The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 439: MC May as Well Be Dead

Chapter 439: MC May as Well Be Dead

These guys are going crazy! 

First, there is the subordinate that cannonballs into the abyss! Then there is their leader trying to commit suicide while dragging me along! That stuff should be reserved for that one video game! Life is precious! 

It seems the brainwashing from the toe left sequelae! It's a shame. They had lots of time left to live. This God of Order is clearly to blame for all this evil. A two-faced bastard for sure! 

There is something else I do realize. Somehow, seeing me triggers them. It's as if my very person reminds them of their dead master. Just wish I knew beforehand.

Now, how do I get out of here while evading being seen?! This will feel like a sneaking game. If only I had a cardboard box to hide under while slowly crawling through the enemy lines!

[Alright, we'll try and get to the surface unseen. Try your best to blend in the surroundings!]

"I'm literal fog right now, it's hard to be more lowkey than that!"

[I mean you say that but what kind of mist has a human shape!]

"The cool kind I'll have you know! Hey, I can't compromise on that one! I am the Naked Emperor! When you see a cloud, you don't start wondering why it doesn't have clothes! See, I need to adopt this-"

[Fine! Fine! I understand! Alright move out!]

Then starts a really intense, serious, and breathtaking operation! I am akin to a professional ninja dashing from shadow to shadow! I am in fact doing so well that I can't help but pat myself in the back.

That's when happens a small hiccup, just when I'm walking in front of the mess hall. For some reason, they are all there! I see them, they see me, then they take knives and .

Why are they killing each other?! I see them drive a knife into the throat or their colleagues! All until remains only one. It happens so fast I barely have time to blink.

Corpses are everywhere, there are glowing green mushrooms that fall all over the place, the greenish light is giving a spooky appearance to the blood splattered all over.

Then the only survivor looks at me with empty eyes and a big smile. "You won't have the pleasure to kill me, Devil!" Then he drives a knife right into his own heart.

What the fuck?! No, seriously?! I was so close to getting out without getting noticed too! *Sigh* Note to self, seek professional treatment after being affected by evil brainwashing magic.

"Wow, they sure are quick. Right, what happened to not being seen?"

[Shut up! I was trying!]

"Don't worry, humans are dumb creatures."

[You do realize that I'm one of these so-called humans, right?]

"Yes, so you should know first-hand about it."

[Ican't deny that. Alright let's get out of here for real.]

Before leaving I do one important thing. I make a detour to the throne room and sit on the hard stone that serves as a chair. Yep, this is uncomfortable AF no wonder the guy went insane.

We soon reach the entrance, a huge stone door that I have no clue how to open.

"Such a shame. If I had my body, I could blow up such puny door using my little finger!"

[Please, I can do this much!]

I simply dig through it using divine energy as usual. As soon as I'm done comes the bone-chilling cold, well I'm assuming anyway. The wind is especially strong and sends a truckload of snow directly in my face.

I begin my journey. I am simply walking in a straight line. I just want to get off this mountain. As we go we notice ice elementals and Yuki Onnas. Surprisingly none try to attack us. Pretty sure it's thanks to my companion. In fact, they are even running away as fast as possible!

If I could find the secret behind what scares them maybe I could actually manufacture some sort of artifact to keep monsters at bay. Think I've heard at some point that monster tides are a thing. Not that I've ever seen one.

In such a manner we keep progressing. Hell, this mountain is so goddamn big! Even after hours and hours, I can't see the end of it! But no matter I won't give up!

The more we walk- or float, the fewer monsters we see. Ah! That's a sign that we are on the right track!

[Alright! We'll soon be out!]

"Saywhy have we been going in circles all this time?"

[Wait! What do you mean, going in circles?! I've been walking in a straight line! All I did was swerve a bit to avoid the biggest rocks!]

"Well, yeah but since you kept swerving it made us come back at our starting point"

[Are you kidding me?! Wait, if you knew why didn't you tell me?!]

"*Shrug* I thought you were simply enjoying yourself in the snow, how was I supposed to know?"

[Maybe the fact that I kept grumbling?!]

"Oh, yeahthat."

*Sigh* Whatever. I only wasted a few hours. I guess it beats me getting lost here alone without anyone to tell me. I shudder just thinking about getting lost here for weeks thinking it's one big area.

I mean, it could be possible. I've seen stuff that's way more fantastical already! (And I kinda suck at geography too haha)

[Alright, lead the way outside! It is time for this cool and handsome protagonist to reappear in the world once more!]

"Oh, what's a protagonist?"

[Eh, it's an interesting character that people love and embrace, for the most part.]

"Oh, where is it then?"

[Hey! I am! Are you dissing me right now?!]

"No comment."

Ah, whatever. He's floating in front and I simply follow

"Where are you going?"

What?! Ah, guess I've been following some flying snow. To be fair he and the storm are the exact same color.

[Keep talking so that I won't lose you. You are hard to discern in this weather!]

"Alright, I will teach you about the joy of accepting one's body. Sure you are naked but you do not have the right attitude. You cannot simply be unashamed, you also need to showcase the goods to the whole world to see proudly"

I'm starting to wonder if I made a mistake by asking him to keep talking.

"That is why it is important to shave too so no bush goes in the way of people seeing everything and"

Yep, definitely made a mistake haha. Oh well, whatever. Soon we finally breach through the storm area! Finally!

I can see the radiant sun! I can -my eyes! On the ground is a layer of ice that reflects the sun directly in one's eyeballs! It shines so much that it gives the whole mountain an enchanting glowing appearance!

Wow! Ah, that's weirdI can see some vegetation underneath! How did it even grow there?! Is the cold recent?...

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