The Player that Can’t Level Up

Chapter 281: The Triumphant Beginning (2)

Chapter 281: The Triumphant Beginning (2)

What? You were awake this whole time? Lou glared at Gi-Gyu suspiciously.

Gi-Gyu sat up so naturally that one couldnt help but wonder if he had woken up from a quick nap.

Its not like that Gi-Gyu asked for some water, his mouth dry and voice cracking.

El quickly handed him a cup of water from the nearby table.

Gi-Gyu gulped it down, uncaringly spilling water everywhere.

Haa Gi-Gyu breathed deeply, and everyone watched him in silence. After his breathing had slowed down, he finally opened his lips.

What happened to Ha Song-Su?

Everyone in the room stared at him in shock.


So youre telling me I defeated Ha Song-Su? Gi-Gyu asked after Old Man Hwang had explained everything.

Dont you remember anything? Old Man Hwang asked.

How could Gi-Gyu not remember such a vicious fight?

How did he fight so well when his mind wasnt even completely awake?

How did he spend every moment of the fight attacking and dodging if he was in such a condition?

Did he fight so well on instincts alone? Old Man Hwang wondered. Had the battle experience embedded deep in Gi-Gyus soul kicked in?

However, Gi-Gyu didnt have that much battle experience. He had some major life-or-death fights in his life, but he still didnt have decades of experience.


Old Man Hwang glanced at Lou and El before turning toward Gi-Gyu again.

Could it be Lou and Els data?

Also, Gi-Gyu was synced with everyone in Eden. Old Man Hwang realized that it was possible with their combined battle experience. Of course, there was also Jupiter and his years of experience.

Gi-Gyu explained, The last thing I remember is becoming one with Brunheart and activating the berserk mode. After that! He seemed to have abruptly remembered something. That white light! What was that?

It was Ha-Rim.

Ha-Rim? Gi-Gyu tilted his head, the name sounding familiar.

She was with Ha Song-Su, Old Man Hwang answered.

So she was here?! Gi-Gyu nodded in understanding. He remembered Ha-Rim being no ordinary woman. During Gi-Gyus first gate exploration, she accompanied and protected Ha Song-Su. Even back then, Gi-Gyu knew she was hiding something and that she was powerful.

Then Ha Song-Su is Gi-Gyu trailed off.

She took him.

Gi-Gyu frowned, disappointed. Ultimately, he didnt get to finish off Ha Song-Su. On top of that, he failed to extract any information from Ha Song-Su.

Old Man Hwang said encouragingly, The important thing is that you won against Ha Song-Su. That fact alone changes everything.

Gi-Gyu had defeated the one known as the strongest man in the world. Now, no one could stop Gi-Gyu.

But Old Man Hwang had his doubts. Something didnt feel quite right.

I agree with you, Sir.


I believe there is more to Ha Song-Su than the man I defeated. Gi-Gyu turned serious.

Soo-Jung was becoming angry. Ha Song-Su had defeated her and many other powerful players, so how could Gi-Gyu say there was more to him? Her forehead twitching, Soo-Jung demanded, Mind sharing your thoughts with the rest of the class?

I Gi-Gyu looked down quietly. Didnt use Chaos, Life, Death, or Gods power during that fight.


All I used was sorcerous energy. It was certainly an overwhelming amount, but I didnt use any other superior powers I have. So did I really defeat Ha Song-Su?

Gi-Gyu was just as doubtful as Old Man Hwang. He announced, I need to find an answer.

What? Soo-Jung yelled.

Gi-Gyu ignored her. He turned toward Old Man Hwang and asked, Sir, where is Paimon?

The elderly blacksmith slumped a little. Finally, it was time to wake Paimon up and hear the truth.

Lord Paimon Old Man Hwang couldnt believe the demon he worshiped and respected had returned as his enemy.


A strange rope restrained the monocle-wearing demon. Old Man Hwang, Hwang Chae-Il, and Min-Su had worked together to create it. It was a weapon in itself.

Old Man Hwang explained, Originally, we made this rope to restrain Ha Song-Su in case we captured him alive.

Gi-Gyu nodded and turned toward Bodhidharma. He asked, How are you doing?

That beautiful woman, El, helped me recover fully.

Im glad to hear that.

Yoo-Bin, who was nearby, asked Gi-Gyu, Oppa, are you okay?

Gi-Gyu nodded and looked at Paimon.

Old Man Hwang asked, Did you do something to him? We didnt try to wake him up, but still Im shocked that he still hasnt regained consciousness. Could it be that his mind has collapsed

It was obvious Gi-Gyu had done something to Paimon so that he couldnt wake up. Still, Old Man Hwang feared there was more to Paimon's prolonged unconscious state. Paimon most likely knew much about Andras plan, so Andras must have prepared a contingency for Paimon getting kidnapped.

What if Andras had ensured that Paimon would never wake up if captured?

Old Man Hwang mumbled, Im afraid we might not get anything out of him.

Gi-Gyu walked up to Paimon and placed his hand on the demons chest. Behind him, a black fog began to arise. It was sorcerous energy trying to escape Gi-Gyus body. Unfortunately, he still didnt have full control over his newly gained sorcerous energy.

Hmm Gi-Gyu opened his lips. Thankfully, I think his mind is still intact. And I didnt really do anything to him.

Gi-Gyu also hadnt expected Paimon to lose consciousness like this. He had expected the demon to wake up shortly after, so this was a surprise to him too.

Based on his condition, I think youre right, Sir. I believe Andras put some kind of restriction on him.

What? Old Man Hwang gasped.

I think Andras made it so that Paimons mind would disintegrate if he gets captured Gi-Gyu looked at Paimon for a moment. But I think Paimon is fighting it.

W-what do you mean?

I have a good guess. After I defeated Paimon, I was planning to sync with him.

Everyone nodded, agreeing that this was a good idea.

Gi-Gyu continued, But I heard his voice in my head, saying that I shouldnt. His body was laughing like a madman, but his voice said something different in my head.


And I am certain it was Paimons voice.

Old Man Hwang couldnt hide his confusion. He begged, Please explain.

Im not certain of it, but here is my theory. Gi-Gyu continued coldly, I dont know much about Paimons legacy, but Andras used it to revive Paimon. He used it to accomplish everything so far.

Gi-Gyu didnt have to elaborate on this part of his story. Everyone knew that Paimon had something to do with the hell king cloning process and Ha Song-Su becoming such a powerful figure.

Paimon was involved in all of Andras crucial projects, so I am certain Andras put some restrictions on him. I am not sure exactly what it is, but I believe he found a way to escape it. Perhaps he separated his mind from his physical body and hid it.

This was a definite possibility.

Gi-Gyu continued, This explains how he woke up and telepathically warned me at the last minute. I think his real self clashed with the part of his mind left in his physical body that sided with Andras.

Gi-Gyu guessed that the two halves of Paimons brain were fighting for dominance inside.

That makes sense. Lou nodded.

So what do you propose we do? If Paimon doesnt wake up, we wont get anything out of him. Soo-Jung seemed very annoyed. The Chinese coup was a success. Andras cant use China again for his human experiments. All this is great, but what we really need is information. With Ha Song-Su gone now, Paimon is our only source.

Soo-Jung was correct in her assessment. They had won, but it wasn't significant because they hadnt gained anything important. Gi-Gyu studied Paimon quietly. Paimon was the biggest loot of this battle because he held many secrets.

We need to wake him up, Gi-Gyu announced.


Gi-Gyu ignored Soo-Jung and placed his hand again on Paimons chest. Another black fog arose from him; this time, the once-rampant sorcerous energy followed Gi-Gyus directions, exiting from his fingertips.

Gi-Gyus lips moved, and he said, Force sync.

What are you doing?! You said Paimon warned you not to sync with him! Soo-Jung yelled.

Are you sure this is okay? Old Man Hwang also seemed concerned.

Paimon, who had been lying on the bed like the dead, began to twitch. Restrained by the strange rope, he had been unable to even breathe; now, he was shaking uncontrollably.

Dun dun dun dun dun!

Everyone in the room watched in horror.

A few minutes later, Paimon finally stopped moving.

Is it over? Old Man Hwang couldnt hide his concern.

Gi-Gyu didnt reply.

Instead, Paimon muttered, Where am I?

The cracks on his monocle were gone. He glowed as he easily freed himself from the special rope Old Man Hwang had created with everything he had.

Paimon sat up and looked around the room.


I am truly impressed, Paimon stated. He was now wearing a hoodie and a pair of jeans. Wiping his monocle, he asked, How did you do it?

You mean, how did I wake you? Gi-Gyu replied. They were still inside the room, but Paimon had asked most of the people to leave, so only Gi-Gyu, Paimon, Old Man Hwang, Lou, and El remained inside.

Paimon explained, I put my consciousness to sleep just in case. I was fighting the other consciousness and the restrictions put on me when

Gi-Gyu had suddenly woken him up, so Paimons other self disappeared into the virtual world of his mind. He couldnt understand how Gi-Gyu managed to do this.

By sync.

...? Paimon frowned. I still dont understand. I am certain I told you not to sync with me, didnt I? It was for your own sake. Based on what I know, you and I shouldnt be intact like this if you synced with me.

Paimon sounded sure of his theory. After all, many legends and epics called him the greatest expert in the world. He was well aware of what sync was. He had researched the ability extensively because he was once Gi-Gyus enemy.

If you truly synced with me, I should be feeling an undying loyalty for you. But I dont feel anything. Therefore, you did not sync with me. I dont feel any connection to you at all.

Gi-Gyu smiled, aware that Paimon was correct. He replied, I didnt sync with you, Paimon.

What do you mean? Ah! Suddenly, Paimon rose and asked, So you synced with the restriction placed on me and my other consciousness? I see Yes, its possible, but it couldnt have been easy to accomplish. So how?

Do you want to know how? Gi-Gyu asked knowingly.

Of course. Paimon didnt seem ashamed of his curiosity. As someone who wanted to learn about everything in the world, he resented what he couldnt understand. Gi-Gyu interested Paimon, so he waited patiently for Gi-Gyu to answer.

Then you must tell me something first. Gi-Gyu had Paimon cornered now. I want to know Andras true goal, what you did, and how you cloned the hell kings. I also need to know what Ha Song-Su is.

Gi-Gyus eyes sparked with the charisma of a man who knew how powerful he was.

...! Paimons eyes widened. Whacking his head, he grinned and replied, Andras wants to do the same thing as Gaia.

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