The Player that Can’t Level Up

Chapter 288: Paimon (5)

Chapter 288: Paimon (5)

"Come in, Old Man Hwang offered. Showing it to Gi-Gyu would be better than trying to explain it with words.

Gi-Gyu nodded and entered.

However, Old Man Hwang stopped Lou from entering. Wait.

What do you think youre doing? Lou glared at the elderly blacksmith, exuding ominous energy. His forehead also twitched angrily.

Please dont get me wrong. Old Man Hwang quickly explained, Lord Paimon hasnt been fully resurrected yet. If someone with powerful sorcerous energy like yourself enters the ritual barrier, I dont know what effect it would have on him.

Lou looked at Gi-Gyu and murmured, But what about him? But without waiting for an answer, he conceded, Fine.

Lou stepped back, knowing that Gi-Gyu was an exception. Gi-Gyu was connected to Paimon through his sync ability. In addition, Gi-Gyu could control his energy better.

Before entering the room, Gi-Gyu said to Lou, Ill be right back.

El followed.

Tsk Lou clicked his tongue and sat down, now all alone in the hallway. There was nothing he could do other than just wait. Either he would get an answer or

Paimon himself will walk out. Lou closed his eyes and waited. He was still very much troubled, but he took comfort in knowing he was close to the answer.


When Gi-Gyu entered the room, he waved his hands to push away the boiling energy that filled the space.

He could barely breathe as his eyes turned toward the center of the room. There, he could see the magic circle, created by Baal and perfected by Min-Su, responsible for helping Paimon.

In the middle of the circle was someone who looked like Min-Su.

Is that Min-Su? Gi-Gyu asked in awe. The figure seemed like a corpse because it didnt make the smallest movement, and its breathing was also faint.

What shocked Gi-Gyu the most, though, was Min-Sus appearance.

Old Man Hwang answered, He is absorbing Lord Paimons body. He is almost done.

Old Man Hwang tried to explain as best as he could. Lord Paimon is a high demon with incredible power. You may have synced with Min-Su, but that doesnt mean his shell volume, strength, and such would immediately increaseitll take some time. However, he must now absorb Lord Paimon, who is well beyond his limits. So this would take some time.

Gi-Gyu nodded.

Old Man Hwang added, Think of that magic circle as a tool to help Min-Su absorb Lord Paimons physical body. Without your help, it would have been impossible. He stood beside the magic circle.

Hwang Chae-Il seemingly didnt realize Gi-Gyu was there because he kept his eyes closed and was chanting something.

Old Man Hwang murmured, Please wait here for a moment. There is something you need to do for us soon.

Without explaining exactly what Gi-Gyu needed to do, Old Man Hwang closed his eyes and began chanting too. Gi-Gyu watched Min-Su while sensing the profound energies in the room.

Min-Su no longer looked like an immature boy. He still wasnt an adult yet, but he now looked like a high school student. Min-Su had grown at least 20 cm since the last time Gi-Gyu saw him. He also had long hair now.

Gi-Gyu noticed how red Min-Sus hair was. The boys facial features still remained, but one could also see Paimons facial characteristics. Gi-Gyu thought Min-Su would look like Paimon in a few years at this rate.

Just then, the boiling energy suddenly paused.

Huh? Gi-Gyu jolted when he saw the magic circle glowing. It began absorbing the energies in the air; Old Man Hwang and Hwang Chae-Il started chanting even faster.

A group of fulgent lights gathered around Min-Su.


All the lights heading toward Min-Su exploded.

Master! El screamed.

Suddenly, Gi-Gyu realized what Old Man Hwang wanted him to do. He raised his hands and began controlling the abundant power in the room. The magic circle had mutated the various energies, but Gi-Gyu could still control them. He stopped the energies from running amok and stabilized the magic circle.

Gi-Gyu restrained the energies, allowing only the amount he knew Min-Su could handle to pass through.

The process didnt take long.

Ugh Hwang Chae-Il groaned.

Its finally over Old Man Hwang announced with a tired sigh.

Gi-Gyu silently watched the middle of the magic circle. All of Paimons remaining power had entered Min-Su. He also absorbed all the energies Old Man Hwang and Hwang Chae-Il had prepared in advance.

Death and Life. Gi-Gyu knew they were meant for Min-Su, but some also entered Paimon because Eden was full of them.

After absorbing everything, Min-Su opened his eyes.

Haa That was rough, said Min-Su, who wasnt Min-Su.

Paimon? Gi-Gyu asked. The voice and the tone definitely belonged to Paimon.

Did it work? This boy I did give him some hints, but I never expected him to really pull it off, Min-Su, who sounded like Paimon now, ignored Gi-Gyu and mumbled.

Gi-Gyu was about to say something more when Paimon in Min-Sus body turned toward him.

Hmm! As expected, this isnt perfect. All he did was put the puzzle pieces together, but barely Well, I guess itll do, Paimon continued.

Gi-Gyu gave up on asking any more questions.

Meanwhile, Paimon was busy checking his new body. He mumbled, Not bad. He definitely has the talent.

Are you really Paimon? Gi-Gyu finally asked, realizing Paimon might never stop talking to himself.

Are you blind? Paimon finally answered. Cant you see that I am? What an idiot.

It really is Paimon.

But what about Min-Su? What happened to him? Gi-Gyu asked in a panic. This wasnt what he had been told would happen. If Paimon took Min-Sus body, what happened to Min-Su?

Ahh, youre a moron. Cant you tell by now? Min-Su is perfectly fine. Im just borrowing his body for a moment by placing my consciousness into it. Min-Su must be tired because he went inside to rest.

Haa Gi-Gyu sighed in relief. The sync had told him Min-Su was fine. However, he had been worried about how the process affected Min-Su.

Just wait a little while. Three hours probably? In that time, we should be able to sort things out. It just needs a little tuning, thats all, Paimon ordered Gi-Gyu to leave.

Paimon then turned toward the exhausted Old Man Hwang and Hwang Chae-Il, who were slumped in a corner.

You two over there. You can still move, right? Paimon pointed his finger at them. I know you can, so stop being a baby and help me.

Old Man Hwang and Hwang Chae-Il stood up. Pitying them, El injected some Life into them. Feeling much better, Old Man Hwang and Hwang Chae-Il thanked her profusely.

What are you still doing here? Arent you leaving? Youre in the way, so get out, Paimon ordered again.

Gi-Gyu finally left in silence.

Lou, who had been waiting alone, stood up when he saw Gi-Gyu. Because there was a barrier around the room, it was unlikely Lou knew anything that had happened inside.

Lou asked impatiently, What happened? Is Paimon awake?

Gi-Gyu sighed and replied, It worked. Hes alive, but I want to kill him again.

El, who had been maintaining a blank face, laughed.


Since Paimon had told him it wouldnt take long, Gi-Gyu waited outside the room. Just as he had promised, Gi-Gyu saw Paimon soon enough.

Old Man Hwang and Hwang Chae-Il looked more exhausted than before.

Gi-Gyu said to them, You two should go and rest

The two of them should have been curious about the information Paimon was about to give Gi-Gyu, but they were just too tired. They thanked Gi-Gyu and left without a fight.

As the two walked out, Paimon spoke under his breath, Theyre weak, but if I work on them a while longer, they might turn into great assistants.

Old Man Hwang and Hwang Chae-Il seemingly heard this because they flinched before leaving.

So, is the tuning over? asked Gi-Gyu.

Well, sort of? I dont think Ill have any problem moving inside this body for now. But well need to build a new body for me fast. Its difficult to move in a body like this

Pardon? Gi-Gyu became confused. What did Paimon mean by building a new body?

Do you think Ill leach off my descendant's body forever? I envy this childs talent, but it would be a waste to use only one body when I can use two. Paimon smiled. But I have to admit that this child has immense talent. I mean it.

Why didnt you tell me before? Gi-Gyu asked.

Paimon had told Min-Su about how to save him, which Min-Su conveyed to Gi-Gyu during his last visit. Based on what he knew about Paimon, Gi-Gyu knew Paimon wouldnt have given this information to Min-Su by accident. It was apparent that Paimon was giving Min-Su a hint about how to save him.

Paimon smiled and answered, Because I wasnt sure it would work. This child was plenty talented, but his potential hadnt awakened then. Even if I explained the process to him, I wasnt sure he would succeed. If he didnt do it right, this child could have wasted his talent and body for nothing, so I only gave a hint or two. I didnt have much expectation.

Gi-Gyu nodded and asked, And when will Min-Sus consciousness wake up?

Hes already awake. Hes just waiting for me patiently. What a good boy.

Gi-Gyu was relieved. He had only allowed this because this was what Min-Su wanted, but it didnt mean he wasnt worried. Thankfully, it looked like everything worked out.

However, Gi-Gyu still couldnt help feeling apologetic toward Min-Su.

Paimon offered, Do you want to talk to him?

It appeared that Paimon felt Gi-Gyus feelings through their sync. When Gi-Gyu nodded, the look in Paimons eyes changed.

Hyung! This time, Min-Sus excited voice rang.


Min-Su smiled brightly. His face still resembled Paimons, but there was no doubt that this was still Min-Su.

Ahh So this is what it feels like. Min-Su continued to smile brightly. You feel very precious to me, Hyung. Its a different feeling, but I dont dislike it. Its actually very similar to what I felt toward you before I synced with you.

There was not an ounce of resentment in Min-Sus smile. Gi-Gyu had been worried that the sync would burden Min-Su with unconditional loyalty toward him. He was still young, so Gi-Gyu felt guilty about this.

Min-Su continued, You dont have to feel bad about this. From now on, Ill always get to be with you, Grandpa, and Dad. And now, Lord Paimon gets to be with you too, Hyung! Thats enough for me!

In a blink of an eye, Paimon returned. Do you feel better now?


I think the child grew further when I joined his body. This boy already had good feelings toward you. And perhaps its because he was a child, but his loyalty cant be called abnormal. Hes like me, I suppose.


This would make a great research project. I like it. Work always makes me happy.

Relieved, Gi-Gyu decided to get to the main topic. He asked, What did you mean when you said Lou was one of the two swords God wielded?

Ah, so were getting right to the point? Hmm, well, I suppose youve been waiting for a long time. A serious look appeared on Paimons face because he knew how important this was.

Lou wasnt in the room, but Paimon continued, God had two holy swords. One held the light of creation and the other the song of destruction. I read about this in an ancient document. The anecdote that included the story of the beginning of the world.

Paimon scratched his cheek and added, One of these records held information similar to Lucifers data. It was complicated information, and only I could understand it, barely. After all, I researched the Ego item for a long time. But I cant explain the details to you.

Hmm Looking at Paimons face, Gi-Gyu asked, Then can I look at that ancient document?

They could figure something out if he and Lou could obtain this document.

I dont have it with me. It doesnt exist anymore, Paimon replied.

Gi-Gyu felt like he was getting a headache. There seemed no way to prove that Lou was a holy sword. Would they ever find the answers Lou sought?

Unfortunately, this was something they would have to revisit later. On top of the answers Lou was looking for, there was another reason why they needed Paimon. They needed the other secret information Paimon held about their enemy.

Where do you think Ha Song-Su is right now? asked Gi-Gyu. This was one of the things he still hadnt heard from Paimon.

Without a change in his expression, Paimon replied, Hell.


Hes probably in hell.

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