The Player that Can’t Level Up

Chapter 230: The Meaning Behind Gypsophila (2)

Chapter 230: The Meaning Behind Gypsophila (2)

Yoo-Bin? Gi-Gyu whispered in confusion. He thought he had misheard her, but

Please kill me, Oppa. Yoo-Bins answer remained the same.

A few seconds passed by. Knowing he only had 30 seconds, Gi-Gyu yelled, What are you talking about?!

He needed to know exactly what Yoo-Bin wanted. As his face crumpled sadly, Gi-Gyu whispered, How could you ask me to kill you?

I heard what happened. I dont know how, but I heard everything. I heard the worry in your voice, and Yoo-Bin, in Soo-Jungs body, turned to face El, making her flinch.

Yoo-Bin quickly turned back to Gi-Gyu and asked, This happened because it took over my body, didnt it?


I can still feel it. I feel cold, Oppa. That thing that possessed my body Its still inside me. If you save me, and I live, it will reawaken. Oppa

Yoo-Bin closed her eyes and begged, So please kill me. I dont want to burden you anymore. The only way I can help you is

Soo-Jungs eyes flew open. She had returned to her body and stated, Thats it. Thats all I could manage.


An awkward silence fell. Lim Hye-Sook and Shin Yoo-Bin were back in their bodies.

Watching the two players on the bed, Soo-Jung announced, Its time for you to make the decision.


It looks like her shell cracked when she became Asmodeus vessel. Those cracks absorbed a piece of Asmodeus. He would have died even if you hadnt killed him, Soo-Jung explained seriously.

Shin Yoo-Bins shell couldnt hold Asmodeus. The enemies probably thought she was powerful enough, but it didnt work out. Even if Gi-Gyu hadnt separated Asmodeus from Shin Yoo-Bin, he would have been forced to return to hell in time, leaving Shin Yoo-Bins dead body behind.

El looked guilty as she murmured, I failed you, Master. I failed to gather all the related information; I sincerely apologize, Master.

No, its okay, El, Gi-Gyu consoled El.

Watching the two, Soo-Jung explained calmly, There was no way your gorgeous angel could have sensed this. Anyway, I guess we avoided a huge disaster.

Turning toward Shin Yoo-Bin, Soo-Jung continued, If you had egofied her, the Ego thus formed wouldnt have been Shin Yoo-Bin. You probably wouldve created a monster. A gallimaufry of Asmodeus and Shin Yoo-Bin. Im not even certain you couldve successfully completed the egofication process.

Gi-Gyu thought for a moment before asking, Is there a way to remove that Asmodeus piece from Yoo-Bins shell? The question was directed at both Soo-Jung and El.

Soo-Jung replied first, Its not possible. To do something like that to a shell Only God can do that, and even thats questionable. Dont even think about it. If you try it, it will just obliterate her shell.

El agreed with Soo-Jung. Shes right, Master. All I can do is restore a tiny crack in a shell. There is no way I can work on a shell that has been damaged this badly She abruptly stopped talking.

Gi-Gyu realized Soo-Jung and El were staring at him.

Gi-Gyu asked in confusion, Why are you two looking at me like that?

El and Soo-Jung simultaneously suggested, But you might be able to do this.


So are you telling me that the other you, that stupid jerk, didnt get this done right? Lou ridiculed.

Gi-Gyu didnt bother replying.

Lou continued, Well, I guess I shouldve expected this. I mean, youre a moron, and the other you Dammit! This is so fucking annoying.

Haa Did you finish whatever you were working on with Baal? asked Gi-Gyu.

It had been a while since Gi-Gyu last saw Lou. He could tell that there was something different about his Ego. Lous aura seemed different.

Lou replied, Sort of. I have almost completely absorbed that Satan piece. Its still an ongoing process, so its not perfect, but my body is definitely more stable now. Still, I have to limit how much power I can use.

Lou clenched and unclenched his tiny fists a few times.

Just then, the door burst open, and Soo-Jung walked in. Walking toward Lou, she exclaimed, Oh my. Who is this adorable little gentleman?


Soo-Jung smiled nastily and whispered, My, my

Suddenly, she grabbed and hugged Lou tightly.

Let go of me! Lou screamed. He flailed to escape Soo-Jungs grasp, but it was pointless.

Lou yelled, Dammit! I cant use my power right now! Of all times!

Still hugging Lou tightly, Soo-Jung asked, What is the little guy saying?! Hmm, Gi-Gyu

She glanced at Gi-Gyu before looking down at Lou again. With another grin, she asked, Could it be that this is your son?


Gi-Gyu coughed up the water he was drinking. He yelled, What are you talking about?! Youve seen him with Baal recently, havent you? Its Lou!

I know. Soo-Jung placed Lou back on the floor and smirked. I was just kidding. After all, when will I ever get another chance to treat the king of hell like a child?

Soo-Jung looked at Lou, her eyes glowing brightly.

Bitch, Lou spat out the word in annoyance before plopping down on the sofa. Turning toward Gi-Gyu again, Lou asked, Anyway, youre saying that you want to extract Asmodeus piece from that womans shell?

Thats right.


Jupiter, Gi-Gyu said.

Lou paused.

Gi-Gyu elaborated, Do you think he might be able to do this? I want to hear your opinion, Lou. You saw the whole thing, right? Jupiter separated Asmodeus from Yoo-Bin and ate him.


So tell me.

Lou looked into Gi-Gyus eyes and replied, There is no need. You should be able to do this without Jupiters help. In fact, Jupiter's involvement will only increase the risks in this case.

Gi-Gyu remained quiet as Lou continued, I know what method Jupiter used to separate Asmodeus from Shin Yoo-Bin. Ill tell you that, so you can try it. And if it doesnt work, then thats that.

Soo-Jung mumbled, Jupiter?

Lou and Gi-Gyu turned to face Soo-Jung, who whispered, You guys have met Kronos, haven't you?

Gi-Gyus eyes widened.

Ignoring his shock, Soo-Jung continued, Well talk about this another day. For now, you gotta take care of the pressing issue.

Gi-Gyu remembered Soo-Jungs promise to tell him certain secrets once he had cleared the 50th-floor test. She had to be referring to this just now, and this made Gi-Gyus heart beat fast.

Lou said to Gi-Gyu, Go meet Old Man Hwang. Get some advice from him, and then meet me where Shin Yoo-Bin is resting. Ill be there soon.

Gi-Gyu looked at both Soo-Jung and Lou and replied, All right.

Once Gi-Gyu was out of the room, Soo-Jung turned toward Lou and asked playfully, Oh my! Did you have something to tell me, Your Highness?

Baal told me, Louthe itsy-bitsy guyreplied drily. Because he still hadnt absorbed Satans piece completely, he couldnt use his power fully. Yet, Soo-Jung could feel the former hell king's undeniable majesty, loneliness, fury, and haughtiness.

Soo-Jung prolonged silence prompted Lou to say, Shouldnt we talk about your code name, Lucifer?

I suppose we should. Soo-Jung shook her head with a smile. It was only for a moment, but she had tensed up from fear. She tried to shrug it off and change the subject. But about that creature El, is it? Im talking about that angel. Are you sure things are okay the way they are right now?

It was Lous turn to become quiet. Without saying anything else, Lou and Soo-Jung looked at each other.


Is everyone here? Gi-Gyu asked, and everyone nodded.

Lou, El, Soo-Jung, Old Man Hwang, and Baal were in the room. Beside them, Lim Hye-Sook and Shin Yoo-Bin were still lying in their beds.

Shin Yoo-Bin should be your priority. Her condition is direr than Lim Hye-Sooks. At this rate, if that Asmodeus piece awakens, it will be even more problematic. Soo-Jungs tone remained light, but Gi-Gyu could hear the urgency in her voice.

Soo-Jung added, Its only a piece of him, but if he wakes up, he will absorb Yoo-Bins shell completely.

It seemed that Soo-Jung was worried about Asmodeus waking up.

Lou stepped forward and stated, We dont have much time, so Ill explain.

Turning toward Gi-Gyu, he continued, You will study Shin Yoo-Bins shell like how you did Yoo Suk-Woos. And then, you will have to meddle with it. I gotta warn you that this will be more complicated than what you did with Yoo Suk-Woos shell. Most of all This isnt something you can do without it.

Lou smiled before adding, Im talking about the Chaos.


You must use Chaos to isolate and consume Asmodeuss piece.

Gi-Gyu nodded.

Lou anxiously continued, You probably already know this, but You get one shot at this. One mistake means definite death. Shin Yoo-Bin will die because her shell will crumble down, and youll die because youll be in a crumbling building. Youll both die, okay? So are you sure you want to do this?

We have no other choice, Gi-Gyu replied. He couldnt egofy Yoo-Bin the way she was right now, and he couldnt break her shell as El had initially suggested.

There was only one option left. Shin Yoo-Bin had begged him to kill her, but

There is no way I would ever do that. Gi-Gyu thought grimly. He could tell that Yoo-Bin didnt really want to die. She had only begged for it because she didnt want to burden him anymore. When he had seen her eyes, he knew instantly that Yoo-Bin wished to live. He could feel her desire for life.

Lou urged, Get started already before its too late.

Gi-Gyu slowly walked up to Shin Yoo-Bin. Before he began, he suddenly asked awkwardly, Umm do I really have to do this part?

What? What are you talking about?

Well Do I have to put my hand on her chest?

Just then, Gi-Gyu felt someone glare at him.


It was only for a moment, but El had cringed when Gi-Gyu asked this question.

Lou sighed and replied, Of course. You must connect directly to her shell. You cant be getting excited about touching her boobs. Or Are you? You know shes unconscious, dont you? And this is just medical treatment. So dont be

Of course, Im not thinking that! Gi-Gyu yelled and took a deep breath. After a brief bout of hesitation, he finally placed his hand on Yoo-Bins chest.


As Gi-Gyus eyes slowly turned gray, Lou muttered, It has begun. I cant believe were stuck with so many complicated problems. I just hope this works.

Gi-Gyus consciousness was already being absorbed into Shin Yoo-Bins shell. Now, there was nothing anyone else could do to help him.

Suddenly, Lou called out, El.

Everyone in the room turned toward El. She seemed apprehensive and incensed as she clenched her fists.

Lou came forward to represent everyone in the room. He announced, We cant procrastinate any longer. Everyone is worried about your current state.

Els clenched fists shook visibly.

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