? Really? Then you will be able to eat that sword but leave the guy alive so that he will be able to prove with another weapon that these cool flames and all are his skills and not the sword?"

Zombie smirked and asked innocently.

"Ah! Of course, I could! Wait here and you'll see!"

The crimson-haired Kopia nodded her head vigorously and her hair moved, putting the blue undead to the side, in a prime position to watch.

"I would love to see you do that, but I have a promise to keep. I'll be right back – just remember – do not harm that man."

But instead of just patiently staying there and observing her, the blue undead waved his hand with a smile and moved to the corpses laying on the side as his jaws and throat started glowing orange.


The humanoid sword gasped, looking at her owner's back.




"Actually – do not kill anyone without me – okay? I'll clean up here a bit and I'm gone to do the business."

The blue undead began devouring the bodies of the high-level player with record speed and casually waved at his sword to not pay him any mind.

"What do you think you're doing?!"


The ignored armored man, Persimmon Kabuto, shouted angrily, seeing the blue undead desecrating the corpses of his former comrades, and unleashed a series of three consecutive purple wind slashes that all flew straight at the reckless undead...



But three crescents got annihilated with a single move - a light brush of hand of the crimson-haired sentient blade.

"I would like you to just give me that sword and then find yourself another so my master can see that it's not your piece of junk that is special."

Kopia furrowed her brows and raised her left hand – her fingers elongated into dagger blades, and even more, blades were sticking out of her knuckles, hand, and even forearm and elbow.

"I could have killed you already, so could you show some decency and just go along with my request?"

She added moving her balded arm with a rather sinister sound while the blue undead behind her was finishing corpse after corpse making rather unrefined sounds of the gluttonous feast.

"...Young Luke, young Mia, take this young lady away from here – preferably to where I put the others and do not disturb us – it looks like this opponent will require a special treatment..."

Persimmon made a rather strange call considering his previous words, but as a person who trusted his danger detection skill over anything else, he must have had his reasons.

"...I take it as a no..."

Kopia never learned how to negotiate with others, so she did not attempt talking with the armored man after her initial proposition was disregarded.

Instead, she reached her right hand to the side and as she spread her fingers apart – the myriad of blades began protruding from her skin, similarly, her crimson hair waved and spread into separated thread, shone with white light, and each thread turned into a different blade – some of them metal, some crystal, and some gold.


She roared and disappeared only to reappear right in front of Persimmon while swinging down every edge that she had...!


The earth shook as when the armored man stood a mere moment ago, a huge crater appeared.

"Ugh...! Stop dodging! It's already hard enough to restrain myself to not kill you outright – if you will move around so fast I might hit you by accident!"

Kopia straightened her back and complained at the airborne man – who dodged her initial attack by the skin of his teeth and bounced back like a scared doe.

"Just give me the sword!"

She scoffed, stomping her foot as the armored man landed safely a fair bit of distance away from her.

"Odd creature – I do not know what you might be, but the warrior's weapon is as important as their life – although you might have been right in telling your master that this blade is nothing special alone, I will not relinquish it as it was and still is my cherished companion through the years!"

The armored man said, lowering himself on his feet, taking a rather odd but somewhat threatening stance, and the purple flames erupted around him -wild and ferocious as if they wanted to swallow the heaven itself.

"Hmmmm... that's why master didn't want me to kill you – you know how to treat an equipment just as he does!"

The crimson-haired balded creature nodded her hair and with a flash of white turned back into a crimson-haired girl in a fancy dress.

Now, only her left hand was looking different than human – her left hand has elongated into a semi-translucent pale-blue blade that reached all the way to the ground.

Kopia raised her hand up, looking as if she was taking a firmer stance – even though no one had ever given her any propper lessons about anything.

"Oh – I know how to deal with your sword without killing you! I will not attack, and only defend! Come, you attack me!"

Suddenly she flinched and her serious expression broke down as she brightened up, coming up with some idea, and beckoned Persimmon with her right hand.

"...since you revealed your plan, why would you expect me to fall for it...?"

The armored man raised his brow underneath his mask, not moving even a fraction of an inch.

"Eh? I thought you want to fight master? See? If you don't fight me – you will never get to him!"

The crimson-haired girl smiled cutely and declared, closing her eyes.


At that exact moment, Persimmon launched himself forward with his sword raised – he wasn't aiming at the smiling sentient sword who has already proved that she can deal with his skill no problem – he was aiming at the blue undead behind her!


Concentrating all of his power into the perfectly performed skill, the armored man unleashed a purple wind-blade in the shape of a crescent moon, which size easily dwarfed that of the horse-drawn carriage.


"Buuu! I don't like those tricks – just fight me and destroy your sword!"


And yet his attack was easily intercepted by the crimson-haired girl who simply appeared in front of him and cut through his skill as if it was butter.


Kopia raised her hands – one human one and one which was turned into a blade and let out a rather adorable growl right in the face of Persimmon- who reacted just as he was taught to do in a situation when his enemy is right by him – he hurriedly stepped back while striking with his sword...



The single-edged sword sung but got instantly parried...


"AHAHAHA! We're stuck in a loop~!"

No matter where the armored man tried to move – the crimson-haired girl followed and their blades raised sparkles when they clashed with terrifying efficiency.




The blue undead finished with all the corpses and let out a small sound, looking back at his sentient sword playing around with the eastern-looking warrior – before he got up and walked into the mansion.

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