The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 472: A Wild Primordial Deity Appeared! Oh Fuck!

Chapter 472: A Wild Primordial Deity Appeared! Oh Fuck!


Today is our first alliance meeting. I swear I have been as careful as possible about it, but there is clearly something problematic here! 

I came back from the White space and The Undefeatable Naval Advisor informed me that one of my visitors was already there. That surprised me a bit for I had told both my allies to come a bit later. 

Still, I didn't think much of it. I'm recognized as a pretty easygoing water Goddess so it's not that surprising that one decided to come early. Apparently, according to the tuna, IELOF is busy taking a shower. 

Now why the Hell he felt the need for such a mundane thing is a mystery, but I won't question it too much. Maybe it's a fisherman's ritual or something. I know he has a few of those. I make sure to tell the tuna to check up on him to ask if he needs anything and when he'll come out. 

A little while later Lilly arrives. As usual, she's dressed so much! She's shy and doesn't want to be seen since it's embarrassing for her to just be the rafting goddess. I know she dreams of being more but it's not soon to happen with her followers. 

I quickly do small talk while setting up the table. Well, small talk with Lilly is me talking and her listening while nodding from time to time. Then we simply sit while waiting for IELOF to be done. But that's when something crazy happens: IELOF appearsbut from the door! 

They clearly notice how shaken I am. If IELOF is there, who the Hell is in my shower?!  Quickly, I explain the situation while trembling. 

[You guys didn't invite anyone else to this place, right?] (Aqua)

[Of course not!] (IELOF)

[*Hooded Mumbling*] 

[What do we do?!] (Aqua)

[Well, nothing. I'm not sure if you have noticed but we are pretty weak. Honestly even the weakest of the gods out there would at least be able to run from even a combined attack from us.] (IELOF)

[You mean?!] (Aqua)

[Indeed, whoever is in there has the initiative. They can tell others about our alliance, blackmail us, do whatever really.] (IELOF)

[Why are you not panicking?!] (Aqua)

[Would it accomplish anything? If we are about to go down, I at least want it to happen while I'm enjoying some tea with friends. Well, it would be better if we were fishing but that shall do.] (IELOF)

He's right for sure. But even then! This is bad, real bad! What kind of being will be in there? How did anyone guess about this?! My allies don't have any motive for betrayal at all, we are all in this boat together! 

Suddenly, a masculine voice resounds all around the place. It's the moment of truth. But that's when it happens. An incredible quantity of divine energy starts gathering! The very fabric of the god realm itself is trembling?! How?! This shouldn't be possible?! 

Then comes the fire, Hellfire so strong that it shatters my cognition of the meaning of hot. White flames, ones so powerful that they are instantly able to destroy my entire god domain! Oh god. What is this madness?! 

I put a token water barrier around us, but I know it is useless. We are screwed! But then, as suddenly as it started, it's all over. What happened?! It only lasted an instant but such pure fiery energy is crazy! 

That is when I hear IELOF mumble under his breath: "primordial deity". He's right! Whoever this is a goddamn primordial deity! One that is most likely a high-tier fire god at the very least. How?! Why?!

He didn't even make a move to attack, but it was enough. Just the air getting indirectly heated up almost shattered my domain completely and definitely crushed my confidence whole. No matter what he asks of us we need to comply. 

At this point, it's not a matter of pride and schemes. There is nothing we can do against such a being! Even trying to figure him out may be enough to anger such a proud being. We simply need to behave. We are but juniors in front of a master. No, we are only lowly bugs. There is a world of difference between our identities. 

That is when I hear the tuna bicker with the deity. What the hell is it doing?! Is it trying to get us all killed?! Just shut up and call him ancestor already! But I can't help but feel this is weird for the bickering doesn't stop. 

I was expecting the deity to vaporize us all in a fit of anger for the disrespect, but no. That is when the mist slowly starts clearing. I will finally see this insanely strong being. I didn't even dare use divine energy to scout after all in case I offend him.

Once he appears I blank for a second. In front of us is a naked man, one that looks extremely ordinary. What is happening?! He is naked tooThen he sees us and grabs the tuna hiding his private parts with it. 

Why is he naked?! On one hand, he just came out of the shower but on the other hand, he is an all-powerful god. Why isn't he creating clothes? Why?!  This is incomprehensible! 

Wait, no. He must be testing us. That is when he opens his mouth. I need to remain especially attentive. Pleasing him is our only chance at life! No matter what, I need to understand his motivations! I can do this!  C'mon Aqua, you got this!

I may be a weak goddess but there is no way I have been worrying endlessly at night for my people all for nothing! There is no way I have been planning this alliance all for nothing either! I got this, fight! Here it comes! 

[Good day for fishing, ain't it?] 

What the fuck?! What kind of greeting is this?! What does it mean?! Wait, no think. Right now it is I, the god of fishing and the goddess of rafting. 

Ah, I know! He's subtly telling us that he knows all about us! He's telling us that we have no secret for him. But this line is so weird! It's so casual, so ordinary, but has so many implications! How am I supposed to react to that?! This is such a powerful move! 

That is when I hear IELOF answering with his usual wonderful fishing day bullshit. I say bullshit because it could be raining Hellfire that he'd still say that. But that's beside the point! What's my move now?

Ah, I know. For now, I'll play the game. I'll act as if I had no clue who he is. Well, actually I truly don't know. There is no way I'd personally know any High-tier gods! I'll simply introduce our group. This is the most stressful moment of my entire life.

Here goes nothing

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