The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 408: Better Retreat

Chapter 408: Better Retreat


This is insane! 

Run away! 

I throw myself on the ground as far as possible. I can hear the shrills screams, then nothing. It suddenly stops. There is a whiff of barbecue scent, the smell of calcinated flesh. 

I turn back. The group following that merchant is no more. The dwarf is as impassible, then he looks this way. 

"P-please don't kill us! We had no idea he'd"

He simply leaves. Slowly walking toward the horizon. Will we survive!? Around me, I can see others slowly getting up too, livid. It has been way too many deaths for all of us recently. Actually, no. The real issue is HOW they died! In the most ridiculous ways possible! 

Killed by simple-looking villagers, killed by a simple-looking dwarf, wait! Don't tell me?! I slowly move my gaze toward the old man that is now crying in fright on the ground. He's covering his head with both arms trying to make himself as small as possible. *Sigh* it should be fine. They can't all be monsters, right?! Right?! 

The leader makes us sign to approach. Then he starts whispering. 

"What do you guys think?" 

He usually doesn't ask our opinion. He must be having doubts himself. 

"He seems genuinely terrified."

"Yes, he was one of the first to throw himself on the ground."

"Yes, there is no way that guy is strong."

"Are we even sure that he's our target? He doesn't seem to have used any poison all this while."

"Actually, I heard something in the village. Don't ask me how, it's embarrassing, but I overheard him saying that he has family in the sect." 


"So maybe he's just an unofficial member or something? Just there to enjoy the benefits?"

"I think so." 

"What if he's faking? What if he's some powerful ancestor?"

"Would a powerful ancestor really be doing something so shameful?"

"You have a point. He's crying so damn much!"

"He's clearly just an old man."

"But what if"

"There is no way that's possible!" 

"Fair enough." 

"Well, given that we are 99% sure he's harmless, how about we be careful and get the Hell away?"

"What about the mission?"

"Screw the mission! We just saw two groups dying while trying to accomplish theirs!"

For once we all agree.  Is it logical? Probably not. There is still this feeling of unease between us. Still today the old man will live for sure. We do not dare make a move against him. 

We quickly but silently start leaving, wanting nothing to do with this accursed place. But the crying old man on the ground suddenly looks up. 

"W-wait guys! Where are you going?!"

"E-eh, we have somewhere to be, don't worry about us." 

"I'm not worried about you guys! I'm worried about myself! What happened to the dwarf?! What happened to the other guys?! I-is it safe?" 

"Yes, don't worry. Everything will be fine. On that note, we'll" 

"Wait! Help me get up please!"

The old man is struggling, his legs are wobbly, and he clearly has trouble. The leader points at me. No! Pick someone else! Please! But he doesn't change his mind. *Sigh* Fine! I slowly walk to the old man. All I can hear is my own heartbeat. 




*Or whatever sound a heartbeat makes. *

I can see my hand shake as I try to help him up.

"I-It's alright old man. You can get up. He's gone"

He looks at me with pleading eyes. "Are you sure? You guys will protect me, right?!"

"S-sure we will. No need to worry." 

He leans on me while going up. He's so damn close! I can feel his breath on my neck.


"Oh my god! Monster!" 


I see my companions dart away. What made them run?! No, I know it. I do know it. I'm fucked! They decisively left me behind. That is when it appears. A huge clear ball of squirming liquid. It seemsalive! 

The old man summoned it. I know it. 

There is no way a powerhouse would act so pitifully. We haven't actually seen him ever use acid magic. Yet our client clearly told us where to find him, just not his identity. He must have used it at some point. 

We were nothing but sacrificial pawn all along. How ridiculous! Here we were dreaming of wealth. It was easy, just kill one man and get rich. All because the client abhors these guys. Well, they took half his face after all. 

We were truly foolish. That is when the ball starts flying with incredible speed. It engulfs a man whole. A few seconds later none of him remain. As if he wasn't there in the first place. 

Then starts a volley. This monster is creating and throwing acid as easily as he breathes. They all run, they all try to dodge, but there is no surviving this. 

Before long all are gone. I am the only one left. I slowly turn toward him. That's when I realize my left arm is missing. Has been ever since I helped him up, I think. As soon as I notice it,  the pain comes. Waves of pain, I can still feel where my arm should be. My body not coming to terms with the sudden change. 

He somehow melted my limb without me even feeling anything. This is way beyond our capabilities. I am a dead man. I simply wish to know. 

"Who are you really?"

"Me? Just an old man. Ah, accessorily the leader of the Acidic Fun Times sect. Perhaps you've heard of it? 

Their leader. The strongest acid user of all time. A legend amongst legend. His infamy is extremely widespread. Yet such a god amongst men is toying with the pitiful us. This


"Why did I play with you guys in the village? Why did I hide my capabilities? Or perhaps why I am now killing you guys?" 

"All of it! Why?! We were simply going to leave peacefully too!" 

"Hehe, what a load of bullshit. You guys were leaving simply because you got scared haha. But you seem mistaken about something. I am no righteous man haha. Why would I bother about that ridiculous stuff? No, there is one simple reason I did all of this"

At least I will know why

"Because it is fun haha!" 

"B-because it is fun. That is why we had to diethat is why"

"Indeed, a friend recently showed me how fun it can be to play weak. At first, I found it weird, but it's surprisingly entertaining haha. Now, shall we end this?" 

I see the smiling face of the old man. My life means absolutely nothing to him. Then I see a giant acid ball forming, then taking shape, one of a giant dragon, one that opens its mouth wide before gobbling me up. 

Goodbye Earth realm Screw this shitty world!

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