The Messenger of Death

Chapter 313: the little mythical beast

Chapter 313: the little mythical beast

From the expressions Gustavo had been making, the rest of the Seraphim team knew that he was pained by the thought of what he was about to say. There wasn't an ounce of pretense in his current attitude.

"You don't have to tell us if it's difficult for you to say, you know." Emma comforted gently. She out of everyone in her team dislike the sight of anyone in her team being hurt.

"Doesn't matter if I want to say it or not, I just feel like I have to do this. It's been on my chest for a while, so do ne a favor and listen to the story of my sappy life." Gustavo joked with a smile.

His attempt to mask the sadness with a smile on his face was futile as his expression looked more depressing with the smile present.

"The reason no one's heard about my clan on the Eastern Continent, is because we are not from the Eastern Continent. Rather, we are from a remote and yet blessed land located in the Ordain Plain realm. Our ancestry comes from a place even higher than the Celestial Plain realm." He paused.

"Fascinating," Adrian commented. He didn't doubt what Gustavo said, after all, if his clan did exist on the Lower Plain realm, with this Immortal Body of theirs, they would have dominated every continent by now. And their name would be known by everyone. To him, this was logical.

Temporarily, they had all forgotten about Alex as their minds were focused on what Gustavo was revealing to them.

"Damn, from the Ordain Plain realm? What misfortune brought you down here?" Drake blurted out.


Katherine used her elbow to hit his ribs hard, causing Drake to fall on his knee and fold on the ground in pain.

"Next time don't say stupid things when you're behind me." She warned.

"Let me tell you a bit about my clans' people and our ability. I will narrate the story to you how my father narrated it to me, and how his father did to him." Gustavo started, "This ability unique to my clan, according to my father, comes from an ancient mythical beast in a Plain realm higher than the Celestial Plain realm. One that existed in an era where the martial world was at its peak.

It is an off-spring of two class-1 Primordial beasts of different species. In other words, it was an abomination. Its mother died right giving birth to it and its father vanished before it was even born.

This little beast had 2 legs and 2 arms but crawled with the 4, with its body covered in yellow fur. It had no eyes, instead, a pair of nostrils in the place where its eyes were meant to be.

It had no ears but could hear with its nostrils, and it had a mouth big enough to swallow a grown man's right from birth.

The little mythical beast didn't look like its mother, it also didn't know what its mother looked like as it had no eyes to see.

With no one to fend for this little beast, the little beast crawled and crawled, not knowing where it was heading, after suffering for months with no food to feast on, it was in pain and needed something to it. The little beast had no knowledge of QI or how to utilize it. It was basically left with no inheritance.

And, on a rainy day, when the little mythical beast had no energy to crawl anymore, it wailed and wailed and wailed, about to resign to its ill fate when the stench of blood filled its nostrils.

Realizing that this stench was a bit familiar to it and yet different. The first thing it smelled after being given birth was blood, but not this type of blood. It laid on the ground and let drops of rain, fall into its mouth.

At least this was somewhat a little form of relief to it, as the water did make it feel a bit better than anything it had tried.

This little mythical suffered from hunger because it couldn't eat meat or anything with blood flowing through it. It tried eating the soil, grass, leaves, and trees, anything that entered its mouth, albeit that, nothing could satisfy or repress its hunger.

Right from birth, the universe wanted the little mythical beast dead, an abomination not meant to exist.

While waiting for death, with no energy to wail anymore. The mythical beast knew not what crying was at the moment, its intelligence was like that of a child at best. As time passed, the stench of blood only got thicker and thicker." Gustavo paused and looked at his teammates. As his body was still in its metal-like state, his voice had a metallic ring to it when spoke.

At this point of the story, Emma had already begun shedding some tears. Katherine and Drake's eyes were red.

Adrian felt pity for the little mythical beast, but it didn't show on his face, same with Camron. They were well aware that it all happened in the past and nothing they do could help or change what happened.

Seeing their expressions, weirdly, brought some warmth to heart, so he continued with his story;

"Suddenly, it heard something fall next to it. Something it had never smelled before. The scent that came off this thing was so enticing that the dying little beast couldn't help but force a wail out of its mouth.

Enticed by this scent the little mythical beast forced its body to move, it just wanted a taste so bad! Just a taste! After mustering all that it could, the little beast finally reached what was enticing its senses.

Although it didn't know what it was called at that time, its senses were enticed by a silver saber that fell next to it. The little beast forcefully stretched out its tongue, reaching for a taste of the silver saber. Like a holy grail! An oasis in the desert, the little beast cried as it tasted the silver saber.

He felt unbelievable energy seep into his pores from the saber. Unknowingly to the beast, when its tongue touched the saber, it melted and wrapped around the beast's tongue.

The little mythical beast then stretched its time out for the second time, but it touched nothing but the dirt on the floor. But luckily for him, there was a bit of energy it could use.

A few minutes went by and another enticing scent reached its nostrils and without hesitation, it ran after the scent. At that moment, it was as if it could see smells. Reaching the place where the scent was coming from, the little beast stopped in front of a halberd made of steel.

It touched the halberd with its tongue and the same thing that happened to the silver saber happened to the halberd, it melted and entered the mythical beast's mouth.

Like all good things, when it rains it pours. The little mythical beast and had stumbled upon a battlefield that had turned into a graveyard for weapons and steel and people.

But it only yearned for the weapons, weapons made out of mineral resources like Gold, Silver Steel, Iron, copper, etc!! They were delicacies to this mythical beast. It even ate crystals, diamonds!

From eating a lot of this, it was unknown to the beast when or how it developed the ability to sense these minerals that satiated its hunger, but it didn't care. Swearing to itself never to go hungry again, it tracked these minerals, not caring about the places they were located.

The only danger it knew was hunger and to it hunger was wicked. It trespassed territories of other beasts, not caring what class they were. By instincts, he could tell that they couldn't harm him. It dug into earth whenever it sensed a mineral beneath.

Years and years went by and the little mythical beast was growing slowly, but steadily, it never felt hunger since that day. Only its intelligence was still lacking." Gustavo realized that he hasn't returned his body to normal.

He used a few seconds to do so.

"One day, this mythical beast, unfortunately, went into the armory of a strong army, any army filled with cultivators whose cultivation base surpasses everything we know about cultivation.

The little beast couldn't resist as the scent from the armory wasn't like anything he had ever smelled even more enticing than ever.

Unfortunately for the beast, its intelligence at that time was no different from a child's own. It strolled into the army's base merrily but had no intention of harming anyone.

However, the soldiers didn't see it that way, they immediately picked their weapons up and got ready to battle the little beast. Even as it didn't give off any killing intent, the soldiers were scared of the beast. They could tell that in it, a great power slept.

They attacked the little mythical beast, but alas, they could cause no harm to it. Its fur was sturdy, so much so, that even as swords and arrows hit its fur, it didn't cave in. But how could it? To the little beast, it was being hit with its food. It didn't take offense or felt pain.

It just licked or munched their weapons, eating them and ignoring the wielders. The soldiers were shocked by this, they couldn't understand the mysterious beast's actions.

It came to their camp for their weapons, ate what they had in their armory, and left without harming a single soul!

The only thing that pained them was the fact that they needed their weapons to survival the battles they had coming. The mythical beast continued to roam about this military base as it hasn't found what brought him here.

While searching he stumbled upon the bane of its existence no, not hunger, but Weapon Dao cultivator. This was the second bane of its existence. It met a Sword Dao cultivator that had reached the stage of being one with the sword.

And to Weapon Dao cultivators, their weapons are their companions, their arms and legs. Touching their weapon with their permission is taboo. As the little beast tried to bite at the Swordsman's blade it felt danger.

On instinct, it dodged to the side and swish! The blade cut one of its arms, almost cutting through the whole arm. Blood splattered and the little mythical beast wailed out in pain."

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