The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 518: Run, My Friend!

Chapter 518: Run, My Friend!

The pressure is intense as all these sects are getting ready to kill us! But I have a plan! We just need to reach the Sons guys. Then we'll be able to take cover as they selflessly block the spells for us.

Then while they murder their colleague turned public enemy, we'll run.  That's when I feel a force applied to my waist. The target of my illusion spell is hugging it! 

[Let go, you bastard!] 

"We're gonna die together! Whatever you did, undo it!" 

He's determined. Screw that guy! I punch him over and over again. That's when he just begins to laugh. How is he so sturdy?! This is so goddamn annoying! Wait, is this karma? Is this how people feel when they attack me? Ah, whatever. Change of plan. 

[Little one, go on and bite this big baddy!] 

The little fruit fly understands somehow. Then it stings him, sending poison through his bloodstream. I see his face twist in dread but screw that guy! He doesn't deserve any pity from us. Now I just need to free myself and

How is this dead man clutching so hard?! Even in death, I struggle to push him away. Finally, a few heavy punches do the trick as his lifeless-looking body flies backward. I can hear my companion. 

"They clearly saw this happen. As soon as they are done killing this guy, they'll turn back on us for using Gus. Quick!"

He's right. I increase the pace once more. He's immobilized and yet they are all going for overkill. I can even hear cheers about how their next attack is going to defeat the abomination for sure. The overkill is dumb but I'm glad, nonetheless.  What are they even seeing anyway?!

Soon we pass the Steel army.  We do so just in time for white blinding light to fill the entire place. Then something batshit insane happens. 

A giant ethereal white glowing lotus appears in the sky. It is just floating there lazily. That's when it starts raining lotus petals. Ones that are in fact exploding, highly destructive magical bombs shaped like simple petals. 

A few of them misfire and explode in the air, showing their destructive might. It is all as brilliant as fireworks, but I don't wanna say to watch them. After a little while, I realize this is all the doing of the Steel guys. 

But that's when big rocks start falling on them, crushing them. Normally they'd be dodging but they are already busy countering the lotus. Many get crushed. With their numbers diminishing the lotus starts making more progress, getting ever so close to its initial target. 

Time to switch the target of the illusion spell! I don't want all that aggro to be redirected on me. Except that, for some reason, it's not working! Did I curse the guy so hard that I need to await his death to try it again? 

It's cool I got this. I just need to be quick about it. As soon as he kicks the bucket, I'll target another random dude. I need to get the timing right. 321... That's when it happens. In the back, the slaver guys sacrifice some of their captives. Why?! 

But it soon becomes apparent. Out of the chest of the sacrificed victims comes a dark fog. Then a veil of darkness covers the entire area. Visibility 0. Decoy left 0. Fucked? Very. Actually, no. It's not that bad. 

[At least, now we have a good cover.] 

"No! Not at all! This is a  calamity!" 

[What is?] 

"I can see you perfectly. You're.glowing red!"

I carefully check all around me but I have no idea what he's talking about. Did my companion go crazy?

"It's a spell! One to track people. Everyone is blind except for one being that we can all distinguish. We see you clear as day." 

Oh crap! Never mind, fucked? So much! Actually, this is an opportunity. 

[Good, flee. I'll drive them away. Meet at the Water sect! Make sure you survive, the both of you!] 

Then I throw him away before running in the opposite direction. I can hear him calling for me to come back. Hell no! I'm not causing their demise! 

I begin hearing the sound of what I assume to be rocks, lotuses, and perhaps even weirder stuff. Yep. It all comes crashing down on me. I can feel it all. These group spells hurt like hell! If a normal spell is getting slapped in the face with a finger, then that feels like getting full-on bitchslapped. 

I get crushed, thrown all over, and just as I'm thinking it's over some warriors come out of nowhere and try to slash my dick off! Why are they targeting that part?! No, seriously?! Every time I struggle to get up to my feet. 

If I stop it's going to be game over. I'm sure I can put up a decent fight, but I don't want a repeat of the water sect fiasco. One where I'm just getting pushed back over and over, incapable to efficiently attack, with them unable to breach my defenses. 

The problem is there are so many of them that I'm worried some genius could have a way to deal with divine energy. You never know. If I lose that, I'll go back to being a normal mortal. I want to live a peaceful life, but I don't wish for that! 

I won't accept being bullied by the first-come! Not by these guys either! I can hear the shouts. I can hear the explosions and the crashes. 

So I just keep running. But the more I run and the more of a pain this is becoming. These guys are relentless. I've been running for a while now and yet they are still after me. This is crazy! Plus I can't see shit. 

But, I know I'm not out of trouble just yet. What I need is to get my bearings. I use my scouting ability. I should have done that earlier really. At least I ran in a straight line I'm pretty sure. It's working! I can now see that I amoh fuck!

You know all this time I've been running? Well, somehow, I haven't. I don't know how this is possible. I should be immune to illusions. But, here I am. I'm in the same exact spot I was earlier. Around me, I can see four main armies and some random groups in the back. 

They are all eying me. I'm fucking surrounded! There are also lots of worrisome glows. What now?!...

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