The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 521: On Your Left!

Chapter 521: On Your Left!

He turned to dust in front of me! What the heck is this?! What am I supposed to do now? I crouch and I send as much divine energy as to try and heal itbut it's too late. I can't help but think about how my life experiences are useless right now. CPR ain't gonna save him 

Still, this is weird. How did that even happen? He used magic to defeat the enemies and then he died from over-exhaustion? That makes no sense. We just did a deal. I can't save him from thatThink. Think. Wait, what if this horse isn't truly dead? 

I grab a gourd on one of the fainted men that came with my savior. Then I carefully grab the ashes and chuck them in. This way I'll be able to bring them with me. This may be a stretch, but what if this horse has phoenix powers? What if it will revive from its ashes after a while? 

Why am I thinking something so crazy? Phoenixes have phases where they suddenly burst into flame and turn into ashes. What if, for him, it was burst into a dark fog and then do the same? Ah, I don't know. Still, I believe. He had no reason whatsoever to commit true suicide. 

Now, what should I do with these sleeping guys? They seem to be having nightmares. I slowly approach them and use divine energy to soothe them until they become as calm as pond water. This should do the trick. 

Even then, they remain fast asleep. I'm guessing they fainted because of the mental trauma of seeing that cool magic at such close range. Their brain probably needs time to process what just happened. 

Oh well, that should be enough. Not just because they didn't help me. I do realize that they clearly lacked the power to intervene. But them coming with me wouldn't be that useful. Perhaps they can just join a random village and disappear. They won't be conspicuous without the skeletal horse. 

It is time for me to depart. Since I'm in the same exact spot we were in, I roughly know the direction to take to reach the Water sect. This is perfect. Hopefully, my friend is fine. I start running. It's weird, but I don't see any trace of the enemies at all. 

It's like they disappeared magically. Still, I'm aware that most of their forces are intact. I'd say the Sons of steel have suffered the most casualties and the slavers have lost their leader. Other than that, the other 2 are mostly intact. 

For all I know, they remembered that they were all enemies and decided to start fighting somewhere else. Still, it feels weird. What was the purpose of that even? Perhaps some gods up there had a fight and decided to use their followers as pawns to settle it? 

Ah, whatever. That's when I see a figure in the distance. It's one that I know very well. He seems to be running as fast as he can. I accelerate and pass him before stopping in front of him. In the process, I shout:

[On your left!]

My Gu friend gets shocked and tumbles to the ground somehow. 

[Oh? You're that happy to see me that you forgot how to walk? *Sigh* It happens. What can I say? I was born that handsome!] 

He starts laughing at my joke and gives a relieved expression. 

"You're alive, and you're fine! How?! You managed to escape them all?!" 

[No, I had help from someone] 

I shake the gourd as I say that. 

"That's great! I'm so glad. Honestly, I had a plan, but it was a horrible one."

[Oh? You did?] 

"Well, I was hoping that they would decide to torture you instead of straight-up killing you. I would have tried to falsify information at the Gu Meadow to make the sect attack wherever they held you."

[What about a plan that doesn't involve me getting tortured?] 

"That's why I said it was a bad plan. They could have straight up decided to annihilate you."

[Right, quick question. Ever heard of someone touched by the gods?] 

Watch his expression intently, but he only shows confusion. 

"No, what is it?"

[Not sure, an old guy was screaming about that as he died, but I think he was going crazy in his last moments or something.] 

"Right, who saved you?!" 

[Eh, it's really weird. An undead horse came out of nowhere and started killing them.] 


[I know, right? Hey, at least we can head toward the Water Sect now.] 

"How many of them survived?"

[More than half, why?] 

"I think that's a bad idea. If they track us there, we would be surrounded by enemies, right?"

[I guess so. What do you suggest?] 

"How about you visit the Gu Meadow?"

[So, hide there? I don't want to go to an unrelated place for too long.] 

"No worries. See it this way, it's on our way already, and we'll save time by not being stopped. Even if they track us to the Gu Meadow, they'll give up right there."

[Your sect is that strong?] 

"No, it's not that we are strong but that we are deadly. That is especially true on our home ground. Many sects would have to ally together to wipe us out and they would all die in the process too."

[Oh! I see, extreme deterrence. Then, our potential pursuers will figure out that we won't leave our base anymore, and they'll give up.] 


[But little will they know that it's not my base at all. Alright, I agree. Lead the way!]

"I meanit's in the same direction so."

[Oh, I know. I'm just saying it like we're starting an epic journey.] 

"You mean as bards would sing about? I'm pretty sure no one ever would show any interest in two guys and a Gu. Especially if there is nudity involved."

[Hey! Do you think I'm naked because I want to? They kept raining spells on me back there. Lucky I'm pretty sturdy, or I'd be dead!]

"I know, I know haha. Still, we should try and find you some clothes."

[What about the luggage that you had?] 

"Lost it all in the previous fight."

[It sucks]


I can't help but wonder what the Gu Sect will be like. Hopefully, there will be tons of cute Gus like the one traveling with us. These armies should still be shaken from what happened back there. Plus, they haven't seen the horse die, I think. 

I just hope they won't catch up too soon

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