The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 340: Challenge!

Chapter 340: Challenge!

I stay cooped inside. 

The youngster is the only one allowed to come in except Gran. 

Let's just say he asks me quite a lot of questions. 

He wants to know what happened exactly.

How it was all possible. 

He also asks me about my past. 

He is still not sure how to interact with me. 

On one hand, I'm easy to talk to.

On the other hand, I defeated 30 bandits alone. 

Making them run for their lives. 

I guess I am becoming slightly powerful. 

I'm hard to kill. 

I can use divine energy to boost my physical capabilities. 

My swordsmanship sucks but I can cut through weapons easily. 

Then there is this new ability. 

I get the feeling I am now invincible against rank 2-3 normal swordsmen. 

The issue is still magic. 

I'm sure there is a way to protect one's mind from illusions. 

I am also limited by the fact that I am human. 

If a mage casts a levitating spell, I'll be a sitting duck. 

Actually, I could throw stuff. 

Now that I'm confident in my aim either. 

As long as I don't become complacent it should be fine. 

That is when I hear people calling out to us. 

Gran comes inside. 

"Let's put that make-up on."

[What's happening?] 

"We reached a town."

A few touch-ups later I am ready to face the world!

Wolfie stays hidden.

I exit and I see our destination in the distance. 

Gran points at it. 

"You see this? This place is our battlefield."

[Oh? That harsh?] 

"Every performance is key. 

Reputation is all to us. 

We can come about once a year. 

People will flock to us when we do. 

If we mess up now, we won't eat next year."

[I understand. Should I do anything?] 

"You just enjoy the show, I don't dare to ask you."

[No it's fine! I can help!] 

"No, I don't dare because your acting sucks."

[Hey that's harsh!] 

"But true! Just focus on what you do best."

She goes busy herself with something.

[Do what I do best? So, cooking?] 

The kid looks at me skeptically. 

"Why have I never seen you do that before then?"

[Because I am an artist. I only bake pies.] 

"Are you sure you aren't a failure of a baker?"

[Hey, I'll have you know a Gluto follower said it was the best pie he'd ever eaten!]

"Waitthese guys that do nothing but eat?!"

[Indeed, young one. Impressed yet?] 

"Yes, actually."

There are travelers pointing at us. 

Also townsfolks 

For some reason, we stop before reaching the town. 

[We need to get permission to head inside or something?] 

"Nope, we'll set a scene out here. This way more people will be able to watch us."

[How will admission even work?]

"We just look for new faces and make them pay."

[Are you kidding me?! There will be hundreds of customers, no?!] 


[This is insane!] 

Hell, I have trouble remembering the faces of the people close to me!

"Funny how you find that insane."


"Fighting bandits alone isn't?"

[Naw, that's easier. They were actually weak.] 

"If you say so haha."

[So, what now?] 

"You can go and have fun by yourself. I'll be busy."

[Chasing me away after using me?! How roguish!] 

"Pfft, right. Here, some silvers."

He hands me a pouch. 

I feel like I've seen that one before. 

Ah, from the bandits. 

[Shall I explore a bit?] 

Now that I think about it, I barely visited Eaglevein. 

Meh, it's fine. 

Right now I'm sure to be a wanted man there. 

I can always go back in a few years. 

I'm sure they won't remember me by then. 

I reach the gates. 


[Eh, how much does it cost to enter?] 

"What is your purpose in coming here?"

[I'm with the performers that are setting up outside.]

He seems suspicious. 

"Then why are you here and not helping them?"

[I'm just the bodyguard. Is this place unsafe perhaps?]

"Oh? You are protecting them?" 


"How about you prove it?"

[Nope, not in the mood to fight.] 

"What about a challenge?"

[What kind?] 

He flexes his muscles.

"A challenge of strength!"

[What's in it for me?] 

"Proving that you are no one shady!"

[Shady people come here often?] 

"Thatno, but.."

[Tell you what. Let's bet. All in!] 

I fearlessly bet all of my savings. 

They all look appreciatingly. 

They get a rope ready out of nowhere. 

"Are you ready?!"

[Are we even allowed to do this here?] 

"Haha, don't worry. Everyone is in a festival mood."

Fair enough. 

People can't be serious all the time. 

I see that some of them are still observing the flow of people. 

"The rules are simple. Whoever manages to pull the other toward his side wins."


People start betting. 

Many are betting against me. 

[Are you guys sure you want to waste money? 

To make some you should bet on me.] 


"So much confidence!"

"He is clearly bluffing!"

My opponent smirks.

"Let's do this!"


Divine energy activate! 

As long as he doesn't use magic, I'm golden. 

He is clearly struggling with all his might. 

I just smile at him. 

Casually holding the taut rope. 

I can hear exclamations of surprise from the spectators.

[*Sigh* I even told you guys you were wasting money.] 

Then, I ever slowly start pulling. 

His face is red. 

He is breathing heavily. 

His whole body is trembling. 

His feet digging the earth. 

Then I drag him all the way to my side. 

[How is it? Are you convinced now?] 

"Oh my god, brother! How are you so strong!"

[I trained. That simple.] 

Technically true. 

I trained using divine energy hehe. 

Is it cheating? 

No way! It is my own power!

I get handed a ton of coin pouches. 

No one seems disappointed somehow. 

"Haha, it was worth paying to see him lose!"

"True, how many times did he beat us?"

"This is divine retribution!"

Divine eh? If only they knew haha. 

[Alright, so you believe me now?] 

"Of course! Only rank 3 warriors can be that strong!"

"You mean at least a rank 3 warrior! Did you see how he destroyed you?!"

I feel like this will be a topic of conversation for a while. 

As I enter, I see colorful cloth hanged everywhere.


A bystander: 

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

[What's the celebration for?] 

"Just the festival. 

There will be a show later on. 

These guys are the best there is!

We've been waiting a whole year for them! 

You definitely can't miss it!"


I didn't know my companions were that impressive. 

Have I been traveling with entertainment stars or something?! 

Now that I got money, I may as well spend it haha. 

Where to?

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