The Player that Can’t Level Up

Chapter 283: The Triumphant Beginning (4)

Chapter 283: The Triumphant Beginning (4)

Pardon? Paimons unexpected answer baffled Gi-Gyu. You will sync with me?

Paimon gave his permission a bit too easily. It wouldve made sense if he didnt know what sync meant, but he knew well what it entailed. It would connect him to Gi-Gyu forever and force him to become Gi-Gyus subordinate. The undying loyalty he would feel toward Gi-Gyu would ensure Paimon could never disobey or betray him.

Essentially, Paimon would lose his freedom.

Paimon asked, It would mean that you will become my master in every sense, wouldnt it? Isnt that what sync means?

Gi-Gyu was nonplussed. He had actually contemplated killing Paimon so that he could sync more smoothly. At this point, he couldnt help but be suspicious of Paimons true motive.

Could it be that he found a way to destroy the sync connection? Gi-Gyu wondered. After all, Paimon had done something similar to Andras restrictions.

Or did Paimon already have a consciousness ready inside him to fool Gi-Gyu?

Gi-Gyu shook his head. That thought didnt make sense because he now could tell which of Paimons consciousness was real. Paimon had to know this as well. After all, he had already synced with Paimons fake consciousness before destroying it.

What are you up to? Gi-Gyu asked, realizing he wouldnt figure out Paimons true intention on his own.

You wanted to sync with me, and I agreed to it. I dont understand what the problem is here. Paimon smiled.

Gi-Gyu got a bad feeling about it.

Paimon must have felt the change in Gi-Gyus emotions because he stretched his arms and announced, Lets stop playing around. Youre superior to me. You have been from the beginning. Furthermore, I cant defeat you no matter how much effort I put into it. The whole world will be at your feet someday, so becoming your ally early on is the smart thing to do. Dont you agree?

Paimon smiled again and continued, And I am very interested in your power. Even when you were my enemy. I tried many things to figure them out, but even my best conjectures were nothing more than guesses. The best and only way to learn about your power is to experience them myself.

Paimon was undoubtedly curious about Gi-Gyus ability to sync, but something still didnt feel right. Gi-Gyu didnt know Paimon very well, but he did know the demon was an intelligent creature. So, it didnt make sense that Paimon would choose eternal servitude without a fight.

So why?

If your question is answered, will you sync with me? asked Paimon. The smile on his face disappeared, replaced by something somber.

Gi-Gyu replied, Yes. So please tell me.

Syncing with Paimon was inevitable, as Gi-Gyu literally had no other option. However, he wanted to get rid of this nagging feeling before going ahead with it. Also, time was of the essence, so he had to be quick.

Paimon seemed to understand Gi-Gyu's dilemma. He announced, I, too, am running out of time.

Everyone in the room became confused.

Another smile appeared on Paimons lips as he added, Im telling you that I will die very soon.


Say hello to him, Min-Su. Old Man Hwang patted Min-Sus back.

H-hello? Min-Su bowed awkwardly.

Paimon exclaimed, Oh! I can feel that you have an unusual talent.

Hes your direct descendant, Lord Paimon, Old Man Hwang explained.

It makes sense This boy certainly feels very different. I can feel my power in you too, but this child is different. He has even more of my presence in him than Hwang Chae-Il.

Paimon looked genuinely interested. Is this a form of ancestral regression? I have never seen it in person before. And a regression of my former self who has a clone of my own power How interesting.

Paimons eyes sparkled. He crouched to get to Min-Sus eye level and began chatting with the boy.

Gi-Gyu was watching their interaction but wasnt paying attention to their conversation.

I cant believe he will die soon.

Paimon had announced he would die very soon. At first, Gi-Gyu considered the possibility that Paimon was lying, but it turned out that this wasnt the case.

Now that Im synced with him, I know he was telling the truth.

With Paimons permission, Gi-Gyu had synced with him. Now that he was connected to the demon, Gi-Gyu knew for sure that Paimon didnt have much time left.

Just how did he last this long in his condition? Gi-Gyu was shocked when he learned that Paimon didnt have a shell; to be precise, he had it, but only its shape. Paimons shell was cracked and wrecked, which meant he should have been dead. Ostensibly, he was using all of his existing powers to hang onto his life just a while longer.

Does it have something to do with Andras restriction? Gi-Gyu wondered, but Paimon hadnt explained anything yet.

Paimon did ask Gi-Gyu for one favor. The sync would force him to tell Gi-Gyu everything, so he asked for a bit of time before he spilled the truth. Paimon wanted to tour Eden and study the newly improved technology first. And he also wanted to meet Min-Su, his descendant.

Gi-Gyu agreed to this request. He gave Paimon two days. Gi-Gyu was busy taking care of Eden's repairs anyway.

He only has a week left to live. Gi-Gyu thought. He wondered if he would learn everything before the week was over. Losing two days wasnt great, but he felt Paimon deserved some time with Min-Su.

Besides, I dont have to hear everything from his lips anyway. This was partly why Gi-Gyu had given Paimon two days. He could simply use the sync to read Paimons memories.

However, his assumption turned out to be completely wrong. Gi-Gyu closed his eyes and tried to read Paimons memories again.

-Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

-Oh! The quality of pyrite is exceptional!

-Ohhhhh! This is!

So many scenes appeared in Gi-Gyus head, but

They are all useless to me.

Paimons memories were filled with meaningless scenes and comments. If Gi-Gyu were a blacksmith and could understand the weapon-making process, this would have been marvelous.

Gi-Gyu had no time to watch Paimon making weapons and exclaiming over rare materials. The problem was that Paimons head was filled with such memories. Because Paimon had lived a long life, there were too many useless memories. All the memories he could access for now either had Paimon screaming like a madman while hammering something or Paimon showing interest in rare items.

Haa Gi-Gyu sighed. Suddenly, he turned toward Paimon. He could feel Paimons emotions; he was currently furious.


Ackkkk! How could you do this?! Paimon screamed angrily and stuck the back of Old Man Hwangs head.

I-Im so sorry Old Man Hwang bowed and apologized awkwardly. Paimon looked much younger now, so the way he treated Old Man Hwang looked highly inappropriate.

What do you think youre doing?! Gi-Gyu asked Paimon angrily. He sensed the demon calming down a little, but there was still some anger inside him.

Paimon looked into Gi-Gyus eyes and explained, This child, Min-Su, has a talent rivaling mine. I cant believe just how badly this foolish man educated him. If Min-Su werent as talented as he is, everything would have been ruined.

This won't do. Paimon visibly calmed down before continuing. His anger was quickly replaced by passion. I will need to spend a whole week with this child.

Gi-Gyu seemed perplexed. He coldly replied, Thats not possible. I understand where youre coming from, but the information about Andras is more important at the moment. I was being generous when I gave you two days. You must know about the situation better than I do.

I do. Paimon frowned. But youre underestimating what this child can do for you in the future. Hmm Well, its understandable since you are so ignorant.


Then give me just two more daysfour days in total. Let me spend that time with this child. Afterward, I will give you all the information you want. I promise.

Paimon tilted his head before putting his hand on Min-Sus head. Just four days. Thats all Im asking. Its tough for me to ask you this because of this boiling loyalty forced upon me. You understand, dont you?

In the end, Gi-Gyu bit his lips and agreed, All right

Gi-Gyu didnt do this just because Paimon had demanded it. Old Man Hwang stood behind the demon, awed and expectant despite having been just smacked by Paimon.

And Min-Su looks so happy.

Min-Su had seen his grandfather get smacked, but he seemed more excited about spending time with Paimon. Gi-Gyu felt like he owed Min-Su at least this.

Looking at Paimon, Gi-Gyu demanded, But you have to promise me to give all the information

Dont worry, dont worry. We dont have much time, so lets go, my descendant. Paimon picked up Min-Su and left.

Gi-Gyu looked at Old Man Hwang, wanting to converse with him.

But the elderly blacksmith begged, I-Im sorry, but could you please excuse me? I want to follow them so that I can learn. P-please Im begging you.

The smack didnt lessen Old Man Hwangs desire to learn from Paimon.

All right. Gi-Gyu ultimately agreed to that too. But you mustnt neglect Edens restoration.

O-of course not! Dont worry about a thing! Old Man Hwang answered and ran after Paimon.

Haa Gi-Gyu sighed deeply before he began walking. He couldnt help feeling bitter about how things had turned out.


Haa Gi-Gyu sighed again and plopped down on the sofa.

Kekeke, Lou laughed at him. His injuries must have healed a lot because his bandage layers looked thinner.

Dont laugh at me. Gi-Gyu looked at Lou. Suddenly remembering something odd, he asked, By the way, why is Paimon doing this?

What are you talking about? Lou was busy munching on potato chips.

I mean, I synced with him, right? I am completely certain I connected to his consciousness. It wasnt a trap or anything, so I just dont get it. This is too strange. Sometimes, it looks like hes obeying me, but then

Even though Gi-Gyu had synced with Paimon, the demon hadnt changed much. All of his other Egos addressed him so respectfully, but not Paimon. This demon also didnt call him Grandmaster like the others. Paimon had even refused his request.

And he called me ignorant. Gi-Gyu sighed again. Could it be that he hadnt successfully synced with Paimon? Or did he fall for some kind of trap?

Kekeke, Lou giggled, clearly finding Gi-Gyu ridiculous.

Gi-Gyu knew better than anyone that the sync was a success. He did not doubt that Paimon now belonged to him.

I am so sick of being called Grandmaster, but I wish Paimon would call me that, Gi-Gyu muttered.

He has always been like that. He is a narcissist and sneaky bastard. Lou didnt seem worried about this situation. He has always been an incredible talent. It took me a long time to make him call me master. Weird guy, that one.

Gi-Gyu had learned a bit about Paimons past through Lous data, and he had to agree. Paimon didn't change at all. The only reason he became a seatholder was to gain access to more and better material for his experiments.

I heard many demons respected him, so I didnt think his personality would be like this, Gi-Gyu replied.

Dont you know what it means to be respected by a demon? Lou looked at Gi-Gyu. It just means that hes powerful. He created powerful weapons to empower others and himself. That was the only reason why he was respected.

His eyes darkening a little, Gi-Gyu asked, Are you sure he wont betray me? The way hes acting right now, I feel like he might stab me in the back someday.

This worry could change how Gi-Gyu acted toward Paimon.

I might still have to kill him someday

Dont worry about it. He may be a little freer than your other Egos, but he still belongs to you. Lou ate another chip before adding, As long as hes synced with you, he cant betray you.

Lou returned to focusing on his potato chips. Ha-Rim had attacked him recently, so there was much they needed to talk about as well.

Lou continued, You said Paimon promised to tell you everything, right? Then dont worry. He always keeps his promise.

Okay then. Gi-Gyu closed his eyes from fatigue and nodded.


Four days had passed.

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