The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 330: Meeting

Chapter 330: Meeting


This is insane. 

The Old Lion?!

The one that fought the sects all his life?!

I can't help but look at my brothers of arms. 

They are disconcerted too. 

"Alright, follow us!"

We start walking. 

During the journey, I try a few times to get to know more. 

Every time all I receive is a slight smile. 

Before long we reach the base. 

We were all expecting something basic, instead, there is a fortress. 

A real stronghold that would put to shame most headquarters. 

It doesn't look particularly intricate. 

There doesn't seem to be many magical protections either. 

They simply carved a mountain peak into a castle. 

It is huge!

"Impressive, right!"

I can't help but nod. 

"So I take it that you like the design. It took us a while."

He gestures grandly.

"Welcome to the rock!"

What a fitting name!

The only way in the place is a narrow-elevated trail. 

We simply advance. 

The army coming back inside triumphantly. 

People on the continent calls them bandits. 

Is this something bandits can even own?!

The gatekeepers seem happy. 

Passing sly comments about us. 

Celebrating the successful hunt. 

Funny how this ended up. 

They didn't even attack the creatures directly. 

The preys just freaked out on their own. 

How much must they have bullied them since coming here?!

Then again it has been years. 

They had a lot of time to show their dominance.

They are the apex predator in the area. 

The ever-hungry human legion. 

Merciless and undefeatable. 

Most factions would never be able to sustain themselves simply by hunting. 

It may very well be possible here. 

Since it is a disaster zone. 

The rate at which creatures mature is exaggerated thanks to the wild mana in the air. 

I guess the Lion had taken most of this into account when he decided to establish himself here. 

Some people call this place a land of death. 

They are so very wrong. 

The interior is unlike what I would have expected.

There are a lot of tapestries. 

Colorful ones too. Also very artistic. 

"Where did you guys even pick that up?"

"*Shrug* A random sect out there. Alright, you guys should clean yourselves up."

"Wow since when do you care about that?"

"Hey! Don't look down on us! Before we were bandits but now, we are a proper faction!"

"About that"

He simply starts humming leading the way. 

I recognize many of my brothers of old. 

I've missed them. 

He brings us to nice double doors. 

Ones that are beautifully engraved with golden fish patterns.

"You guys stole doors? Who does that?!"

"No, no! This is making efficient use of resources. Why destroy when we can use it?!"

He is not ashamed in the least. 

I'm starting to question if there is at least one thing in this place that isn't stolen. 

I guess the fortress itself and that's it. 

We enter. 

There seems to besteam?!


There is a big water basin. 

Somehow, it is heated up. 


"Oh, that? We found an artifact that generates water constantly."

"By found you mean"

"Of course!"

"What about the heat? I haven't really seen trees around."

"Oh? Another artifact that we-"

"*Sigh* I get it."

"Enjoy your bath! I'll bring you guys new clothes!"

We can't believe it. 

This is so out of character. 

What happened to the mercenary band? 

Since when did they all care about luxury? 

Then again maybe they just ended up to chance upon these artifacts. 

Then happens the most disappointing bath scene ever. 

Just a bunch of men wondering what the hell happened to this place. 

Our expectations clashing with reality. 

"What do you guys think?"

"Any chance we are getting spied on right now?"

I can do something about it. 

I produce some unstable mana in the areas around us. 

While it won't do much in normal circumstances it should prevent low-level spying spells. 

For anything higher than rank 3 it won't do anything, however. 

Except that at this point there is nothing we could do to resist anyway. 

"Should be safe now."

"You guys think the Lion has been corrupted by an evil wizard?"

"Maybe he has gone insane?"

"What if he tried to rob a hidden sect and got forced?"

"That could actually be possible."

"Are hidden sects even real?"

"I meanjust think of the Sectmaster."


"So what's the plan?"

"What plan can we even have. We are outnumbered 1:50."

"We just keep following. Hopefully, nothing shady is going on."

Thus we finish bathing. 

We wear the new clothes our guide gives us. 

Then he brings us to a big audience room.

We are all stressed. 

This will be a decisive moment. 

Then we see him. 

The Old Lion. 

Sitting on a simple rock throne. 

Simple yet exuding power. 

It seems to have a certain aura. 

A regal one. 

One that definitely shouldn't appear on a mercenary or a bandit. 

It seems he has changed from the past. 

Golden hair, golden eyes. 

No one truly knows why he looks like that. 

Some talk about him gaining power through a ritual. 

Some talk about him not being human in the first place. 

No clue. 

Even while seated, he seems towering. 

Then he growls. 

"It has been a long time, you guys. What brings you here?"

He is not one to beat about the bush. 

I look at my companions, uncertain. 

Guess I'll just be direct too. 

"To recruit you to a sect."

He guffaws. 

"Me?! To a sect?! I didn't picture you guys as wanting to join a sect in the first place. What happened?"

"We simply met someone amazing enough to convince us is all. What about you? What is that about an elder?"

"Eh, I simply met someone amazing enough to convince me is all."

"Then it is definitive? You joined?"

"Indeed, my mind is made. Still, tell me more I am curious!"

I take a second to collect my thoughts. 

"He saved us from a death domain. In the process, he defeated a bone dragon, converted a unicorn, and somehow intimidated a vampire. You?"

"We were recruited by a man that alone is able to fight our army. The undefeatable warrior himself! His leader is even more impressive. He managed to tame a rank 5 beast ancestor!"

We both share a long look. 

We are clearly both impressed with the other party. 

But I must try again. 

"Still I do feel like this sect we have joined would have aligned especially well with your temperament."


Then I start describing The Unnamed God sect's values. 

The more I keep going the more surprised he seems. 

Somehow his gaze seems weird too. 

He probably never expected such a cool sect to exist. 

At least that's what I am thinking. 

I'm just done describing that


The most boisterous laughter ever. 

Did I say anything funny? 

That is when a comes in the man we saw before. 

He gives us a slight smile before going

"How about you tell me more about your adventures? 

Right, I should probably properly introduce myself. 

I'm the First Elder of The Unnamed God Sect. =)" 


Holy shit!

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