The Messenger of Death

Chapter 310: jarja

Chapter 310: jarja

"Incredible! He can also use lightning. Lightning users are rare. What sort of luck does that crazy woman have to get a disciple like this? He can use fire, lightning, and another strange yet powerful ability. I'm starting to admire this little kid by the minute.

Perhaps watching over him here wouldn't be as boring as I thought it would be." Argus talked to himself as he trailed Alex from a safe distance.

'Although I don't know where he's heading to, I would like to see what he'll do when he encounters some of the strong prisoners here. Maybe there's still more of his abilities that he's hiding.' He thought.

Deep within the forest of prisoners. By a rocky shore with puddles of water mixed with blood. Dozens of people were fighting, throwing themselves around.

"Yeah!!" One of the fighters jubilated after throwing his opponent to the ground.

"Ooughf!" A huge foot stamped on the face of the fighter that had been jubilating, knocking out a few teeth. The fighter fell to the ground.

"Chaa!! Chaa, chaa, Chaa!!" The owner of the foot that just knocked out a few teeth chanted and drummed on his chest after every chant. These fighters were all cultivators, with different bases, but they all fought without the assistance of their cultivation.

A crowd of people that were watching the fight cheered when they saw this. "Izza a rigged mud fight I telli ya! Chari is gonna win this one ye-gain and spend another nayitt with that slut in stock." A one-eyed man with a bar head cheered with excitement. His accent was strong with flavor, it would be hard to forget after listening to it once, and also difficult to understand.

"Oui!! Isn't that obvious? Chari is as huge as a beast, without using QI to battle, winning against him would be hard. This set of fighters aren't even on his level. They all just wanted to try their luck and see if they get to be the ones to spend a night with the slut. Their tiny winy dicks are looking for some real action! Hahaha!" A dwarf man replied the one-eyed man.

"Sex is for real men, they better-" The dwarf was suddenly interrupted.


One of the fighters spat on the one-eyed man and the dwarf when he heard their comment. "Use it to wank your sloppy dry dicks you skunk heads!" The fighter cursed at them in anger.

The one-eyed man and the dwarf looked at the thick ward of spit that had mixed with blood and landed on both of their legs, they then looked at their selves before bursting out in rage. "If me don't make ye suck yer own dzick todzay, me be blind my othzer for goodt!!" The one-eyed man swore.

"I'll beat your ass until your unfortunate mother feels it in her womb!!" The dwarf cried out and he and the one-eyed man charged at the fighter that spat on them. They joined in on the fight.

The rest of the crowd cheered harder when they saw this happen, some were even laughing, basking themselves in whatever they found entertaining in the fight

Up on a huge tree that had a trunk so wide and thick, a person would mistake it for a wall, a comfortable resting place had been created. This place was meters above the ground, with chairs and tables made of wood and bones. This comfortable place was just like a treehouse just that it didn't have walls.

There were a few people up on this treehouse, most of which were drinking a substance that arguably, could be blood, and feasting on a large piece of roasted meat.

A fair lady sat on the edge of the tree and looked past the rocky shore where people were fighting. She stared at the far sea that was untainted by the blood from the rocky shore. She had a light piece of cloth on her body that stuck to her skin. She had brown hair that extended to the lower part of her back and had an attractive face and figure to her.

If one looked closely, one might be able to see the skin beneath the cloth she was wearing. She sneered when she heard people calling her a slut. She was only in this position because she disrespected their leader. As punishment, He made her the prize of their mud fight, with the winner getting to do what he or she wanted to do with her.

She wasn't pleased with being used as a price, however, she enjoyed the experience and made the best of it as there was nothing she could do about it, She'd rather stay here than go to Kymani's territory. This was how the forest of prisoners was governed, each territory with its own leader and set of rules. This was all so they could co-exist and live without the constant fear of death. 

There were 4 territories in the forest, Jarja's territory, which is where the mud fight was being held, Scar's territory, which was the closest to the entrance of the barrier. Kymani's territory, a territory with only women and then the beast territory. A territory filled with beasts and monsters that possessed intelligence.

They were the true danger within the forest of prisoners.

"Hey, slut! Chari might be having you tonight again." One of the sexually frustrated men standing below the spot where this lady was seated called out. He licked his lips shamelessly as he watched her from below.

The lady only looked down, staring at the man. She then shifted the thin piece of cloth to the side and opened her legs a bit, giving the man little view of what was in-between her fair legs.

This was too much clickbait for this man. He gulped down his saliva and his third leg stood at attention.

"Hmph! You're just bummed out that you don't get to be the one that gets to enjoy this." She just picked a rough stick that was beside her and threw it to the ground.

The man watched the stick fall, failing to understand why she would throw a stick at him.

"Now go put your tiny dick in a tree hole, or put that stick up your asshole and fuck yourself. Be hopeful that I don't send a rat to suck your tiny man off your feminine legs!" She raged at the man.

"Hahaha!!" Everyone around that heard watched what was happening burst into laughter.

Even the leader of this territory, Jarja.

Jarja was seated on a chair made of bones. His chair stood out the most amongst the others on the tree, it looked like a throne of some kind. The bone throne was placed at the furthermost part of the treehouse, resting against the huge trunk of the tree.

Suddenly, a figure on the tree moved, it wasn't noticeable, but Jarja was able to sense the movement. Recognizing this figure, Jarja spoke; "What is Scar's weird dog doing over at my territory?" His voice was low and hoarse and contained a tinge of anger in it.

Despite Jarja's voice, being low, everyone there could hear what he said properly. The mud fight that had been going on by the rocky shore, stopped and the crowd cheering became silent.

Slowly, all of them began releasing their auras, revealing their scary cultivation realms. Everyone's cultivation had reached the Sky realm, with the weakest here being a rank-3 Sky realm cultivator.

"Sikk! Lord Scar has a message for everyone." The figure said before opening its eyes.

Under the light, this figure had the same skin like a chameleon, and its eyes were almost the same as that of a chameleon.

"There is a new prisoner, a he's a Nirvana realm cultivator." The figure revealed.

This news shocked everyone that heard it.

"How is that logical? The only people that this fucked up school sends here are terrifying cultivators that have reached the Sky cultivation realm. Even Earth realm cultivator would be brought into this place." The dwarf asked.

"This person is a student of the academy, he had their uniform on, sikk! And it seems as if he is heading towards your territory." The Chameleon-like figure made a sharp hissing sound. It was something it couldn't control as it was part of its nature.

Hearing that the new prisoner is a student of the academy, a person from their jailers, the people that condemned them to this forest and took their freedom away from them, every single person here got angry and let their killing intent soar.

The birds around the forest fly into the air, scurrying away from the pressure these cultivators were releasing.

"Boys, it appears that we have some hunting to do," Jarja grumbled and turned his neck sideways, cracking it with the movement he made. "Tell Scar that we will share whatever we find on the kid fairly between ourselves," Jarja said and proceeded to prompt himself up from his bone chair.



With each step he took, the huge tree shook. A huge figure, even bigger and wider than Chari the fighter, jumped down from the tree.

"Whoever brings that boy, dead or alive, preferably alive, to me will also have the chance to get a pick from his property," Jarja revealed.

"Yeah!! Giya!!!" Everyone screamed out excitedly.

"Begin the hunt!" Jarja ordered and the cultivators dispersed.

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