The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 376: Lots of Cockroaches

Chapter 376: Lots of Cockroaches

(_) zzZ


Let me sleep. I'm tired. So tired. 


Leave me be. I'm so comfortable. 


What is it? Who's shaking me? It's

[Wolfie, what's up?] 

Hmm, it seems she needs my help with something. I'm not sure what. I just want to sleep a bit more. Ah, but she doesn't ask for much usually. Since it's her asking I'll wake up, albeit reluctantly. 

[Sure, give me five minutes.] 

She nods before heading outside to wait for me. I slowly rise. I can't help but look lovingly at the rough bed. It was so comfortable a second ago. 

Ah, whatever. I make sure I'm wearing clothes, yes I am. 

In times like these, I'd really need a shower. Seriously instead of killing each other people in this world should work on that. I guess there is always water magicbut... 

I slowly stretch a bit and head outside. Ah, for some reason it's still night. This is definitely not a time to be awake for them. How long do they plan to party? 

As I'm slowly walking there seems to be some sort of goo on the ground. What did they even do? Actually, I don't want to know. Ah, whatever. Where is even Wolfie? Ah, she's there! 

Right next to a glowing thing. I can't tell what it is but it seems to be floating in the air. I'm just rubbing my eyes trying to drive the sleepiness away. 

( )

Just as I'm approaching it, I hear one of the villagers call out to me. 


I turn my head while I keep walking. 

[What's up?] 

I can see their faces show shock and fear, but only for an instant. Indeed a  few seconds later I can't see them anymore. 

All I can see is that thing floating in the airwait a second.  I blink a few times to confirm ityep, that's totally a portal. But seriously what the hell is it doing here? Also, where is it leading? 

That's when it suddenly disappears...Without a signal at all, didn't flash or become smaller. Nope just gone!

Where am I even? I turn around...


What the fuck are these? There stand a few thousand giant cockroaches all staring at me. There are some that are 1 meter long, some 2 meters long, and some 5 meters long. 

I could describe for ages how they look but these are legit just overgrown cockroaches, ones that are completely black. 

For some reason, I get the feeling these creatures are at a loss. I can see the big ones pointing their antennas at me, sometimes producing weird sounds too. 

Judging by their size they shouldn't be that strong? Or maybe on the contrary they are because usual cockroaches are way smaller? Should I be looking at the enlargement ratio? 

[So, eh. What's up? Any of you can talk?] 

This may sound ridiculous at first but from my experience, there are many monsters that can.

*Insert useless flashbacks of me saying [You can talk!] over and over* 

There are some more weird noises produced. 

[How about getting anyone that I could converse with?] 

I get the feeling this is the first time they see a human here. Then again, I'm not even sure where this is myself. Also the few they saw probably either started running away or tried to kill them. Just a guess, but I'm probably right. 

That is when a small creature approaches me. It slowly starts circling around me. Like it's looking at something new and weird. It's just observing me.


Then it slowly comes closer. What is it even up to?  It comes closer and starts gently nibbling my hand with its antennas moving all over the place. does it want to be petted? 


I slowly put my hand on its head and start gently running. It simply freezes. Not moving one bit. Okay, I'm confused what is this? Then after a while, another one comes over. Just observing the situation, looking at my outstretched hand, then at its immobile kin. 

It seems perplexed too. Before long a few more join the party. That's when a big one approaches. It comes nearby and starts nibbling on my arm, extremely gently. 

Now there is something I'm wondering aboutThis may hurt but I slowly remove the divine energy in the outer layer of my arm

I'm expecting to bleed or somethingnope. It's applying so little force that I'm fine even without my defenses. At first, one part of me was like I totally stumble upon the so-called evil Abyss Devourers, right?!

Now, I'm not so sure. Could it be that these creatures are actually friendly if not angered? It wouldn't be the first time that a creature is misunderstood. 

I can already picture a likely scenario. Some hero sees an oversized bug, his first reaction is "let's kill that monstrosity!" Then he kills enough to anger the entire race, they chase him for revenge. Guy hides in a city, the city unknowingly comes between the creatures and their revenge. City gets destroyed. Then the whole world sees them as a threat and starts the slaughter, so they fight back. 

This is gonna sound weird, but these creatures are kind of cute. I just keep petting. Some are still observing me, others are just cleaning their antennas with their front legs and mandibles. I guess it's the same as normal cockroaches, to enhance their olfactory acuity, but who knows. 

Right, how do I go back now anyway? Can you believe that villager shouted careful back then? He should have shouted stop or something. 

Let me see, the portal I came from is gone. That suck. Can I open it somehow? I try to use divine energy, but I get nothing. That one time in the god realm I could do it easily toowhat changed? 

Oh, actually I know. Back then the portal itself was made of divine energy, this one is probably made of mana: big difference. You'd expect the first to be harder to master butor maybe I'm an exception? 

Anyway, this is bothersome. What do I do now? I could always lie down and sleep some more. Maybe I'd get lucky and find inspiration in a dream? This is clearly a dumb idea haha. But that's what I do. 

I just lie on the ground and close my eyes. Why? Cause I'm still very tired. Wait, didn't Wolfie want me to do something? Right, it was probably in link with this portal anyway. 

Ah, whatever. 

[Night roaches, make sure no one wakes me up.] 

I see one nod, ah never mind it's just cleaning itself. 

Oh well


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