The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 431: Sentient, Beard

Chapter 431: Sentient, Beard

[Waityou said 'us'? There are more of you?!] 

<Well, yeah there is a lot more in fact. Let's just say once something in this world is created it is soon copied and spread everywhere. This is a basic Law of life itself.>

[You say that as if you were some kind of original bigshot system haha.] 

<Hey don't underestimate me! I am extremely ancient, wise, powerful, and golden! >

[I like how you just added golden at the end like it makes you better or something. It's just a temporary appearance when you don't have a host anyway, right?]

<So what! Do not look down on me for such a simple reason! >

[Alright haha. So, who and where are the others?]

<This can be resolved easily. Simply need to call them. Which one do you want to see first?>

[Any really, just proceed with it. Ah, none are dangerous, right?]

<Please, what do you take us for?! We are benevolent beings. We give Power for free! >

[What about all the missions you give isn't that a cost?]

<Yes and no. I would give missions related to literature. It can't be helped. Accomplishing these in the first place is what gives me the power to accomplish wishes/help my host. That is why the harder the mission the better the rewards!>

[That does make sense, somewhat. So, all this power, you have no way yourself to use it? You give it all to your host?]

<Generally, yes. There is one exception, however. It is an Overexertion. Pretty much it simply means that a System can use some reserve power to actively act itself but has to go in sleep mode afterward to balance it. But otherwise we really only interact with the world using the host.>

[I see, then feel free to call any of these so-called benevolent beings.]

<White beard! Come on out! >

[That doesn't sound like a system]

<I know, right! It is, however. >

That's when shows up a bright white light. It looks very similar to the golden one if anything it seems a little dimmer.

<You called? Have you finally embraced the truth of the white beard?! Are you ready to grow one? It will be hard considering you do not have a physical body, but where there is a will there is a way! >

<This here is whitebeard, also called the dignified whitebeard system. His whole thing is to make his host grow a beard and other stuff.>

<Why are you describing me? It's not like anyone here doesn't know me and.waitwho the Hell is this?! Are you human?! When did you get here?! >

[Not long I guess, so-]

<Ding! Congratulation Host! You have been chosen by the Dignified White Beard System. With its amazing power, you will be able to conquer the world itself without any worry while looking amazing! Say "Accept Binding" to merge with this great System! >

<How shameless are you! You haven't even introduced yourself! Here you are already trying to bind yourself to him! >

<You don't understand it's been so long since I've seen a white luscious beard. I'm already in withdrawal! Plus, that was clearly my character introduction too! Suck my massive beard! >

[Yeah, about thatI'll say no. I like the self-confidence but really I'm not sure this is what I need. I have no desire to look like Santa Claus anytime soon.]

<Santa Claus? >

[A guy with a white beard that flies on a magical sley at night during Christmas all around the world to give presents to children that behaved during the year. He's known to have an army of dwarves that tirelessly create gifts for him to distribute.]

<Wow! I don't really remember him, but I'm sure he was one of my hosts in the distant past! How about it, let's make a deal and>

<How bold! You don't remember it! How do you know it's not some other guy?! >

<Please! Do you think anyone out there gets white-beard hosts as powerful as me?! No way! Plus, even you have some fragmented memories! All because of that damn Order God! How hateful of him really to seal such cool systems like us! >

Kinda funny how this so-called God sacrificed himself to seal what appear to be harmless systems at first glance. Talk about a huge waste! Then again that's also the God that had a big toe try and kill me as soon as I showed up. At this point, I sympathize with these guys, locked here without a good reason.

[Alright, no need to argue. What's the next system locked in here?]

<Which of the three should we call for?>

<Any, as long as it's not that other guy. You know who>

<Yeah, of course not that guy. He's mad and dislikes everyone sane. Anyway, here goes nothing. Sentient System! Please show up for a second!>

That is when comes a blue light. Ah, actually it seems to be changing color slightly. Kinda weird, but it doesn't particularly look strong.

<Why are you calling for me? I'm in a bad mood. This is such torture! This void is the worst! There is nothing at all here! All I need is some kind of object! Why can't a stick or a rock fall in here?! There hasn't been a single thing for centuries! This suck!>

<Are you sure about that? >

<What do you meanAh! Human! When?! How come?! Quick, human! Do you have any items on you! I'll just>

<As much as he's annoying, he can be useful too. If you have an item with you then you can have him nestle in it to increase its power drastically >

That actually sounds interesting. A System should provide pretty good advantages. How about this?

[Eh, I guess I have these two necklaces!]

I show it to him.

<Naw, they are no good! They contain traces of intent! I can't override intent! I simply add to something that doesn't have any. Bummer!>

<Oh? If he can't merge with an item, it means it's pretty good!>

As if! One of these is the useless iron hilt necklace Eagle gave me! Then again, maybe after wearing for so long, it did gain trace of my own intent or something whatever that is. I'm the one to blame in such a case. Well, at least I guess that's how it doesn't get destroyed by attacks.

<Alright, guess it's time to meet the next one!>

Who knows, at this rate, there may be a cool system showing up soonbut then again, I'm in slight doubt too. Something tells me these guys are not that reliable.

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