The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 421: Man VS Toe!

Chapter 421: Man VS Toe!

A big toe in a white room! What madness is this?! 

It looks exactly like the one I saw in the box. Is this the god realm? This shouldn't be. Forgar could only temporarily bring me there using his very cool magic statue. 

Wait, no. There is no divine energy in the surroundings. Is this some kind of illusion? I should be immune to that. Ah, actually what if this toe is legit from some god?! 

That would meanI know! It's because of divine energy! The elf that tried her illusion spell on me was using mana for sure. I guess it takes divine energy to even bypass my protection. This means two things: 

-I'm pretty safe on the Earth Realm overall 

-I'll be in danger should I go against a godor a relic perhaps? 

Now is this ...thing even sentient? Only one way to know. 

[Yo, how are you toeday?] 

No answer. Ah, then againa toe doesn't have a mouth

[Soo I toetally came here by accident. How do I get out?] 

Maybe it can show me the way? I know it can hop at the very least. That is a good sign. That's when it comes near me, remaining unmoving. 

The smell is pretty bad. How long ago was it last washed?! A god of Order having bad hygiene? Wouldn't that be laughable? How long ago did the so-called sacrifice happen anyway? That is when comes out a guttural voice. 


[You can talk?!] 

"Y-you remind me..."


"Y-you remind me of a hateful "

[Just finish your sentence already!] 

"Y-you remind me of a hateful fellow, from the past"





That's when it jumps sky high! Oh crap! I dash away! If I remain here, my entire body will become flatter than a loli! I'm panting but I do manage to awkwardly evade, throwing myself on the ground.


[Give me a break already! It's our first meeting ever!] 


[Hey, screw you! You big smelly fat toe!] 

"Meanie! Bou-hou!" 

[Why. *Dash*. The. *Roll*. Hell. *Slide*. Are you the one complaining?!] 

God, I hate this thing! How do I defeat this enemy? I don't even have a weapon! Actuallywhen did I ever have a weapon? 

I need some kind of way to fight back. How does one even hurt a toe? I need a furniture corner! Except the whole place is completely empty. How am I even supposed to? 

That's when I feel my necklaces thumping on my chest. Wolf fang or hilt trinket? I value Wolfie's one more! I grab the hilt and watch carefully the creature. At first, I had lots of trouble but I'm slowly getting used to its bounces. 

It's always the same distance every time. Well, this toe is obviously lacking a brain. That's the only reason I'm even thinking of fighting it. Otherwise, I'd be running away already. Now I need to get the timing perfect. 

I picture my legs becoming stronger. So much that I will be able to dash even faster than before. Maneuverability-wise it will be bad, but I don't care. I am aiming for a single straight line. 

Then I see it slowly get down, trying to squash me! Now! I fly up with incredible momentum. I'm oriented perfectly at the right spot. 

What do you get when you apply a monstrous force using a small metal hilt necklace as a lever right under a toenail? It gets yanked off! Also, LOTS of pain! 

A river of blood starts flowing. 

"It hurts! It hurts so much! AHHH!" 

It is screaming extremely loudly, somehow. It falls on the side and stays there, shivering in pain all the while. Now what? Time for the finishing move! 

I charge at it. Then I charge the strongest punch of my life. 

[Falcon Super-Punch!!!] 

I can feel the flesh under my fist getting reduced to mush. I can feel the rippling of the entire thing. Even more blood erupts akin to a geyser. 

"ARGH! Bully! Villain!"

Right, says the thing that tries crushing people cause it feels like it. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! 

[Alright, let me out of this place already!] 

"*Sob sob* Bad guy! Evil man!" 

[Cut it out! I just want you to let me out!] 

"*Sob Sob* Vile! Vile man!"

You know what? Screw this! This fool doesn't deserve any mercy! I should be magnanimous because it is obviously retarded? Hell no! This thing could have very well killed me! 

I go back in there and I keep punching! So much that my hands start hurting! So much that I get completely drenched in blood! So much that the very beating produces enough sound to overcome the creature's cries! 

Just as I'm wondering how long this will last, I finally see the entire white realm start to ripple. Then it dissipates. 

I open my eyes. In my hand, I have a bloodied left big toe, one without a nail. Oh god, what happened in there was real?! What would have happened had I died ?! 

That is when I hear a scream. 

"Y-you! What have you done! This is a piece of the god of Order himself!" 

For the very first time, the man that accompanied me here shows emotion. He's panicking and looks angry. You're welcome dude haha. 

[Don't worry about it. It was obviously a fake. I talked to the thing. It was a being that didn't deserve living. Idiotic and destructive, the worst combo.] 


Well, I'm not expecting him to understand. He was brainwashed after all. Accepting it is not easy for him. It would be admitting that all his years of efforts were completely in vain. There might also be some aftereffects from the enemy's magic. 

The only thing I don't understand is how it was able to do such a spell with its lacking cognitive functions? Ah, perhaps something instinctive? Maybe a memory only the full body should have had but somehow.I don't know. 

[It's for the best. You'll see.] 

"L-let go! Now or!"

I need to be thorough. I squeeze tightly. The weakened toe becomes a mess in my hand. The flesh separates from the bone. It then slowly becomes lifeless. Losing all shine it had previously. So long asshole haha. 

[Hehehe! No one messes with The Unnamed God Sect!] 

*Crack, Crack* 

Waitwhat's that sound? That's when a hole opens under my feet! *FALL*Oh crap! I can feel the wind from my acceleration.  I see the stone bridge above me becoming smaller and smaller. 

I may have fucked up! What was down there again?! 

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