The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 476: Hateful Villagers

Chapter 476: Hateful Villagers


The man I am now traveling with is covered in dust from head to toe but other than that looks relatively young and gives an untainted feeling. He seems to be unaffected by the world itself. Who is he? What is he? 

"Oh? Even a blind man will hear your stares if they are so intense you know." 

How?! Hearing a stare, this shouldn't be possible! 

"Hehe, don't overthink too much. People usually change the way they walk when fascinated by something. It's almost imperceptible, but the keyword is almost."

"Ah! I'm sorry, Sir! Right, how should I address you and what should I do for you?" 

He said something about me being his eyes. I just hope he didn't mean literally. Who knows what kind of dark magic allows one to steal another's vision?  Why did I rush to serve him thinking this a possibility? Well, it may sound ridiculous, but I'd much rather get sacrificed by some evil mage than killed because some kids were bored. 

"I used to have a name. I used to have a title too. In fact, I thought myself invincible as I manipulated fate itself to do my bidding. As you can see, nowadays I am none of that, simply a blind man wandering. At this point, you can call me whatever, it doesn't matter. As for your tasks, just guide me, that shall be sufficient."


This is amazing! Manipulated fate?!  Judging from the undead mount, I'm guessing he learned some kind of necromancy. My bet is the man actually has some epic backstory. Why else would one learn such dark magic to combat fate itself? He probably tried to revive a loved one and failed. 

We keep going, the horse's bone making cracking sounds and its heavy metal armor clanging. The sound is horror inducing but right now it actually brings me comfort. For once I'm not worried about being bullied by random villagers anymore. 

We soon reach the village. I still remember when I passed here before. The way they curled their lips in disdain is still vivid in my mind. They looked down on me when I tried to get food in exchange for counseling. I may be weak and broke but I have seen much in this short life of mine.  Yet right now the scorn is gone. They are all busy staring at my companion. 

That is when a man finally notices me by the side. I can see his face becomes livid as he looks in the distance. He seems filled with worry as he visibly starts sweating. That is when I clearly understand that the kids had the villagers' blessings to chase after me. 

This is not a case of unruly kids. Their parents gave them their approval. Now, these guys are slowly approaching us with smiles, looking all servile. It's a far cry from the disrespect they showed me earlier. 

One could even believe that these guys are good-natured people that welcome all weary travelers warmly. Not at all. All of them are two-faced bastards. One is currently lauding how they receive visitors with the best care possible. 

"We will provide the best accommodations possible for sure! Please follow me."

"Perfect! Ah, before I forget, can one of you give water and hay to my horse? That would be much appreciated." 

What is this all about?! The necromancer seems serious as he makes this nonsensical request. Why would an undead require that?! He is obviously having fun at their expense. A villager comes nearby and starts guiding the monster toward a barn nonetheless. 

Then we are guided to the village chief's house so that he can properly receive us. "Welcome to my humble dwelling, you can stay as long as you want. If there is anything wrong do tell me." To that, the mysterious blind man simply leaves his horse at the entrance before heading inside. 

"What do you desire Sir? How about food, drinks, we can have a village girl massage your shoulders if you so wish too."

"Haha, no need. Just what you guys usually eat will be enough for me, I am not picky. Once more, thank you for hosting us."

"It's my pleasure!" 

Our host then leaves to get things ready. We are sitting at a small table by ourselves. That is when the blind man gives a slight smile.

"You don't seem to like it very much here. You've suddenly gone very silent, and you seem to be pondering about something. What is it?"

Should I share my troubles or not? Well, he did ask. 

"It's just such a big clash. The villagers in this place are far from kind. Well, most villagers aren't but these ones also sent their youngsters after me with a knife. It simply all feels so fake to see them be that accommodating. Well, it's normal. They are simply pursuing their own benefits."

That is when the chief comes back, carrying with him two bowls of steaming hot stew. He reverently sets it on the table smilingly. 

"Please dig in! It's hot and maybe lacking but I assure you it is the best one can find around here."

The smell is incredible! Ah, I'm sure it's actually pretty plain but I'm just so damn hungry! But just as I'm about to eat, I notice the man's eyes. He seems to be extremely interested in this spoon of mine.

As it nears my mouth, I can see a shadow of a smile appear on his face. Me being weak doesn't mean I'm stupid. I put the ustensil down and I see his forehead wrinkled in worry. He seems to be thinking of a way to convince me to consume the very obviously poisoned food. 

"Please eat up! It's really good!" 

"*Sigh* I just acquired myself a servant and you are already trying to get rid of him? Why is that?" 

Our host starts panicking and drops to the ground, begging.

"Please forgive me! I didn't know he was your servant! I'm sorry! This man came to our village a while ago and tried cheating our people. Forgive me, Sir! I was simply worried he was trying to take advantage of your kindness!" 

"Cheat your people, is it? What did he do exactly?" 

"T-that. he kept trying to convince them to give him food in exchange for some knowledge on how to increase the profit of our village. Of course, we called him out on his bluff and told him he should say it first then we'd pay him. But he didn't have anything to say, he was simply lying." 

These villagers are truly hateful. This one is kind of dumb too it seems. Just the way he said that clearly outlines the problem. They refused to even give me food so of course, I didn't share my ideas with them. 

Is that why they sent their kids after me? I was sure it was unrelated. But why the Hell are they trying so much to get rid of me so much? 

All I know is that now may be a good opportunity to get back at them...

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