The Favored Son of Heaven

Chapter 243 - Casting of the Old Self and Taking on a New Self

Chapter 243: Casting of the Old Self and Taking on a New Self

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

It didn’t take long for the plane to fly away. Suddenly, the sky was covered in thick, dark clouds. In the twinkle of an eye, it started raining heavily.

Often, Qin Fen would raise his head, looking at the sky. Usually, there was little chance of rain on a plateau. But today, it was actually raining heavily. Looking at the whole world from above, it seemed that the whole world was shrouded in torrential rain.

Qin Fen smiled as he looked at the Thunderstorm in his hand, which could adapt to a vast majority of environments, and dropped this super killing machine that had reaped almost a thousand lives on the ground.

To walk on the road of martial dao, one needed to have a firm heart! Holding a weapon that could easily erase lives would become one’s biggest obstacle. Throwing it away would mean throwing away the obstacle itself...

Qin Fen turned and took two steps, then turned back and picked up the Thundercloud and fixed it on his back carefully.

It was easy to discard the obstacles, but if he could carry them with him all the time and never use them...only then would it mean to truly break through the obstacles.

There was a vast difference between breaking and discarding.

Atop the high mountain, the wind was much stronger than on the plains.

The cold rain in the wind would hit the face, heavy and as painful as soybeans hitting the face. Even though the waterproofing ability of the recruit uniform was pretty good, it was still thoroughly soaked by this heavy rain pretty soon.

Carrying the heavy weapon on his back, Qin Fen walked on the muddy mountains. Every step he took would leave a deep footprint behind, which would quickly be filled by the rain.

The constantly falling heavy rain not only obscured his visibility, it also obscured the sound of other organisms around, and even washed away their smell in the air completely.

Inside the mountain forest, there were still many insect warriors that may suddenly attack at any time.

Having lost most of the visual, auditory, and olfactory help, Qin Fen had to depend more on his martial senses.

The heavy rain lasted for a long time. It did not stop even a bit for the entire day. In this heavy rain, Qin Fen had already killed a dozen or so insect warrior that wanted to ambush him.

With his other sense somewhat hindered for the time being, Qin Fen’s martial sense became even more sensitive. He even had a feeling that he could count the number of raindrops falling on the ground within a radius of three meters.

There were neither any hotels nor any houses; all there was was an endless nature.

At night, Qin Fen could only find a cave to take shelter from the rain and eat some non-toxic wild fruits that he had gathered to fill his hunger. Also, circulate the true energy in his body to dispel the cold.

His clothes were already wet and sticking to his body. This not only nullified any effect of being sheltered from the wind and rain, it also made him feel colder instead because of his clothes always sticking to his body.

The quality of his military boots was pretty good. Even after walking in such mountainous areas for many days, there was not much damage done to them. It was just that when the heavy rain fell, the cold rainwater poured along his ankles into his shoes, giving him the feeling of having his feet being soaked in water all the time, which seriously affected his balance while walking.

When the rain finally stopped, Qin Fen used his good skills to hunt some prey and barbeque them to improve his meals.

Having climbed thousands of feet of a steep cliff bare-handedly, Qin Fen stood at the peak of the steep cliff, looking about at the quiet view. Qin Fen circulated the Dragon Elephant true energy to his throat and roared with all his strength. An unprecedented pride suddenly surged into his heart.

Listening to the call echoing in the mountains, Qin Fen gently spread his hand out, embracing the voice coming from afar. His state of mind had entered a state he had never experienced before.

Looking back down on over ten thousand feet of conquered cliff and recalling the several dangerous situations that happened due to the heavy items he was carrying, Qin Fen’s calm mind fluctuated once more into the delight of a conqueror.

Qin Fen had never thought about conquering someone. But when he saw this cliff that was over ten thousand feet tall, he had the urge and desire to conquer it for the first time.

Martial Emperor Dragon Fist contained the word “Emperor”, and an emperor was someone who conquers!

If there was no conquering aura of power in his fist technique, then, how could it be called Martial Emperor Dragon Fist? At best, it could only be called Martial Dragon Fist.

Looking into the distance, Qin Fen, once again, chose a mountain to conquer before he began running once more.

For the next few days, Qin Fen conquered mountains and cliffs one after another, living the simplest natural life.

The sun and moon rose and fell.

In this unpolluted holy land, looking up at the night sky shining with stars, breathing the freshest air, everything was so harmonious and natural that he even forgot to practice his martial dao.

Assimilate — Qin Fen gradually began to assimilate into nature. He no longer deliberately conquered every tall mountain and cliff but walked on the mountains with ease.

After having crossed a mountain, what fell into Qin Fen’s eyes was not a mountain but a huge lake.

Clean and pristine!

Qin Fen had never seen such clean lake water. It was as if it could illuminate people’s hearts.

He gulped down the cool water, and a cold feeling immediately rushed straight to the top of his head as forty-eight thousand pores all over his body spread open in an instant.

Feeling inexplicably comfortable and at ease, Qin Fen jumped into the water, swimming quickly with ease.

Huge lake, bypass it? No! Swim across it! Swim across it!

A voice in his mind kept on repeating. Swimming in the water, Qin Fen unconsciously used the dragon forms that were usually present in the martial arts.

Over a dozen days later, Qin Fen was standing atop a peak, once more. As he looked up, he didn’t see any tall mountains blocking his path ahead.

Come out! A voice echoed loudly in Qin Fen’s mind.

Qin Fen turned his head, looking at the tall mountain that he had come across in his path. That magnificent imposing aura was clearly visible, but he could not feel any sense of oppression from that magnificent imposing aura. On the contrary, there was an indescribable pleasure.

The true energy in his various meridians began to seeth as his blood surged forward like a river. The fine hair all over his body stood erect once more. Under the sunshine, the surface of his body was as if it was covered in a layer of true energy halo, colorful and dazzling.

Gradually, Qin Fen began to practice Arhat Fist, Hong Quan, Military Boxing, as well as the Twenty-Four Styles of Simplified Tai Chi Fist. As he punched with everything he got, his wrist automatically infused true energy into the back of his fist. His strength shook the air in front of his fist as if an old steam engine was blowing steam.


His fist didn’t strike anything but air, yet it made an explosive sound as if a balloon had exploded. Next, several places over Qin Fen’s body successively made sounds of popping.

Martial Emperor Dragon Fist, Eighteen Dragons Gathering Clouds!

Qin Fen slowly withdrew his stance. There was a slight smile on his face. The harvest was much bigger than he thought. Now, there was truly a sliver of soul in his kicks and punches.

It took Qin Fen two more days to find the local military. The Thunderstorm on his back had prevented him from buying a ticket to fly back to Australia.

Qin Fen was surprised by their efficiency. After the local military verified his identity, a plane was mobilized shortly after.

Instead of flying to Australia, the plane flew to Shenyang in Zhongzhou.

When he got off the plane, more than a dozen seasoned soldiers, armed with guns and live ammunition, and a dozen or so doctors clad in white coats, took Qin Fen straight into a high-level ambulance.

After having experienced spiritual martial arts practice, Qin Fen wasn’t surprised nor worried about this. So many recruits had died this time and in such special circumstances, Qin Fen, as the recruit who could come back alive was obviously going to be checked to see if he was possessed by some weird insect warrior or not.

Very soon, Qin Fen was surrounded by people, doing rigorous checks one after another. Blood test, CT, ECG, electronic scanning, and whatnot...

After a round of inspection, all the data was immediately sent forward while Qin Fen was temporarily sent to a single room.

With nothing to do, Qin Fen sat down in a cross-legged position and continued to practice the Dragon Elephant Prajna Art within his body.

“This young man is calmer and more mature than the last time I saw him.”

In a room full of monitors, the Major General, whom Qin Fen had once met before, lightly rubbed his chin as he looked at the image from Qin Fen’s room.

“Yeah, when I was at his age, I was surely not as determined as he is. There is no trace of panic or hesitation in him.”

The Major General slightly smiled and nodded. “I hope everything is normal. If so, then we can still catch up with the new recruit tournament.”

At this time, the door was pushed open by a military doctor in a crisp military uniform with the rank of a colonel walked in with a smile and said, “General Han, there is nothing wrong with this man’s body.”

“Really?” A smile suddenly bloomed on Major General Han’s face. “Wait for him to complete one round of circulation and then immediately take him away from here. The other recruits had already adapted to the venue. Use the shortest time you can to send him to the venue of new recruit tournament.”

“Yes, Sir!” The two lieutenant colonels gave a military salute at the same time before quickly taking their leave.

Qin Fen opened his eyes and quickly left the hospital with the two lieutenant colonels. Once again, he boarded a very advanced aircraft from the military airport and took off.

Leaning on his back, Qin Fen broke into laughter. As a recruit who didn’t even have any military rank, he actually got to board two military planes in succession. Maybe this will become a small-time record since the founding of the Federation Army!?

The plane eventually landed on the grounds of Switzerland, a country that once used to be neutral.

As the cabin door gradually opened, Du Peng, Xue Tian, Chen Feiyu, Xing Wuyi, and Kyokushin Genichi’s smiling faces appeared in Qin Fen’s eyes.

“Oh? You are all here?” Qin Fen looked at Kyokushin Genichi with some amazement.

Du Peng, pounding his fist on Qin Fen’s shoulder, said, “You have totally cast off your old self.”

Qin Fen smiled as he pounded back on Du Peng’s shoulder. “It’s the same for you too.”

“Right, what happened afterward?” Having joined with his friends once more, Qin Fen became lively. He was also a bit curious about what happened after the new recruit mock battle tournament.

“Old Qin, you should ask me this...” Xue Tian dragged out his voice as he placed his arm on Du Peng’s shoulder. “Little Du’s martial strength might be pretty good, but when it comes to describing things, he was far worse than me.”

Du Peng cupped his hand before his chest, directly admitting his defeat. Obviously, he didn’t want to keep on listening to Xue Tian’s banter.

“Right!” Xue Tian smacked his hand as if he suddenly recalled something. Next, he cupped his hand towards Qin Fen and said, “Old Qin, congratulations on making a fortune!”

At this moment, Du Peng, learning from Xue Tian, cupped his hands to Qin Fen and congratulated, “Congratulations on making a fortune.”

Immediately after, the others also cupped their hands at Qin Fen and congratulated, “Congratulations on making a fortune.”

The congratulations on making a fortune made Qin Fen curious. When he was flying here, the lieutenant colonel had already explained to him that he was coming here to take part in new recruit tournament. Then, why was he getting congratulated for making a fortune just after landing? It wasn’t like he had won the new recruit tournament or something.

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