The Messenger of Death

Chapter 321: kymani's territory

Chapter 321: kymani's territory

"I agree, let's stop wasting our time here like this and kill the little rat." Chari's companions agreed to his suggestion. They spread around the forest, each taking a position, making sure that their combined attacks will cover every inch of the 15 kilometers they intended to destroy.

They began gathering the QI around them and also revolving the QI within them, any minute from now they would unleash their attack.


Alex closed his eyes, and by the time they opened again, Xander had taken control. It only took a second or even less to switch with his alternate personalities, just as long as they agree to switch with him.

A second didn't affect the animated state that Alex had left his body in, and with Xander in control, his body became even more animated than before. As if he was made for the technique and technique for him.

Silently, lightning began gathering in the night sky, just over Xander's head. He had activated his bloodline ability and was preparing to leave here as fast as he could.

Compared to Lex's current ability of teleportation, Xander at his fastest was only a few steps behind him, and when used constantly, Xander arguably is the fastest amongst them.

The lightning gathering in the sky was rose-gold. It twizzled around in the clouds ready to strike at any given time.

['Xander, do something about your lightning gathering in clouds, it might draw too much attention, and also get out of here quickly, '] Alex said.

['Don't worry, once it strikes, I'll be gone from this place.'] Xander replied. ['This is a technique that I thought of, I don't know how effective it will be, but it should at least prevent us from getting harmed by their attack.'] He added.

['What!?'] Alex and Al chorused. ['When did you become the desperado!?'] Al asked, shocked by Xander's decision.

['Who amongst the 4 of us isn't a desperado?'] Xander replied as he took a look at how much lightning had gathered in the clouds above. ['That should be enough lightning to throw me far away from here.'] He thought.

['Huh?'] Alex exclaimed.

Xander ignored Alex, not because he is rude, but because he didn't feel the need to explain himself.

Just as the prisoners' auras reached their peak, Xander made his escape.


Lightning struck the position where Xander was, startling the prisoners before they could make their attack.


Xander disappeared alongside the lightning that struck. In the sky, a long steak of rose-gold lightning was shooting off into the distant night sky. This streak of lightning had a peculiar shape, it was shaped like a person, and this person was Xander.

Xander had used the lightning strike as a channel to send himself up into the clouds filled with his lightning, he then gathered all the lightning in the cloud around his body and shot the lightning around him into the distance, carrying him along.

This made it look like Xander was flying.

['Are we flying?'] Alex asked, quite shocked by what he was seeing.

['No, more like tagging along for a ride with lightning.'] Xander explained.

['And here I was, thinking that I was the most innovative amongst us. I didn't know that I had such a worthy rival.'] Al commented.

['Gosh! Al!'] Alex cried out.


['Can you not connect every single thing to you. You never let go of a chance to boast about what you can do or whatnot!'] Alex complained.

['Hmph! Haters will hate, and potatoes will potate!'] Al replied.

['Potatoes will what now!?'] Confused and annoyed, Alex exclaimed. ['Is that even a word!?']

['What's it to you if it's a word or not?']

['You know what, I give up! I give up! I got to stop arguing with you or my blood pressure might spike.'] Alex muttered.

['You are giving me a headache.'] Al complained. ['Potato.'] He added

Argus, for the umpteenth time, was impressed by what he saw Alex do. Or in this case, Xander.

He had noticed when the lightning started gathering in the clouds right above Xander. At first, he was skeptical about it because he knew that it wasn't going to rain tonight, and then the color of the lightning wasn't normal.

He could recall the color of lightning that Alex was able to utilize, and now, the one he was seeing twizzling in the clouds was rose-gold. It was when Xander raised his head and looked at the clouds calmly did Argus conclude that it was all Xander's doing.

After the lightning struck and Xander disappeared with it, Argus almost lost track of him for a second there, he wasn't expecting anything like that. He sensed the lightning shooting off into the distance and the peculiarity of the lightning. He rose into the air and followed behind Xander

Argus wasn't the only one that noticed the peculiar rose-gold lightning shooting into the distance, the prisoners were also able to sense it.

Sniff, sniff!

"The kid's scent disappeared the moment that lightning struck," Chari confirmed. They weren't even able to destroy the part of the forest that they wanted to destroy.

"Then that lightning in the sky must have something to do with the kid. A Nirvana realm cultivator, flying with the aid of lightning. That boy must have a lot of valuables on him. Even if we go after him, we wouldn't be able to catch up to him." One of the prisoners uttered, greedily.

He thought that Xander was using some kind of treasure that controls lightning to fly, not knowing that Xander himself is the 'treasure' that can control lightning and that he wasn't flying.

But at the speed at which the lightning traveled, it looked like he was flying at high speed to them. They too could fly, but not as fast as Xander was moving.

He had already broken through the sound barrier, and their top speed in the air couldn't compare to such speed.

"It looks like he's heading over to that bitch, Kymani's territory." Another prisoner commented.

Over at Kymani's territory, in a place blessed with natural waterfalls and multiple trees that produced edible fruits. Springs and palm trees, normal animals that mortals could hunt, the likes of; Rabbits, Ducks, fishes of many species.

Natural crystal that shone in the night, riddled on mountainsides, brightened and beautified the waterfalls some more. Compared to other parts of the forest, this place was paradise.

In the pool below the waterfalls, there were women playing and bathing. Some had clothes on and many were naked. Women that were beautiful, sexy, thick, skinny, ugly, fat women that were attractive in their own ways.

In a place not far off from the pool, was a large bed made of ropes, hay, wood, straws, and leaves. On this bed, a lot of women rest upon, naked and in each other's embrace, kissing and licking their bodies. The temperature of this place was quite hot in many ways as the air had a steamy vibe to it.

Soothing moans of pleasure with different pitches, unharmoniously yet alluringly filled the night air with its steamy charm.

On this large bed, a naked woman with defined muscle, bronze-like skin, and red short hair lay. She had a fair lady beside her that was licking her belly button. The feeling she was having from what this lady was doing was good. The muscular woman closed her eyes and graced her mind with the feeling of pleasure.

The lady licking the belly button then moved her tongue over the belly button and traced it all the way to the brown nipples of the muscular redhead. She licked the nipples softly before she began sucking on one skillfully, while using her hands to play with the other one, pinching it every now and then.

"Kymani," The lady removed her lips from the muscular redhead's nipple.

"Hmm?" The redhead moaned her reply.

"I heard that Scar passed on a piece of information about a new prisoner. A Nirvana realm cultivator at that, and that he was heading towards Jarja's territory. Aren't we going to do something about this?" The lady asked.

The muscular redhead, Kymani, placed a hand on the lady's head and brought her lips closer to her nipple, indicating that she should continue sucking and playing with them. This lady understood and resumed what she had been doing.

"If those 'dicks for brains' get a hold of the Nirvana realm kid, they won't share whatever they get from him with us, even if we do somehow contribute to the hunt. They would only share the spoils with Scar, and besides, the new prisoner is a Nirvana realm cultivator, making him the weakest cultivator in the whole forest. Do you think it would be hard for that many Sky realm cultivators to capture such a weakling?

The only way those fools will give us a share is if we share our bodies with them, and you know that I can't let those horny fools taint your bodies that I worship so much." Kymani slowly traced two of her long fingers down the back of the lady that was sucking on her nipples.

Stopping below the lady's butt, she sent two fingers deep in-between the lady's legs.

"Ahh!!" The lady cried out in pleasure when she felt Kymani's finger go inside her. Her body trembled involuntarily. She raised her head and arched her back. Kymani started to move her fingers in and out moderately. This made the lady let out little skirts as time went by, journeying through orgasm.

They enjoyed themselves, unaware of the visitor that they were about to have

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