The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 412: Plan of Defense!

Chapter 412: Plan of Defense!


If this keeps up the damage done to the city will be enormous!

I do have one ace up my sleeve. It is some wisdom I have gleaned during my life. When nothing else seems to work.beg for help. 

I'm serious. It may be shameful. It may be ridiculous. It may be demeaning. It doesn't matter. If there is a friend nearby that can help, why not ask? The worst that can happen is to be denied. 

Our protector is on the sidelines now, simply drawing the slimes with a small smile on his face. I go next to him, and I lower myself on my knees

"Sir, could you possibly help us? I am begging you! We need your help dealing with these slimes and"

"What do you even expect me to do? If I tried helping, it would clearly end very badly with only bones remaining haha. So yeah, I really can't."

He can't! Bullshit! Helping would be as easy as a wave of his fingers! A few undead could probably clear this whole mess! 

*Sigh* He probably has his reasons. I can't let anger cloud my judgment. For all I know, he could be trying to use his powers as little as possible. It just sucks that he will simply watch us get destroyed without even doing anything. 

Then again, for a necromancer is there even a distinction between life and death? Both are still moving. There is simply one that is noisier than the other. *Sigh* 

Wait! What if every time he uses his powers a situation like Eaglevein's one arises?! Would it be possible thatmaybe he is doing this for our own good?! *Shudder*

As he is drawing, I can see a small slime approach him. I can't help but be curious how he will deal with it. Will he simply avoid it? Will he murder it with some extremely potent spell? Will he simply ignore it? 

I see the slime reach his feet and.wait?! It suddenly turns to the artwork. It seems to be observing it mesmerized, looking curiously at it, even without eyes! What if we used his art tono, he's extremely fast but not fast enough. If only we had a way to communicate with these creatures to negotiate with

Wait a goddamn minute! There may actually be someone who can! 

"I need someone quick on his feet!!" 

A soldier comes running, one that I'm familiar with. Well, his face not his name. I scribble something on a piece of paper. 

"Here! Take this to the city lord mansion! Remember that healing treasure we recently stole from that one sect?" 

"The ancient healing tonic, Sir?" 

"Yes, whatever! Hurry up, go get that then bring it to the taming guild! There should be a fat young man called Little Bai there in a coma. Bring it to him!" 

"B-but Sir! The tonic is extremely precious and." 

"I don't care! This man tamed a slime! We need him at all costs! Get there and get him to help us! No matter what! Even if he wants you to suck his dick you fucking do it!"

"Y-yes Sir!" *Gulp*

"Get going! The future of the city lies on your shoulders alone!" 

He seems uneasy but he does leave quickly. Now it is time for me to oversee the rest of the situation. The evacuation seems to be proceeding quickly. Everyone here has his own evacuation plan, from back when we feared the undead. 

All over the place, slimes are bouncing around. Their sheer number makes it really hard to confront them. They can be seen digesting pretty much everything there is. They have a slight preference for organic matter and are scouring the place looking for leftovers. But I'm sure soon enough they'll start eating rocks or something. 

The king slimes really are the problem. They seem to be acting as if mobile bases. Every time someone tries to attack a small slime it simply retreats back to the slime mothership. With that hardness, it's completely impossible for us to do anything against it. 

Let me see. At this rate, it won't be enough. We can't simply let the city be destroyed! We have worked way too hard for it! I have worked way too hard! The slimes are bouncing around digesting everything too quickly. wait I know!

"Men! Forget the full-blown retreat! Anyone nearby? I need people to help distract the king slimes! We need to buy time for our people! Ah, but no direct confrontation! Just keep running!" 

A few soldiers do their best. That is when some genius starts throwing potatoes at the slimes. I can hear his colleagues scream at him. 

"Dumbass! We already have a food shortage! Why the Hell are you wasting it?!"

"Stop screwing around and hack it until it wants to eat you!"

"B-but look, guys!"

Wait, no. He is unto something! For some reason, whenever there is a potato the slime follows it. This is an opportunity! 

"Use that to lure the king slime in the olden part of the town!"

Aka the slums. Honestly, if we can limit the destruction to that one place we might actually just be fine! 

"Y-yes Sir!"

This is quite ridiculous. Who knew that our hardest-fought challenge would be in our own city, against slimes. Now I just wonder why theythat's when I hear KIM. 

"Oh, right! Back when I was in the sewer I gave them lots of potatoes to eat. Guess it is their staple food now." 

This is kinda sad. She legit just admitted to feeding the slimes and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. Was she trying to harm the city?! I don't even believe that myself. She is peculiar. Oh, and I still remember her backing. 

Yep, I'm not going to take a chance on that one. 

"Anything else you can tell us?! It can be anything at this point!" 

"They enjoy playing hide and seek. Other than that they have 12 hours activity cycles. After that, they usually sleep a bit."

"Make them hide! Hide and seek!!!" 

"It doesn't work like that. They live according to their own clock, nothing I can do about it."

Fine. I simply have to keep them busy for 12 hours. This will be hard but actually doable. That is when I see the sea of slime retreat, then they start to congregate at one spot. 

"What the Hell is about to happen?!" 

"Oh.I've seen that before. They are combining to create a temporary slime, stronger and bigger. My guess is there weren't enough potatoes for everyone so"

Are you kidding me?! We caused this?! Waitwhat happens if the king slimes start merging together?! Are we doomed?!

I just hope this Little Bai can come as fast as possible! 

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