The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 325: Remodeling

Chapter 325: Remodeling


We cannot believe this!

We were hiding. 

Bidding our time. 

Who knew an opportunity would come so soon? 

As we look around, we can see this system of theirs weakening. 

At first, we are confused, but then we understand. 

They made an enemy way out of their league. 

Whoever they are trying to smite with the formation does not care!

This is something even I can't ignore. 

Yet there is someone that can here. 

This is wonderful. 

In the chaos, we thrive!

We are already satisfied with that, but it becomes even better. 

Soon afterward a purple cloud engulfs the city. 

One that affects all living creatures. 

The body we are controlling falls asleep. 

Our spirit remains strong, however. 

This is our lucky day. 

But still, we need to be careful.

Whoever did this is dangerous. 

So we wait. 

We stand by. 

We linger on the side. 

Until finally it all goes away. 

Whoever did it is gone. 

The city is peaceful again. 

Not for long. 

"RiSe mY ChIlDrEnS! rIsE!!"

We can't help but chuckle. 

Skeletons and ghouls come out of our place. 

It is time for the festivities to begin. 

It is time for a massacre. 

So many humans, all sleeping peacefully. 

Let us make it an eternal sleep, shall we?

My minions start going from one human to another. 

Quickly snuffing out the life in them. 

Then arise another companion. 

This is the beauty of necromancy. 

One is never alone. 


Ah, this is fun. 

So much fun! 

For some reason, it seems most of the sects are out today. 

We won't shy away from this buffet. 

They may have survived longer had they remained cooped in their bases. 

After all, the effects of the sleeping drug are bound to stop at some point. 

Who cares about that haha. 

By then it will be a city of the dead. 

That is when one man wakes up. 

A mountain of flesh. 

One we have fought in the past. 

We cannot fight him head-on. 

He notices his surroundings. 

Then he gives a heavy sigh and starts killing our children. 

Most would be terrified, but he does not care. 

We need to take him down. 

Usual undead won't cut it for this guy. 

We summon skeleton archers and skeleton mages. 

Using all the fresh corpses we summon a few hundred of them.

"RaIn fIrE AnD HeLl uPoN HiM! mAkE HiM ReGrEt eVeR FiGhTiNg uS!"

Then stars a beautiful spectacle. 

Ah, but he doesn't mind it much. 

He simply charges toward us. 

But we have learned our lesson. 

We simply invoke a bone wyvern. 

One that is able to fly. 

Even with its bony wings. 

We take flight observing the stubborn man below. 

He rages and kills, but so what. 

The more time passes the more reinforcements we have. 

We are endless. 

We are immortal. 

We are the new overlords. 

He seems to have a very powerful soul. 

Most would have trouble even looking at us. 

Not him. 

We oh so wish to devour him, but we know better. 

Guys like him are nonsensical. 

They can win any straightforward fight. 

May it be a physical one or a consciousness one. 

So we simply stand back and await his demise. 

Soon enough he realizes too that he will die. 

He leaves. 

Slowly, while still getting attacked by a barrage of deadly projectiles. 

Still, we remain in the air. 

All until he is finally out of the picture. 

Ah, but it seems we wasted too much time on this man. 

The others are waking up. 

Not that it matters. 

We have accomplished our goal. 

50% of the city is ours. 

That is enough to get us started. 

There are some sects that start fighting back. 

Except that before long they understand how pointless this is. 

For every undead they kill 2 join the fray. 

Their dead allies rise up again to stab them in the ass. 

This is glorious! 

Who will stop us? 

Who can stop us? 

We would have kept being low-key, but who cares! 

Before long all the streets are painted in blood. 

Screams of the living are filling the city. 

The despair is palpable. 


There are other fools wanting to oppose us. 

Ones that don the armor of the local army. 

We quickly send them scurrying. 

All but one man that remains strong. 

He is swinging his sword talking about saving HIS city. 

He is sorely mistaken. 

It is our city now HAHAHAHA.

Before long he is forced to retreat like all the others. 

Of the peaceful atmosphere from earlier remains only death and silence. 

Dead and undead bodies. 

We can see all of the humans huddling together on the horizon. 

Now, let us remodel, shall we? 

"ReMoVe aLl oF ThE GaRbAgE AlTaRs aNd tEmPlEs. ThIs pLaCe iS OuRs nOw."

Our legion gets to work. 

Before long only rubble remains of the most elegant structures. 

This is fun.

Oh so very fun. 

Should we build an altar for the so-called god that summoned us? 

No, we won't.

For we hold no trust in them. 

We start exploring our new domain. 

Until we finally come across what seems to be an inner sanctum. 

That is where we find something wonderful. 

Something truly amazing. 

In the dept of the city is hidden a treasure. 

A huge gem that probably served as the core of this place. 

They escaped quickly without even bothering about it. 

How ridiculous. 

Ah, we understand why! 

It seems to be out of energy. 

That is why they deemed it worthless. 

Clearly, a result of them trying to fight that previous enemy. 

They are true fools. 

They started a fight they could not win. 

Even forgetting our existence in passing. 

We dislodge it from the pedestal it is in. 

It may be empty of energy, but there is a great source all around. 

The death energy is ever so present. 

We focus and start a long chant. 

That is when all the bones around start to gather. 

The ground trembles. 

The air ripples. 

Then it spawns. 

Our newest creation. 

We were vulnerable to elite troops before. 

Not anymore. 

"WeLcOmE To tHiS WoRlD LiTtLe oNe!"

*ROAR! * 


This bone dragon is inducing despair in the faraway humans. 

All the idiots that ran away can see it. 

All their hopes of taking back the city are crushed instantly. 

Oh, sweet misery. 

"TaKe fLiGhT AnD Go fEeD On tHeM. cOmE BaCk hErE QuIcKlY AfTeRwArD!"

With another roar, it flies towards the puny humans. 

They try and resist, but they perish. 

All of the ones that don't flee. 

All the others are like rats. 

So what. 

This is only the beginning. 

Our reign has only begun. 


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