The Player that Can’t Level Up

Chapter 173: The Three Tests (10)

Chapter 173: The Three Tests (10)

(El is still referred to by her old name, Michael, until the next scene change in the chapter.)

Could it be?! Gabriel exclaimed in disbelief.

Raphael swore, Thats right, you fucking bastard.

Despite Raphael missing his heart, his chest wound healed; just before the wound had fully closed, Gabriel saw something inside Raphaels open chest.

Gabriel screamed, Did you get the Life Root? You idiot! That power isnt something you can handle!

Receiving a part of Life was one thing, but accepting the Root itself was something only Michael could do. Gabriel had just realized that Michael had given her Life Root to Raphael.

Raphael whispered, Its only a piece of it. Only a piece, but

Holy flame bloomed from Raphaels body in the process of sanctification.

Raphael burned the Life Root Michael had given him to gain power. He screamed as he grabbed Gabriel, I should be able to take you with me!

Gabriel, with his incredible power, tried to push Raphael away, but it was unexpectedly difficult. Then again, Raphael had used LifeGods powerto suppress Gabriel, so how could it not be?

N-no! Gabriel screamed, but it was too late. Raphael held onto Gabriel like a leech and plummeted. Raphael, covered in holy flames, trapped Gabriels power, and the two archangels fell into Chaos jaws.

Youve lost your mind! Gabriel screamed.

However, Raphael closed his eyes and ears as he whispered, It is you who has gone mad, Gabriel.


What happened next? Gi-Gyu prodded El in frustration. So far, El had explained how Raphael and Gabriel ended up in Chaos mouth. Now, it was clear that Gabriel had betrayed them, so why was El sealed away?

El replied,

-I dont know, Master. Thats as far as I can remember at the moment. But I know one thing for certain.

El paused before continuing,

-It wasnt Chaos that I sealed away. I am sure of it. That is why we have to meet Gabriel, who must be the player currently using my old name.

It seemed that El was finished with her story. Gi-Gyu asked, By the way Youre saying that Gabriel was wielding Lou?

-Thats correct, Master.

In her story, El had claimed that the sword that had stabbed Raphael was Lou.

Lou! What happened? Gi-Gyu called out to his Ego.

However, El was the one who replied,

-At the time, Lous consciousness was locked away. He had no free will, so he was being used as a tool and nothing more. I doubt Lou remembers anything. Isnt that right, Lou?

Lou replied weakly,

-Thats correct. And I dont like hearing about this.

Gi-Gyu shook his head and summarized what he had just learned.

So what happened to Raphael and Gabriel? I found Lou in the Tower, and El was inside a gate. So

Gi-Gyu still couldnt figure out what El was protecting the world from. As far as he could tell, that red-eyed creature had to be a demon.

El answered,

-It was indeed a demon. While the seal to imprison Chaos was in the works, I believe I was used to trap a demon instead. I think this demon was a powerful being. Perhaps it was as powerful as the hell king

-Are you saying it was at my power level?

Lou asked, but El didnt bother answering him. Her silence indicated that Lous guess was correct.

Lou muttered,

-That narrows down the list significantly. Not many are and were as strong as the old me.

Lou thought for a second before suggesting,

-The closest one I can think of is Satan.

Satan? But didnt you say you killed him? asked Gi-Gyu.

Lou explained,

-Its true that I killed Satan. However, I only destroyed his physical body, and his soul had snuck away. I tried to chase it, but I failed in the end.

Gi-Gyu grumbled, Why is this so complicated?

Indeed, it was a convoluted situation; Gi-Gyu found it as clear as mud.

-Unknowns and mysteries.

Lou commented.

Gi-Gyu asked, What?

-Our lives are filled with many things we dont understand. So I get that it wont be easy to figure out.

Gi-Gyu nodded and replied, Fine, fine! I think Ive heard everything I need from El for now.

El agreed,

-Thats correct, Master. If you have any more questions later, please feel free to ask.

Lou asked,

-So are we done resting now?

Yes. Gi-Gyu nodded. He had learned everything he needed to for now. Moreover, while he had been lightning to Els story, he didnt stop assessing other things.

For example

By the way, my Life has gotten stronger, Gi-Gyu announced. He had experienced some changes after the second test. He figured that since he had experienced improvements after the first test, he must have gained something from Els test too. This was why he had diligently assessed his body while listening to El.

Gi-Gyu smiled and continued, I feel stronger, and my minds a little clearer. And most of all

Tilting his head, he added, My shell has become more stable. At least, thats how I would describe it.

The uncomfortable and foreign energies within his shell were definitely disappearing.

Lou muttered,

-Well, I guess thats good.

El seemed happier to hear the change.

-Congratulations, Master.

Thanks, El. And now Gi-Gyu was about to announce his intention to open the third card. He needed to get through the final test to complete his quest. But before he could, Gi-Gyu gasped when he heard a voice in his head.

-We have an emergency!

It was Old Man Hwang from Brunhearts gate. The voice was faint, but it was definitely Old Man Hwang.

Whats wrong, Sir?


Old Man Hwangs voice sounded urgent.

-Can you

Sir! Gi-Gyu called out to the blacksmith. For some reason, Old Man Hwangs voice sounded strange. It was as if his voice was being played in slow motion.

-Hear meee? I

Old Man Hwang kept repeating himself over and over again. Unfortunately, Gi-Gyu couldnt figure out what the blacksmith was trying to say. Feeling frustrated, Gi-Gyu yelled in his head, Sir!

Gi-Gyu kept yelling to the blacksmith, but he could no longer hear the elderly man. Suddenly, Gi-Gyu slapped his cheeks and grunted, What an idiot I am?! What am I doing? Why didnt I think of this earlier?!

Old Man Hwangs voice sounded so urgent that Gi-Gyu wasnt thinking clearly. He quickly touched Brunheart and ordered, Open!

A blue light appeared before his eyes, but

Whats wrong with the gate? Gi-Gyu gasped. Usually, the gate would open wide for him; instead, it looked distorted and faint. Also, it opened noticeably slower than before. He was staring at it in confusion when he heard Old Man Hwangs voice again. This time, it was much clearer.

-Can you hear me now, young man?

Yes, Sir. I can hear you fine! Gi-Gyu smiled in relief. Brunhearts gate had acted strangely, but Gi-Gyus connection to everyone inside seemed okay.

Gi-Gyu asked, Whats wrong, Sir?

-We have a serious problem.

Old Man Hwang sounded grave as he asked,

-Is something going on where you are?


-Time here is flowing strangely! I went out of the gate to see Min-Su for a second, and I realized that time was flowing differently inside the gate.

What do you mean? Gi-Gyu asked in confusion.

-Im certain that I spent a week inside the gate, but

Old Man Hwang sounded shocked as he claimed,

-When I went outside the gate, I realized two weeks had passed!


-Im telling you that the flow of time has changed inside the gate. This kind of change usually involves a problem with different dimensions. As far as I know, youre the only one who can affect the gate directly. Consequently, I believe something you did or something about you has caused this change!

Old Man Hwang added quickly,

-And to top it all off, we have an even bigger problem on our heads. The gate is losing its connection to the outside world!


-When I returned to the gate, the path back out to the world was blocked. So you must hurry u p

Old Man Hwangs voice became strange again as he continued.

-...andddd passsss the test


The gate suddenly disappeared. It was as if a computers power cord was suddenly pulled out, making its screen go out abruptly.

Ugh! Gi-Gyu groaned in shock. He could feel pain somewhere in his body as if he was injured. He murmured, What is going on?

Lou announced in a serious tone,

-I think you need to hurry up and finish the test.


-Ive never heard of this happening, but I think the place where youre taking your test right now

Lous voice sounded certain as he added,

-Isnt inside the Tower.

What did you just say? Gi-Gyu asked in confusion.

-Old Man Hwang is right. The difference in time flow means that were in different dimensions. The Tower is connected to Earth, so there wouldve been no time dilation had you been inside the Tower. But

What if Gi-Gyu wasnt inside the Tower? What if he was in a completely different dimension?

I see. Gi-Gyu nodded in understanding. Lous guess explained why time was flowing differently in Gi-Gyus gate. Gi-Gyu overworked his improved intelligence to assess the situation.

Lou continued,

-But this is very odd. Except for the human world, the Tower has swallowed all the other dimensions. That is why time shouldnt be flowing differently at all.

El suggested,

-Lou, there is another possible explanation.

It seemed that Lou knew exactly what El was talking about.

Lou murmured,

-So you think its that?

-Yes, exactly.

Being the ignorant one here, Gi-Gyu yelled, What are you guys talking about?!

Both Lou and El answered simultaneously,

-The Underground.

-The Underground.

The Underground? asked Gi-Gyu.

-The Tower penetrated different dimensions and ate them. I will explain the process in detail later, but thats the gist of it. The Tower was built for this purpose.

Lou continued to explain quickly,

-So, by now, almost all the worlds have been swallowed by it. The only one left is your human world. So this means the axis of time shouldnt have changed. However, there is still one place that could explain this.

And thats the Underground?

-Thats right! The Underground is where Chaos lives and the monsters sleep. The Underground and your human world are the only two places the Tower hasnt engulfed fully!

Just what the hell are you talking about?! Gi-Gyu yelled in confusion.

Lou and El replied in a panic,

-Just get through the last test! We have no idea how much the time axis has changed; if it changes even more

-Master, please hurry!

Fine! I got it! Gi-Gyu looked up in the air as if being chased and announced, Ill take my last test!

The moment he declared his intention, the surrounding space crumbled. Soon, he was transferred to another space. Here, he saw the last card floating in the air.

The gray card.

Lou prodded,


Gi-Gyu promptly grabbed the last card.

[The last test will begin.]

The Tower announced as if it was a death sentence.

Thats it? Gi-Gyu wondered as he felt his body move. For the first two tests, there had been many announcements. But this time, he only heard a single system announcement, which echoed throughout the space.

[You have been transferred to the testing chamber.]

Gi-Gyu slowly opened his firmly closed eyes.

gomi's Thoughts

Gomi: Lou said earlier that the human world is the ONLY place the Tower hasn't swallowed (he said it like a second ago!). Yet he now says that the underground ALSO hasn't been taken??

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