The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 378: Cockroach Enemies

Chapter 378: Cockroach Enemies

What is happening?! Okay, so a cockroach army appeared behind us. Now it's seemingly chasing us for some reason. 

My companions are panicking. Don't ask me how I know, I just know. We are riding as fast as possible, but we probably will have to fight at this rate.

The other party has more members, each is also bigger and more menacing.  They are ever so slowly catching up. This won't do! 

I may be an idiot, but I fucking love these cockroaches. I'll be damned if I let anything happen to them! I just came from a portal and instead of trying to screw me over, they accepted me in the pack. Especially after all the time I've spent training them! I am just now starting to see results! 

[Welp keep running friends. Don't worry I got this!] 

Ah, right gotta go with the signal. Good thing no one is here to see this haha. 


Yes, that was the sound for run forward full speed like the devil itself is after you! I simply jump off. Then  I start running toward the potential enemies. I get near them, and I get noticed instantly. A few dash toward me. At this point, I'm not even being violent or anything. 

Nevertheless, they instantly come to bite me. This time there is no doubt these things are trying to kill me. For sure. Just the impact is enough to push me backward. When they still see me moving even more head my way. 

Let me guess. These are from a rival colony or something. Is it called that for these guys? I don't know. All I know is that I need to stop them now. 

These things can eat mana. Good thing I have none. I make divine energy course through my body at full power. Then I start smashing, crushing, breaking, squashing, trampling, and pulverizing. 

There is a literal sea of these creatures. Any casual movement of mine sends them flying in a pitiful state. I think I understand why people are scared of them. Against an enemy like that technique and magic don't mean anything. 

There are no feints possible here. There are no mind games. Only raw power and endurance. Fighting an army alone is close to impossible. Sure the first few are easy to kill. Each is especially weak individually. But the more time passes and the more fatigue settles in. 

Well, there is an exception to that. Anyone that possesses great regeneration capabilities, bonus points if it's lifesteal or spellvamp. 

There is also my case. Against these creatures, I am literally invincible. They are like rank 3 at best with most being probably rank 1-2. I'm not sure but I shouldn't be far off. This means that I could literally be sleeping on the floor with them trying to eat me that I'd be fine.

Of course, it would be different if it was a rank 3 like that big snake from the forest. That one actually seemed to have a special devouring ability. But manasteal? Bitch, please! Better try next time! 

There is also something helping me a lot. They are all charging at me angrily. Mashing their mandibles in a bid to eat my fucking face. Were they smarter, there would be nothing I'd be able to do at all. 

Like seriously if they all just run away right now there is nothing I could do about it. I feel like a shredder, a bug shredder. That's when one of the big ones comes near me and then does something. 

I'm not too sure what's happening but a dark bluish vibrating cage pops out. Is this a killing array or something? How dangerous is that?! 

All the enemies keep charging at me making sure I remain dead in the center of the thing. Even with my physical enhancement, there is only so much I can do. There are so many bodies piling up near and on top of me that moving is already difficult. Now add the non-stop onslaught andYeah. 

I just hope whatever this is won't one-shot me. I think I'll be fine. I doubt many rank 3 abilities could instantly overcome my defenses completely. I keep fighting valiantly expecting the worst. 

Except that no matter what nothing seems to happen. As far as I can tell this thing only produced light? That's it? I don't feel any different at all. Seeing all the insects charging right through the walls it doesn't seem to be physical either. What the hell? 

Seeing as I'm not affected more rank 3 come nearby and start doing the same. As time passes there are more and more light cages. So many that it's even brighter than an EDM concert. Yes, you know what I'm talking about. 

Honestly whatever spell this is a DJ's wet dream. Pop one and BAM! The crowd goes crazy! Especially the dudes on drugs, actually pretty sure that's part of the experience, right? Not judging by the way.  I can somehow feel the confusion of the creatures. 

They are clearly looking between whatever they created and me. Then going back and forth. Like seriously between their expression and a literal "?" the first one expresses more confusion.

One approaches to inspect everything closely. It doesn't seem to be able to figure it out. Doesn't help that I murder it when it enters my range.  I mean remaining unmoving and perplexed on the battlefield? Seriously?!

Just as I'm celebrating internally how well everything is going something bad happens.  I can hear what can only be called a warcry!

Then I see my allies charge toward the group. At first, they instantly get the upper hand. There are more enemies but they are all at a loss on how to deal with me. 

The first few seconds are magical ones where the enemies are just getting one-sidedly slaughtered with no time to react at all. 

[No run! WEEE! WHOA! I don't care! Just leave! Hurry! I got this!] 

But no matter what they don't listen. They remain and they fight. 


That's when our enemies start fighting back. I see the creatures I've learned to love getting shredded. Sure they always kill a few before going down but this is pointless! 

I just need more time! More time is all! I can't fucking believe this is happening again. No fucking way!

Focus. They won't listen to me no matter what. It's fine. Think. Think, 

I need to do something. I need an AoE attack! The only one I know is the Forgar's sun thingy. No, I can't! That would destroy both allies and enemies alike. Laying waste to it all. 

There is only one way. I just need to increase the pace. I just need to kill faster. No matter what. 

Faster, way faster!





Fuck them! 

All of them! 

I just hope I'm fast enough. 

No, I gotta be. No matter what! Please...

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