The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 435: Valiant Leader

Chapter 435: Valiant Leader


This continent will most likely perish. All because of me. I should have never brought this man near the God of Order's relic. 

I still can't believe what happened. Normally anyone coming close would get overwhelmed by our God's aura. There would be no thought of rebelling either. They would simply fall to the ground in worship. 

Not this man! He didn't seem affected by the aura, but he did become lost in thought as soon as we came closer. I was convinced that he would become just like us. 

This is something I have experienced myself, so I know how amazing the god is! I didn't believe in him at first. Actually, I had never even heard of him. But then I met him in that white space and from that point on I dedicated my life to him! 

He was so magnificent and he had somewhat of a regal aura too. He didn't bother speaking and simply fixed me with his deep gaze. I will always remember it! I had the feeling that I could lose myself in his golden eyes!

Actually, I used to be lost, but I found my purpose in the God of Order. I used to be just a squad leader exploring the Everfrozen Peak, but then we found shelter here and decided never to leave. 

I was expecting the same to happen to this man. I was expecting him to join our ranks after our trip to the Altar. 

No, he first closed his eyes as normal, but then he quickly reached for the altar, grabbing our God's toe! Then he woke up with a start. I'll always remember the angry look he had while looking at the god, as if he was looking at trash.

That's when I started fearing the worst! In a fit of rage, he crushed it! He crushed a godly relic! I couldn't believe my eyes. But then he fell. The very ground under his feet gave up, likely our god using his mighty powers to avenge himself!

But the damage was already done. It was but a matter of time before the chaotic devils came out of the abyss to rain destruction and disturbances on the continent whole! 

I regret it, but no amount of regret will be enough. What is done is done. I am sorry about the worldI truly tried protecting it from My thoughts are interrupted by a man barging in. 

"Sir! Sir! D-Devils have come out of the abyss! That sinner is there too! He somehow survived the fall!" 

How is it happening so soon?! *Sigh* Either way I will face it. I know it is a waste of effort, but it doesn't matter. 

I walk to the depths of our base. As I cross the entrance, I can see brilliant lights. They are bright omens of the chaos to come. What kind of scourge has been unleashed upon this world?! 

Then I see them spread out in all directions. Yet there he is, watching it all smiling calmly. What kind of evil is he?! That is when I feel it. There is one more! Some sort of misty shadow. I can see it standing behind the sinner.

I can feel its gaze. This creature is devoid of any humanity! The worst of the prisoners!

The God of Order has warned me against this specific threat: the emperor with the invisible clothes. This thing used to be human, but then it became something else. 

I can feel it. We all feel it. The one sentry I had placed to watch here is on the ground, pissing and shitting himself. He's also clutching his legs and burying his head in them. 

Just the presence of that monster was enough to break him completely! My heart is beating fast, I have cold sweat trickling down my back. But I feel especially sick. What kind of

[Oh? You're here. Man, you clearly freaked out over nothing before. Waitwhat is that guy doing?! Man, just stop! There is nothing to fear!] 

As he says that, he approaches the guard. What does he intend to do?! As he comes nearby so does the thing

"S-stay away! I don't want to d-die!" 

[You, what are you talking about? No one will...] 

That's the exact moment my subordinate's nerves give out. In panic, he gets up and starts running. I try to stop him, but I'm not fast enough. The man and the thing just watch in stupefaction as my subordinate throws himself straight off the bridge. 

[What the hell?! Man, you really gotta give council to these guys! Going from brainwashed to free is bound to be a very traumatizing event. *Sigh* Do you want to talk about it, or something?] 

In his eyes, I can see some genuine concern. Ah, it seems I'm losing my edge. I can't even recognize people's expressions. He totally fooled me. I really thought he had come here by mistake. I really thought he was innocent. 

It is only now that I realize it. That was his plan all along. All this time he has been scheming! It is too late, far too late. Ah, but I won't go down without fighting!

I can hear some words come out of my throat. Some words that I have a sense of Deja Vue toward for some reason.

"Youshouldn't existYour very existence, it doesn't make sense. You shouldn't be alive."

That is when I charge at him! I grab a dagger I had hidden under my clothes. All I know is that I need to plunge it straight into his heart! No matter what!


[Hey, what the Hell man?! Why are you attacking me so suddenly?! Also, what is that supposed to mean?! It's the second time you say that! Explain yourself!] 

The second time I say that? Please, I think not. He's just trying to mess with my mind some more. But I won't let him succeed! I am above such petty tricks! 

"Die! Die! Die!" 

I repeatedly slam it in his chest! But it just won't pierce! Why?! How is he so strong! Why is such a sinner so invincible?! This is unfair, this world is the worst!

[Stop it already!]

Ah, I know! I jump at him and we both topple over. Then I see the bridge becoming small and smaller as we both fall. He'll probably try a spell to stop his fall. All I need to do is to distract him and.

That's when the white ghost comes and grabs him preventing his fall. I am the only one heading to my doom. At least  I won't have to see all the atrocities that will shortly happen. 

Goodbye Earth re- 


[Can anyone explain to me what the fuck just happened?! Seriously?!] 

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