The Messenger of Death

Chapter 319: huge hoax

Chapter 319: huge hoax

"Hey! Are you okay?" Drake moved closer and knelt down next to the fallen Katherine, seeing her body stiff, he wondered if she was pretending or had actually been affected.

"My heart almost stopped beating because of that." She answered as if she was out of breath.

Drake sighed, he understood what she was going through. The two of them had always had immense fear for Nana, so much so, whenever they see her, they act like possums and play in whatever position they are. They also never failed to call her the witch of the west or the psychopathic witch.

"My heart was going to explode at first, but after I saw you drop as if you died, it calmed my heart and made me happy," Drake uttered, prepared to dodge or block anything Katherine was going to do.

"I swear when my body releases me from this possum state, I will rip those spikes on your head that you call hair." Katherine threatened, she wasn't joking. Katherine's body entered a stage of tonic immobility, temporarily crippling her ability to move.

"How about I rip yours out first?" Drake mentioned as he placed his hand on her head, still thinking she was pretending and the moment he lets his guard down she's going to attack him.

Realizing that Katherine couldn't move Drake started to believe her. "Hahaha, Karma really is a bitch!! I can get my revenge on you now!" Drake laughed out loud.

"I swear Drake I-if you don't take your hand off my head this second. I will break every finger on your hand the moment I'm able to move properly." Katherine forced every word out of her mouth.

Her face started turning red, not because Drake was touching her head when she's in a state of immobility, but because her body was reacting to it.

She felt that part in-between her legs get wet, a sizzling butterfly feeling in her stomach. 'No stop it! Stop it! Stop it! You can get turned on by anyone, but not Drake!' Katherine cried out in her mind.

Her body was going against her mind.

"Oh, are you angry?" Drake asked mischievously when he saw her face turn red. He assumed that she was being infuriated by his actions, and that pleased him greatly.

Drake then used his hand to pinch Katherine's rosy nose. "Oh, this little firecracker is about to explode." He stated childishly.

Katherine felt a pleasing jolt run down her spine, and her breathing began to change, she felt the fluid in-between her legs wet her underwear.

'No, no, no! How the hell is he affecting my body this much!? Body, please! You are my body, mine! Now please stop reacting like this! If this keeps on going this way my skirt will get wet too, and at that point, everything will be embarrassing!' Katherine cried out to her rebelling body.

"Ah, I forgot that there are audiences," Drake remembered that the rest of his teammates were present and watching him right now. "Count yourself lucky, if it was only you and me, I would strip you down to your underwear, tie you to a huge fishing line, and throw you into the sea as bait for fishes!" Drake confidently threatened, knowing that deep down, no matter the courage he musters, he would never be able to do that.

And for Katherine, this was the first time Drake was being this bashful and cryptic to her, or so she thought. Drake's threat about tying her and throwing her into the sea as bait almost made her release a soft moan. But she successfully held it back.

"No, no, continue, we already know that the two of you are a couple," Gustavo muttered loud enough for everyone to hear.

Emma chuckled when she heard this, and Adrian, together with Camron acted as if they were talking about something important and didn't notice what Drake was doing.

Drake turned and looked at Gustavo with a hurt expression, he was still in his bent position. "A couple!! With this flaming crack head of a woman!? Do I look desperate to you Gus!?" Drake said.

At this junction, Katherine felt her ability to control her body's actions return to her. Drake was still next to her, however, he was facing Gustavo at the moment. Katherine slowly pushed her body up with her hands, making sure that her legs don't move so that she won't alert Drake.

By the time she sat up, she saw Gustavo try to warn Drake with his eyes and facial expression, unluckily for Drake, the warning came too late.

Suddenly, Drake felt an arm wrap around his neck and the next thing he knew, his forehead was greeting the metal ground.


The sound echoed out in the room. Drake had been locked in a submission hold, a chokehold to be specific, where the whole of his neck was underneath Katherine's armpit. He felt the flow of blood rushing to his head and the air passing through his lungs reduce.

The two of them began tussling on the ground as Drake struggled to get out of the chokehold.

"Uck! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!! Gus help me!" Drake cried out.

"Sorry, I think I'm also about to be enlightened, I can't help you at the moment," Gustavo replied shamelessly.

Katherine raised her head and took a look at Gustavo, "Wise choice," She commented.

"Gus! Gus! Help a brother out!..." Drake cried out once again, However, Gustavo didn't give an answer. "Gus!!!"

While struggling, Drake's left hand hit something soft that he couldn't help but notice even in his current predicament. He purposely carried his hand back to the spot where he felt the unexplainable softness and grabbed it curiously.

"Kyyahh!!" Katherine screamed and threw drake away from her. What he had grabbed so willfully was her breast.

When he realized what he did, blood slowly dripped out of his nose, and Drake passed out with a creepy smile on his face.

"You creepy, perverted bastard!!" Katherine was about attack the unconscious Drake when she was stopped by Adrian and Camron at the same time. They held her hands.

"Now, now Katherine, we still need Drake for the competition. If he sustains too much injury he might not be able to treat it 2 days and participate in the competition due to that." Camron reminded as he tried his best to resist laughing.

"Just wait till after the competition, I'll break that arm of yours over and over until your bone refuses to heal again!!" She screamed at the unconscious Drake.

"Gus, do you plan on taking revenge for your clan?" Emma asked the smiling Gustavo.

"No, I don't." He answered calmly.

"Huh, why not?! I mean I'm not one that likes violence and bloodshed, but if something like that did happen to my clan, I will avenge them even if it will cost me my life." Emma stated.

"For the first few years, after I joined the academy, I used to think like that. Later on, I realized that revenge only begets more vengeance. It is an endless circle that will cloud your judgment and might make you do things you will forever regret." Gustavo explained his reason.

"Then what about the prophecy about someone from your clan destroying the Divine Eye sect?" Adrian asked.

"What about it?" Gus replied.

"It is possible that you are the last descendant of your clan, which means that the prophecy might be pointing towards you." Adrian pointed out.

"Hahaha! I did think like that some 5 to 6 years ago. Then a thought also hit me, what if I am not the one in the prophecy? Then wouldn't my job be to revive the Immortal Body clan? Get married, have babies, teach them everything about their ancestry that I know of. Maybe the person from the prophecy will be a descendant of mine." Gus responded.

"With my weak ass power and ability, do you believe that I can avenge my mother? If I am not strong enough to defeat a family residing in the Ordain plain realm, would I be able to take revenge on those ones in the Celestial plain realm? Let's say that I do magically reach the Celestial plain realm with my own ability, what are my chances of transcending the 3 plain realms?"

After listening to Gustavo's reasoning, Emma couldn't help but agree with him. His destiny might really be to revive his clan and not take revenge as the prophecy claimed. "I understand," Emma frowned, feeling frustrated for Gustavo.

It was the same for the rest of the team, at least the ones that were conscious, they all felt frustrated and powerless for Gustavo.

"Besides, that prophecy might never come to pass," Gus added.

"Why?!" Camron asked.

"Nobody can accurately predict the future, the Heavens are constantly changing in accordance to the strings of Fate. What the people from the Divine Eye sect saw was just a possibility, a version of the future. Even they couldn't claim that their predictions are 100% accurate. Even peering into the secrets of the future might change the future its self. Fortune telling is a huge hoax." He finished.

His teammates understood what Gustavo just explained. It could be that his clans' people all died because of a hoax that someone else believed.

Camron sighed. "Alright, that's enough resting for now. We should get back to practicing our battle formations for the competition" he glanced at the unconscious Drake, "As soon as Drake wakes up." He added.

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