The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 457: What's with these Head-Mages?!

Chapter 457: What's with these Head-Mages?!

As I open my eyes, I am greeted by the peaceful dcor of the gorgeous room I am in.

That is when I hear some faint knocks on my door, a moment before my disciple pushes it open. In her arms, she is carrying a nice silver tray with bread and berries on it. There is even one kind that seems to be glowing blue while emanating a faint halo. 

"Master, these are Aqua's Tears. Legends say that a long time ago our ancestors were lost sheep wandering the land without a purpose whatsoever. They were weak, they were always running for their lives and they were in a constant state of despair."

[Seems like a lot has changed since then.] 

"Haha, of course. Their fate changed the moment they met Aqua. She took pity upon them and gave them her blessings. To quench their thirst she gave them water, to satisfy their hunger she gave them magic berries, and to protect them she gave them the gift of magic. Ever since we've perpetuated her teachings and slowly developed the city into what it is nowadays."

[A nice tale. Ah, but does anyone know how the gods even came into existence in the first place? They can communicate with their believers even while in the god realm but how did they get believers in the first place?] 

"Master, I'm afraid my knowledge is sorely lacking for such a profound question. I apologize."

[No need, I was just casually asking.] 

That is when she gently lay the tray on a nearby desk, then prepares to retreat. 

[Do you want to eat together?] 

Was that a weird thing to ask? Now that I think about it, I'm not used to eating alone, well not anymore. Before I didn't care that much, but after experiencing the warmth of sharing a good meal with people I care about it's hard to go back to loneliness. 

"Of course, master!"

As she says that she is smiling, grandly displaying all her teeth. I can see the genuine joy in her eyes. I cannot blame her for I am very handsome after all. 

[Anyway, what's the plan for today?] 

"You are free to roam all across the city. Personally, I recommend you try and become acquainted with the other Head-mages. I'll give you a map on how to reach all of their dwellings."

[Dwellings? Not normal houses?] 

"Yes and no. All look like normal houses on the outside but the inside can be very different. For instance, half the property here is one big hot spring." 

Honestly, that sounds like an absolute win to me. Especially remembering what happened in it

[Alright, let's head there once we are done eating. This is pretty good by the way, very sweet.] 

"ThatI think it would be better for me to stay here, master. Otherwise, maybe they'll think that you are in our faction with me there to watch you."

She's clearly very regretful about it. 

[Nonsense! Wherever I go my disciple can go too! This is non-negotiable!] 


Just like that, it's settled! Soon we are exiting the premises. That is when we stumble upon my self-proclaimed emperor friend. For some reason he seems down, he's constantly sighing.

[Anything troubling you?]

"*Sigh* It's the people in this city. I've tried to enlighten them, but they refuse salvation."

Of course! What do you do when your companion is sulking alone on the roadside? Well, we leave him there and advance toward our first destination. 

It turns out to be a castle the size of a house. It seems pretty impractical. The walls seem very thick and there probably isn't that much room inside. Before long, I'm knocking on our first target's door. 

[Hello, I'm looking for the Water Empress!] 

That is when comes a mature-sounding voice from inside. 

"She's not there! She has left to tend to some matters."

[Where did she go? When will she come back?] 

"I do not know. I am merely a humble servant here and"

"Master, that's the voice of the Water Empress." 

"Screw you! *Cough cough* I mean, no way! I am just a servant!

[Surely a servant wouldn't dare scorn us, right? We came following the recommendation of one of the Head-mages after all.] 

There is a moment of silence, then some weird noise behind the door, finally it slowly opens. In front of us is a woman wearing heavy makeup. She chuckles lowly while seemingly showing off her features. 

"See? I'm in no way like the Water Empress!"

[What about the super expensive-looking jewelry you are wearing?]

"Thatthese are fakes haha-hahaha!"

[You do realize that makeup can be easily washed away, right? I literally have a water mage right beside me.] 

"You wouldn't dare! Otherwise, I'll call for help and "

[Also, you may want to look at your clothes.] 

She lowers her eyes slowly. On it is written her title in golden letters.

"Thatthat is something I borrowed from the Water Empress' wardrobe while she was away! please don't tell her!"

[Rightso, anyway how about we .] 


Did she really just slam the door in my face?! For a second, I almost feel like barging in anyway, but I may as well visit the others first. Hopefully one will be understanding. Thus we continue our quest. 

[Alright, who's the next one?] 

"The Water Fairy."

[Is there at least a single one that doesn't have water in her title? We get it you guys use water for your spells!] 

My disciple simply gives a helpless shrug. The first thing I'll do once they trust me enough is to push to change such a system, otherwise how boring would conversations be?

The new house we reach is one that seems extremely colorful. Outside there are many potted flowers. It fits so well with the overall atmosphere of the building that I'm wondering if they are magical ones. 

"Yes, these are very precious Blue Lilies. It can serve as a tonic and as medicine. Everyone at some point tried to grow some but few succeed. The Fairy is one that is renowned for her green thumb. They say her magical water makes anything grow at an incredulous speed."

[So just a rumor?] 

"No one knows for sure besides herself."

[Alright. *Knock Knock* Hello there, I'd like to visit the Water Fairy!] 

"Sorry, but I really can't receive any visitor right now!"

[Why is that?] 

"I'm busy planning my birthday party you see. Thank you for coming, see you later!" 

As I glance at my disciple I can see her frowning. 

[What is it?]

"Wellher birthday was last month"

[Hey! Your birthday isn't anytime soon! Just open up! I just want to talk!] 

But no matter what, only silence remains. Should I try my luck with the last two? 

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