The Player that Can’t Level Up

Chapter 205: The Gate Break (3)

Chapter 205: The Gate Break (3)

Are you referring to what happened under the Bukhan River? Baal asked Soo-Jung.

Thats right, Soo-Jung promptly replied.

Baal remained quiet for a moment before suggesting, This could be a trap.

This dialogue made Soo-Jung fall deep in thought.

Baal continued, You know the Caravan Guild has placed many players around Kim Gi-Gyus home, dont you?

Soo-Jung was aware of the Caravans secret branch, but she shrugged and asked, So what?

I received a tip. Baal repositioned his glasses with his thumb and index finger.

The news turned Soo-Jung rigid.

He continued, Its true that Kim Gi-Gyu made contact with the Caravan Guild. They fought on the 51st floor, and Gi-Gyu apparently decimated the entire team.


It is possible that Kim Gi-Gyu is behind the strange phenomenon under the Bukhan River. After all, Ive never seen something like it before, Baal explained.

The entire neighborhood had become a gate. A barrier protected it, so even the most modern technology couldnt peer inside to ascertain the situation. The plan to send players inside had also failed. Korea was currently busy selecting the right players to send inside.

With a grave countenance, Baal continued, But Andras could also be behind this. He might be trying to capture Kim Gi-Gyu and us.

Soo-Jung answered, Ive never seen you act this cautious. You used to hold the first Seat of Power in your old days. So how come youre acting so cowardly now?

Her words were harsh, but her tone suggested she was bitter. She asked, Its because of that bastard Ha Song-Su, isnt it?

Yes. Baal didnt bother denying it. He muttered, Hes

Dont bother. Soo-Jung waved her hands, unwilling to talk about it.

But Baal continued, Hes powerful. If we try facing him again, well

Lose? Is that what you want to say? Soo-Jung asked coldly.

Baal shook his head and replied, I dont know. Things are different now. Regardless, I believe we shouldnt walk into something that might very well be a trap. If every survivor of that fight walks into it and it turns out to be a trap

That would be bad. Soo-Jung had no choice but to agree. They had barely survived until now. Since distinguishing between friends and foes was near impossible now, she had to trust that her current allies were truly on her side and would remain loyal. So, losing anyone else would put them in greater danger.

So what is it that you want to say, Baal?

Baal had offered such a long explanation for the first time, so Soo-Jung could tell he had a proposition.

Baal replied, Im saying we should wait and see. We need to know what that place really is. Is it something Kim Gi-Gyu created? Or is it a trap? Actually, thats all secondary. What we need to do is not rush into it rashly.

Well, fine. Everyone is scattered anyway, so I suppose we can take our time. But do contact them, Soo-Jung nodded and ordered.

All right, but I dont think its necessary.

The whole world was watching the Bukhan River right now. Whoever was involved in this war would realize this had something to do with it.

I guess Ill just let a few of them know, Baal decided. He planned on contacting only those isolated from the world.

Soo-Jung turned toward the TV again and whispered, Wait for me a little longer, my pupil.

Her beautiful lips rolled into a grin. She didnt argue with Baal, but Soo-Jung felt certain that her pupil, Kim Gi-Gyu, had created this crazy phenomenon.


None of their dispatched players were powerful enough to break even the first barrier, Hwang Chae-Il briefed Gi-Gyu, who sat on a comfortable sofa with his eyes closed.

Hwang Chae-Il continued, The outsiders still dont know much about what is happening here. I believe that is why they dont even know who and how many players should be sent to scout this place. Understandably, all the guilds are hesitant because they cant afford to lose any of their elite players.

Although Hwang Chae-Il was stuck inside this place, he could still collect information from the outside world. Gi-Gyus newly-expanded gate seemed wholly isolated from the outside world, but it wasnt. It was a concoction of everything and could only be called chaos.

Inside this new gate, electronic devices worked just fine. They could watch TV and make phone calls without any problem. Unfortunately, there was still one inconvenience: They couldnt freely bring in supplies from the outside world without Gi-Gyus permission.

His eyes still closed, Gi-Gyu asked, How did the Caravan Guild react?

I havent noticed anything odd. Hwang Chae-Il could gather only the information that was available to everyone outside. For secret tidbits and valuable information, they had to wait for Go Hyung-Chul.

Hwang Chae-Il continued, On a different note, the construction of various buildings that can meet the soldiers needs is going well.

Gi-Gyu nodded.

Hwang Chae-Il asked, Hows everything else?

It all looks good, Gi-Gyu replied simply. After turning off the system announcements, he had closed his eyes to concentrate on learning everything possible about this new gate.

When he first proclaimed this place as his landmark, he had more important things to do than sit still and listen to all the very many system announcements. But now that a whole day had passed since his declaration and his enemies still hadnt made their move, Gi-Gyu had little time to himself.

It looks like they arent interested in coming after me just yet.

If his enemies wanted to use Ha Song-Su against him or attack his landmark, they would have done it by now.

Gi-Gyu mumbled, Either they have a good reason for it or just wait and watch it is for now.

Umm, I Hwang Chae-Il, a statue with a burning face, several arms, and no legs, suddenly spoke hesitantly.

It was strange to see Hwang Chae-Il stammer like this. Also, he still hadnt decided on how to address Gi-Gyu.

Go ahead.

Father wants to see you, Hwang Chae-Il informed.

Gi-Gyu stood up slowly.

Please give me a moment, Gi-Gyu replied and waved his hand.

[Landmark Information]

Only Gi-Gyu could see this screen.

[Landmark Information]

[Name: None]

What should I call it? asked Gi-Gyu.

Pardon? Hwang Chae-Il asked in confusion.

Im talking about the name. Gi-Gyu smiled and explained, Since we have created a fortress, we need to name it.

Gi-Gyu began strolling. He knew precisely where Old Man Hwang was right now. Hwang Chae-Il was like the control tower of this place, but Gi-Gyu was still the master. Therefore, he was aware of everything going on inside this place.


Gi-Gyu opened the door and asked, Please come up with something nice.


The door closed behind Gi-Gyu. Left alone in the room, Hwang Chae-Il scratched his head with a few of his hands. Funnily enough, he now found using only two hands for anything ridiculous.

A name Hwang Chae-Il blinked a few times. He whispered, But I think he already has a name in mind

It appeared that Gi-Gyu had already come up with a name for his new fortress.


Just what is that? a player asked in frustration.

An emergency meeting was taking place among the Korean players. However, this meeting looked very different from the one that had occurred before. The Angela Guild had always headed the table, but this wasnt the case anymore. Instead, this seat was now occupied by the deputy guild master of the Iron Guild, Rohan.

Where is Ironshield? another player asked.

Rohan wasnt a well-known player, but he was said to be a powerful fighter. However, no one cared about this considering what was happening in Korea.

Dammit, how did things get so complicated? Choi Chang-Yong kept very quiet. He wasnt a big fan of the change in Koreas situation.

None of the guilds had ever liked the KPA. The association had always been a forceful group, and the guilds had no choice but to obey it.

Yet the KPA collapsed so easily! Choi Chang-Yong couldnt believe what had happened. At first, he thought the KPA had disbanded due to internal trouble, as everyone used to think the Korean Players Association couldnt be brought down. Thereby, none of the Korean guilds did anything after the KPA had collapsed. Also, the Korean players previously believed that the unratable gates had nothing to do with Korea.

But when Oh Tae-Shik and Oh Tae-Gu were defeated

And even more shockingly

No one anticipated Lee Sun-Ho to lose. Choi Chang-Yong remembered hearing the news. Everything changed after the defeat of Angela Guilds guild master.

Seeing a foreigner leading the emergency meeting among the Korean guilds was a strange sight. And it wasnt even the guild master that sat at the head of the table. It was only a deputy guild master.

Dammit! Choi Chang-Yong swore. He knew that Kim Gi-Gyu was an evil man, but


Dammit! Unable to hide his anger, Choi Chang-Yong hit the table.

Everyone turned toward him.

Rohan asked, Whats wrong, Guild Master Choi Chang-Yong?

Chang-Yong quickly put on a blank face and answered, Just how long are we going to sit around like this? Isnt this a meeting to come up with a solution? So thats what we should do immediately.

It was an emergency, yet the guild masters were discussing nonsensical topics. The few empty seats in the room helped Choi Chang-Yong realize what an important role the Angela Guild and the KPA used to play.

For example

The Cain Guild Choi Chang-Yong swore again silently before demanding, I believe you should explain to us what is happening, Deputy Guild Master.

Choi Chang-Yong gritted his teeth, and the other guild masters around him became tense. None of them had voluntarily accepted Rohan as the head of this meeting. After learning what Ha Song-Su of the Caravan Guild could do, they had no choice but to obey it. Since the Iron Guild was closely associated with the Caravan Guild, Korea was now under the Iron Guilds control. It was just like how Lee Sun-Ho used to rule the Korean players because he was the strongest of them all.

Rohan asked, Youre referring to the Bukhan River situation, correct?

Is this your first time in a meeting like this? Didnt we all gather here exactly for that? Choi Chang-Yong replied sharply, making the other players gulp. It seemed that they were becoming more and more nervous.

But Choi Chang-Yong couldnt take it anymore. He exploded, Are we all going to just sit around like this?! I know it sucks, but we gotta devise a plan, dont we? If this idiot from the Iron Guild isnt going to do anything, shouldnt we do something? Its our country! Korea is in danger!

Several guild masters frowned and looked at the Iron Guilds deputy guild master nervously. Despite being the guild masters of Koreas top ten guilds, these players were powerless and useless.

Choi Chang-Yong continued to scream, Do you think they will kill us all just because we spoke up and tried to protect our country?! Do you really believe that the Iron Guild and the Caravan Guild can cover the entire Korea?! We gotta do something! So stop acting like chickens and speak up!

Several guild masters flinched, knowing that Choi Chang-Yong was right.

Now, now. Let us all calm down, Rohan ordered quietly.

Choi Chang-Yong was panting angrily, but he tried to slow down his breathing as he turned toward Rohan.

Rohan announced, We received a tip.

Everyone became alert.

Rohan continued, The truth is, Caravan Guilds secret branch was located around the Bukhan River. It was also the location of the most wanted player, Kim Gi-Gyus, home. The branch was created in anticipation of his return.

Several guild masters seemed surprised, but not Choi Chang-Yong.

Choi Chang-Yong muttered, Well, that is an obvious move.

Choi Chang-Yong didnt know why, but the Caravan Guild and the Iron Guild were after Kim Gi-Gyu. It was as if they were archenemies.

The most wanted player.

This was a new term created just for Kim Gi-Gyu. Obviously, these two guilds were desperate to capture him, so it was no wonder they placed a branch near Kim Gi-Gyus home.

Anyway, before that area turned into what it is now, we received a tip. We got it from a reliable source. The branch manager of that place relayed this message by risking his life, Rohan explained.

Even Choi Chang-Yong had become quiet and waited for Rohan to continue. No one knew exactly what was happening in the Bukhan River area. The entire neighborhood had turned into a gate, something unheard of previously. Several scouts were sent to assess the area, but none returned.

Kim Gi-Gyu is there, Rohan announced.

W-what? a guild master whispered.

Rohan ignored him and continued, In addition, we know that it was Kim Gi-Gyu who turned the Bukhan River neighborhood into a gate.

Everyone's eyes widened in shock. A player creating his own gate?!

Choi Chang-Yong glared at Rohan and asked, Do you expect us to believe that?

But despite his question, Choi Chang-Yong knew this was a possibility. Knowing what he knew about Kim Gi-Gyu

A beast like him probably could do anything. I shouldnt even be surprised.


Gi-Gyu declared, I will name this landmark now.

A screen appeared in front of him. It was the landmark information screen. Gi-Gyu announced, Eden.

The blank space on the screen was filled with this name.

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