The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 401: Eagle's Law

Chapter 401: Eagle's Law


My daughter was worried about Eagle, but now she'll understand why none of us shared that concern. No, the issue is the aftermath instead, all the work this will cause us! 

Oh well, it can't be helped. This is part of my duty as a leader. *Sigh* 

I attack him. He instantly turns his attention toward me, his eyes glowing red. 

In this special state of his, just a gaze is enough to intimidate most opponents. He has this way of looking at you like you are mere prey. All confidence and pride crumble under his stare like an ice cube in a volcano. 

People have mostly forgotten about it. They all assume he is strong because of The Bringer of Calamity. Oh god no! Him getting his hands on it has been an actual blessing for the continent! Ironic how a sword of massacre led to him becoming more peaceful. 

With it, he didn't have to rely on this power of his. He would simply call upon the fiery magic of the legendary blade. We often joke saying that if he one day were to rampage with the blade  there would be no stopping him until the entire Earth realm got reduced to ashes. Well, half-joking

This power of his is one the people here don't know or understand. It is one that is quite mystical, hard to grasp, but impossibly strong when taken to the extremes. It used to be very popular in our old headquarters, everyone and their mother would try sensing something called a Law as it only required comprehension and nothing else. 

These Laws are ever-present and define the very essence of the world. Anything in this world can be associated with a Law, may it be a concept, a force, or even a sentiment. Even something as simple as sensing one is a huge hurdle already! 

These laws are extremely easy to theorize but close to impossible to actually use and master. For instance, anything can be a law, Law of Space, Law of Time, Law of Water, Law of Despair, etc. 

What gives the Eagle wings on the battlefield is something he himself calls Law of Brutality. He doesn't even know how to explain it himself either.

He simply gets this urge for violence and destruction, one that stems from a very primal human instinct. Most people learn to suppress it for it will cause their demise quite quickly. Bloodlust is how you stop thinking, it is how you make mistakes under emotion. 

Well, that's for most people. He instead found a way to turn this craving for brutality into something beneficialsomewhat. 

He rampages until everything is dead, allies or enemies. Actually, he does turn back after a while if left alone, except the damage he can cause during that long while is colossal!

He could destroy many times over the Moon Keep. In fact, many ignore this detail but back when he was in the Lion's band he single-handedly caused the annihilation of many sects. He was their ultimate weapon. 

The Lion would send this berserker to key positions and come get him afterward. Well, he would have been wrong not to use him. 

Still, now we gotta deal with this. *Sigh* 

I don't even try fighting. I know it's pointless. Any normal being becomes weaker the longer a fight goes on, getting tired eventually. Not him. Not at all! The more brutal a fight becomes and the stronger he gets. 

No matter who is being brutal he powers up. His opponent getting the better of him and managing to hurt him? Power up! Him killing a weakling on the way? Power up! Some guy losing his footing and ending up in a brutal accident? Goddamn power up! It's crazy! 

There is only one easy way to deal with one such as him. You run without looking back. That is all. The other option is to overpower him in a gentle manner. For almost anyone, this simply sounds like nonsense. How is it even possible?! Well, we'll be fine since we have Grey the Necromancer and The Mad Alchemist! 

Any of these three individuals is enough to terrorize and conquer this continent, well if none of the hidden ones intervene. But either way, it doesn't matter. Our true enemies are unlike the useless rabble of the Starter continent. No, eventually I have the dream of coming back to our ancestral ground. 

A triumphant return amidst the corpses of those who scorned us would be so sweet! Well, it will all depend on what happens to the Lunar Goddess herself*Sigh* We had to retreat because of her issue in the first place. 

We somehow all feel that the Envoy may just resolve this problem. We have no clue how nor when either. Of course, I'm referring to the one my daughter keeps asking about, not that fake one. 

The one that is extremely weird. But that weirdness may very well be what saves us.  In retrospect, many things he has done are questionable at best. Why did he have to run away? Why is he playing the fool? I wanted to ask him about it, but I was never sure of how to do so. But then he left before I truly could. 

The warden actually has a theory, but I don't know how accurate it is. Let's just say if it is our wildest dreams may just come true haha. He'll lead us when he will be ready. Whenever that day comes, we will follow him!

Now, I need to focus. 


The Eagle keeps swinging this bastard sword of his with impossibly strong momentum. I keep dodging while fleeing. There will be so many craters after this. I'll tell this fool to fill them all once he's back to normal for sure. 

I keep going until I reach a completely deserted area. No road, no one, nothing. This will be the perfect battleground. 

Now, I just need to wait for Grey and the warden. They should be here soon. Gotta keep dodging, one hit means weakening and weakening means death against such a perverse opponent. 




Where the Hell are the both of them?! These damn geezers! I just need to keep avoiding...




Seriously, they should be here already! I'm fighting for my goddamn life here!



I see them! These assholes are slowly walking over while casually chatting! What the fuck! I'm the Sectmaster of the goddamn Moon Keep! Show a little care for my life! Please! 


Wait, are they fucking waving at me while smiling?! 


"Get here already before I kick the bucket!!!!" 


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