The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 427: Raiding a Gu Village

Chapter 427: Raiding a Gu Village


Now, what's my plan to escape the Light Citadel? Two words: fanaticism and power.

I have been training for 2 years, but now I am powerful enough to take care of myself easily. Now, why don't I just use this power to easily escape? Well, again my specialty is raw destructive potential. 

To escape I'd have to kill every single being standing in my way. I don't want to. Now, that's where fanaticism comes into play. They expect me to want to bring glory to the sect at all costs. Now there is supposed to be a skirmish happening soon. 

We will be raiding the location of a known evil sect base. This peculiar sect uses something called a Gu. Pretty much it is a practice that uses poison and demonic bugs. They feed them with incredibly deadly toxins and then enclose them in a small box. The Gus then devour each other until only one remains. 

This makes the sole survivor a truly deadly Gu that cannot be underestimated. Now, why hasn't this sect conquered the Starter continent yet? Well, for a very good reason. 

Their poison is trashy, their Gus are not even demonic, their inheritance is incomplete, and they lack people talented toward the discipline. All in all, they are to real Gu cultivators what a pebble is to a castle. 

Even then, they remain one of the top sects on the continent. There is one simple explanation for that. Lost knowledge is incredibly strong! So strong that the only reason we even have a footing here is because of how complete our inheritance is. 

Well, honestly, I do not care too much about that sect. At all! Still, this is a good opportunity. I have been training for so long it is plausible that I want to go on an outing to try my powers. Now, they wouldn't approve of a normal stroll. 

Of course, I could simply lie and then bolt away easily. No, I have a way better plan! 

That is when enters a young man, one that is pretty strong. He has always been cordial with me, but I know. He hates me to the bone. He has always been the number two here. I always had the best resources, the best training, and the best spot in the spotlight. 

Well, to be honest, it hasn't ever restricted him. There isn't that much actual difference. Sure, I get more resources, but he gets more freedom. In my opinion, it perfectly balances it.

I would have given him the number one spot a while ago, but I'm not going to slack training just for that.  I'm sure he's going to appreciate my disappearance haha. 

"Young master Sun, are you really sure about joining this expedition? The sectmaster is in closed-door training too. We managed to convince the elders to let you go, but what if something happens to you?" 

I don't mind acting too.

"Don't worry, they won't see it coming. This is but one of their outposts. There won't be any powerhouse there at all. I'll dispatch them all don't worry." 

He shows a concerned expression and escorts me outside. I'm 99% confident he's actually dancing in joy internally, however. 

Outside await troops. About five hundred men in golden armor are a sight to behold for sure. Their leader comes to greet me. 

"Yong master Sun, we are ready to depart at your command!"

They all have morning stars, why? Because it kind of looks like a sun. Well, it does if you are totally drunk, I guess. 

"Alright, you guys stay here. The armors are too flashy, you guys are too noisy, and let's face it none of you will be much use in the upcoming fight. Alright, later." 

"B-But, young mast-"

"Not negotiable." 

I depart, leaving them panicking. There is no way they want me to take any risk. But there is an issue...Sure, having 500 meat shields would increase the safety factor by a lot, but the enemies would just run. That is not my plan at all. 

They reluctantly are left behind. This is freeing. Not long after, I am scouting a small village. On the surface, it looks like a very regular one, but there is one thing that gave them away. They were attacked by vagrants recently. 

Of course, hidden experts wouldn't just let themselves get robbed and killed. They thought they had wiped all traces, but the vagrants' disappearance in itself alerted us. We had a spy in their group. 

He did die, but he cracked open the secret of the village. Now I am here to avenge him, at least officially. As I enter the village, there is an old man welcoming me with a mouth void of any teeth. 

"Hello, child. What brings a nice young man like you to a dump like this?"

"Just visiting. Well, I'll check if you guys have a news board too later."

"Alright, follow me! I'll guide you to the village tavern!"

We reach a decrepit tavern that smells of piss. Inside are 8 customers and a tavern keeper.  He gestures me to take a seat on a bench that has seen better days. It has a cushion that looks clearly problematic. I simply press on it slightly. 

Then my hand glows slightly, transmitting intense heat to it. That is when comes out the dying screams of all the Gus that were chucked in there. I can't help but smile. 

"A little bit too obvious, don't you think?"

That is when I see all of the 'customers' turn toward me clearly showing killing intent. They have recognized the spell I used. 

"W-wait! You, you're !?"

I sure took them a long time to realize. Then again, I look a bit different than 2 years ago with my current hairstyle that is shorter. 

"Good job, here's your reward!"

I flash a light spell on him with the heat melting his face entirely. Then starts an onslaught. They keep sending bugs at me and throwing weapons from time to time. But they are clearly at a disadvantage.

The heat surrounding me is enough to kill their Gus. They quickly realize this point and start retreating. Before long they are running in every direction, but that won't stop me. They are fast, but none of them can outrun light. 

Now, this is troublesome. I was expecting there to be more than this rabble.  Talk about disappointing. Guess I'll have to go on a holy crusade or something. I need a stronger opponent after all. 

That is when I feel something approaching me. It is so subtle that I would have missed it if I wasn't sensing the heat of my surroundings. Now, this is more like it! 

I quickly kill the Gu that was trying to sneak attack me. That is when I see a young man appear. He is to his sect what I am to the light citadel, he is their chosen. 

Looks like I was right to come here. This shall be interesting!

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