The Favored Son of Heaven

Chapter 230 - Off We Go! QingHai! Arrival of the Monster Qin Fen!

Chapter 230: Off We Go! QingHai! Arrival of the Monster Qin Fen!

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

The life of a recruit was monotonous yet fulfilling at the same time. Naturally, the time passes by very quickly.

With a blink of an eye, a week passed.

Qin Fen led a disciplined life. He trained during the day but looked for martial artists to spar with at night. He earned money while experiencing various martial art fist technique, He would extract the essence of each fist technique to suit his own, to polish his unrefined Martial Emperor Dragon Fists.

In Qin Fen’s point of view, the end goal of the creation of the Martial Emperor Dragon Fists was to create a practice that fully integrated the body into a perfect form of martial art, rather than just involving some simple set of punches.

This was a huge, systematic project. It might take three to five years, or even up to ten to twenty years.

Ever since he stepped into the world of martial arts, Qin Fen had completely fallen in love with it.

As a member of the world of martial arts, of course, anyone would want to leave traces of what they had been through.

Qin Fen was very determined and certain that his Martial Emperor Dragon Fists would be forever entombed as a stone monument in the world of martial arts. The size of this stone monument wasn’t important; inspiring others with his martial arts would be satisfaction enough for him.

Within the week, Lin Jiaxuan had come to visit once again.

This time, she did not return empty-handed. Qin Fen took the time to write down the next step of practice for her, but she would not be able to use it at the current moment. Her improvement wasn’t that fast. She had not completed the previous harsh instructions given by Qin Fen during her last visit.

Kyokushin Genichi was living a life of eating and vomiting.

Within a week, his body was significantly thinner and his muscles were very much built.

After Zha Can saw Kyokushin Genichi, he began to initiate a similar harsh yet basic training.

Following this trend, within this short period of a few days, all the young people, as long they were equipped with some ability, would practice together with Kyokushin Genichi.

Everyone knew that Kyokushin Genichi was the discipline of Qin Fen. This extraordinary young man was forced to practice only the basics by Qin Fen. There weren’t many people that were qualified to practice the techniques on a more complex level. Almost all of them were only practicing the foundations.

Only Du Peng, along with Chen Feiyu, who had just become a recruit, did not join the other army member in their foundation training.

There was still a large amount of Du Zhanpeng’s inheritance left with Du Peng. His hands were already occupied with this huge inheritance, how would there be there time to participate in the foundation practice?

Moreover, Du Zhanpeng ridiculed Du Peng’s foundation many times when he was a child. Du Peng did indeed put a lot of effort on perfecting his foundation.

As for Chen Feiyu, he was a man in his early thirties. Having stayed in the five-star strength realm for far too long, he had practiced his foundation during his free time, so much that his foundation was so solid it enough to even put Qin Fen to shame. Therefore it was only natural that he dedicated himself more to cultivating the techniques Qin Fen provided to him.

Chen Feiyu also gave this set of technique a name, ” Sky-Piercing Long Rainbow”, to express the powerful explosive power generated by an infuriating energy. It was really a technique tailored for him, as he had lower stamina and always unable to sustain himself in a long term battle.

Chen Feiyu believed that even if the Grandmaster ranked Song Wendong from the Qilin Sect were to create this set of techniques, he might not be able to outdo Qin Fen.

In the period of seven days, it was calm and quiet. The calmness made Qin Fen feel a little surprised and suspicious. Did the people from Liang Tao Family give up?

Squad Leader Hao and the others could answer this question. When they passed through the sewerage, there was indeed no suspicious movements.

Instead, the small-scale military mock battle between East Asia and West Asia had been finalized. The location chosen was Qinghai, Zhongzhou.

Qinghai is located in the northeastern part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It is high in the west and low in the east, low in the middle region and high in the northwest. The terrain is complex and diverse, forming a unique plateau with continental climate including long hours of sunshine and thin air. Most areas are between three thousand and five thousand meters above sea level. The mountains in the territory are towering, with various terrains, rivers, and lakes. The Kunlun Mountains traverse the central part, the Tanggula Mountains stand in the south, the Qilian Mountains are located in the north, with the grasslands are undulating, accompanied by the vast Qaidam Basin.

For those who were about to participate in the Recruit Tournament, this was a natural and excellent training place. In an environment where the air was thin and terrain was complex and diverse, not only the body would undergo good development, but even the spirit would be able to experience a powerful baptism.

For this military mock battle, recruit camps from around East and West Asia would allocate five thousand participants each. With this amount of recruits, this exercise could be regarded as an actual confrontation demonstration.

To no one’s surprise, a lot of recruits were selected from Qin Fen’s recruit camp to participate in this mock battle. Kyokushin Genichi and other strong young martial artists, naturally, were selected, especially those who were in the same class as Qin Fen.

With regard to this, Qin Fen suspected that Squad leader Hao was secretly using underhanded means and had been pulling some strings. Otherwise, a recruit with a caliber like Jin Kui would definitely not be selected.

One by one, the semi-middle class transport helicopter at the airport began turning their engines on and the huge propellers set off a strong gust of wind.

The soldiers who had picked their weapons boarded the helicopter in an orderly manner, awaiting the upcoming military mock battle.

“Qin Fen, have you chosen a weapon yet?” asked Deng Biao in a happy tone. His hands held an M134, and his body was wrapped with chains of bullets. He walked toward Qin Fen, who had yet to decide on a weapon. Keeping his delighted tone, he excitedly said, “Based on your video that I saw online, I realized that this is a really good weapon to use! These days, after my constant exercise to improve my physical strength, I seem to be able to use it as freely as you. Why don’t you pick this thing too, so that we can form the strongest firepower group?”

Qin Fen smirked and started to think. Pick up an M134? It is better to choose the QLZ04 grenade launcher with a firing speed of three hundred and fifty shots per minute. In terms of the explosive firepower, perhaps it will be a little more powerful than M134?

Qin Fen reached out and patted the QLZ04 grenade launcher, Deng Biao laughed, ” Are you even considering this weapon? It is way too heavy, not suitable for mobility in combat...”

Qin Fen’s palms left the QLZ04 grenade launcher and lifted his legs and move forward. In this mock battle, according to the Squad leader Hao, the big contenders of East Asia from the military area did not intend to join this exercise with an intention of losing. They thirst for victory, and in a glorious way, which was to win as many battles as they can. They intend to teach the West Asian Troops a lesson and show them who the real boss was.

Those with outstanding performance in the military confrontation was rumored to receive special awards. It seemed that after the completion of being a new recruit, it would be accounted into the military ranking based on a scoring system.

I’ve got to choose my weapon wisely. Qin Fen walked past several heavy arms. Every time he touched one, he twitched the heart of Deng Biao, who was following close behind him.

“Old Qin, Old Qin...” Deng Biao whispered behind him and said, “You are going in the wrong direction. That is the mobile armor area. There is a rule in this military exercise that states that you can’t utilize any mobile armor. Even you have expertise with this kind of weapon, you are still unable to use this... Old Qin...Old Qin... don’t move forward anymore...”

Qin Fen walked into the mobile armor area. Because it was only a recruit camp, the models here weren’t too advanced. It was a rare sight to see any advanced type mobile armor around here.

After walking through several mobile armors, Qin Fen finally stopped in front of a light mobile armor and reached out, touching the weapon mounted on the mobile armor...

Thunderstorm! This special weapon was invented for the purpose of wiping out mutants in the desert.

Its shape was nothing like a normal gun. The barrel didn’t use the traditional prototype design, but to match its special ‘bullet’, the whole gun body exhibit a rectangle display.

Thunderstorm’s overall length was more than two and a half meters with the width of one and a half meters and the height of fifty centimeters. Its weight was up to seven hundred and fifty pounds! The bullets also didn’t come in the traditional circular shape, but rather, in sheets.

To put it simply, Thunderstorm fired not regular bullets, but sheets of sharp polished blades. The center was built-in with a small piece of self-controlled high-speed rotating chip.

The firing mode of this weapon was totally different with normal bullets. It didn’t fire bullet one at a time. Rather, a couple of bullets would burst out. The shooter only needed to choose the firing mode and pull the trigger. It will release all the ammunition in an instance.

In the various firing mode, the fan-shaped firing mode was used to increase the range of damage. This form of attack, unless used on the mobile armor with weak defenses such as the Jungle Ranger, would probably be ineffective for other mobile armors.

The tornado firing mode altered the tornado that moved vertically into a horizontally moving attack. All alloy sheets were rotated in a sharp conical tornado that would directly penetrate the protective layer of the mobile armor.

This kind of attack was so strong, not even those heavy-duty mobile armor would be able to stop it. In a war, when a laser began to disarm the defensive shields, this weapon called Thunderstorm would be a very effective mean of taking down huge warships.


Qin Fen gently stroked Thunderstorm. If this thing was loaded during the drill, it would definitely be a super weapon that could possibly go against the gods and demons!

“Old Qin...Old Qin...” Deng Biao’s eyes widened and his tongue started stuttering, “I... I say... you, you... you are not going to take that weapon, aren’t you? Just by looking at it, it weighs around... si.. si.. six, six to seven hundred pounds?”

“Plus the weight of the bullet, seven hundred and fifty pounds.”

Qin Fen answered Deng Biao’s question as he picked up the tools needed for maintenance from the side of the mobile armor. He disassembled the huge weapon with his skilled hands.

Deng Biao looked at the ‘Thunderstorm’ that Qin Fen held and looked at the M134 in his hand. Suddenly he found the M134, which seemed to be invincible just a moment ago, to be like a tiny toothpick now.

Qin Fen carried a number of containers containing training-use magazine and carried a container with live ammunition in it out of habit. The instructor from the mobile armor department had previously advised him to always carry live ammunition along at all times, so that even in the face of danger, you know you were prepared for it.

Qin Fen then dragged out a huge container that was used to store guns and placed Thunderstorm inside of it.

Two large boxes of ammunition, plus the weight of the ‘Thunderstorm’ itself, probably weighed around a staggering thousand pounds. Qin Fen thought that even if he didn’t use the Dragon Elephant Prajna Arts, he would still be able to carry the containers at his back and still move around.

Another advantage of Qin Fang’s Dragon Elephant Prajna Art was that the body would be continuously stimulated by the energy, increasing the strength of a person tremendously, even without actually activating Dragon Elephant Prajna Arts itself.

In the military camp, in terms of brute force, Qin Fen was confident that even for someone with Okamoto Takeshi’s monstrous caliber, it did not even come close to himself.

Slightly adjusting the aura in the body, Qin Fen utilized Dragon Elephant Prajna Art. He carried the weapon that was much bigger than his own body and strode outward.

Deng Biao’s head was now blank. He instinctively followed Qin Fen. The M134 in his hand was like a broken gun compared to Qin Fen’s weapon.

At the helipad, the drill instructor, who was responsible for checking the recruits’ weapons, was also shocked by the large containers that Qin Fen was carrying with him.

“Hey kiddo, how many weapons did you put in this box?” The seasoned soldier asked kindly, “We have regulations, one person can only bring one weapon to fight. You are cheating.”

While carrying a thousand pounds of equipment, he performed the standard salute, and even the ground was shaken by this action with all this weight.

“Reporting to the commanding officer! I only brought one weapon! It meets the requirement of the mock battle!”

“One?” The seasoned soldier couldn’t help but raise his hand and scratched his head, “I have dealt with so many kinds of firearms and I surely don’t remember any single weapon that requires such a huge container? Just unload the container and let me check. This military exercise involves our dignity as East Asia troops. We don’t want to be judged with a loss because we won by using foul manners.”

“Sir! Yes, Sir!”

Qin Fen decisively untied the strap of the backpack on his back and gently placed the huge container on the ground, without causing any sound of a metal collision.

The seasoned soldier began to suspect that he had guessed wrong. If you filled this container full of weapons, there should be a booming sound when you put it on the ground. How can it be as easy as placing a feather to the ground? Is he just trying to get a big container just to scare the opponent?

The lid of the box burst open, after a series of passwords was inputted by Qin Fen.

The seasoned soldier who was still doing all kinds of speculation earlier stared at the content of the container. His muscles of the body were becoming completely stiff...

Any sane person would not have guessed this. The weapon in this huge iron container was not a weapon used by humans, but it was Thunderstorm used by the mobile armor!

“This...this...” The seasoned soldier rubbed his eyes full of disbelief by the object he saw.

“Old Zhang...Old Zhang...” the seasoned soldier shouted loudly at another seasoned soldier who was also in charge of weapon inspection, “Come over and take a look. Am I mistaken with what I see?”

“Mistaken? Haha, did you encounter a weapon that you don’t know? You always claim yourself to be a weapons expert, finally... AH! What is this!?”

The approaching Old Zhang screamed in bafflement. He pointed at the big iron container in front of Qin Fen, while his arms kept trembling, “ could it be possible...?”

The scream caught the attention of other seasoned soldier inspectors around.

Everyone was curious to inspect the container in front of Qin Fen. They wanted to see what the recruit had done that a seasoned soldier could make such a strange scream.

“Oh Lord! What is this?”

“My God! Am I dreaming?”

“Oh my God...are we going for the world war?”

“God! Are you sleeping today? How else would you release such a monster?”

Waves of screams out of bafflement came non stop. The seasoned soldiers looked at Qin Fen with the eyes of someone who just saw a monster. Many of them didn’t even know this weapon, but based on a normal person’s perspective, they knew that it was definitely not a weapon used by humans.

“Isn’t this a particle weapon that can be removed from a small warship?”

“Don’t spout nonsense!” The seasoned soldier who first checked Qin Fen’s weapon said, “This is the Thunderstorm! The killing weapon mounted on heavy-duty mobile armor and the medium-sized mobile armor! The total weight, if I remember correctly, is seven hundred and fifty pounds! And this ammunition... my God...boy, you brought two containers of ammunition? One hundred magazines? What are you doing? Are you going to start Star Wars in real life?”

Qin Fen raised his hand and touched the back of his head. Through the reaction of these seasoned soldiers, he thought that the weapon of his choice was overpowered.

“This...” Qin Fen thought about it and asked, “Can’t I bring it along?”

“This...” The seasoned soldier responsible for inspecting the weapon answered with flustered expression, “Theoretically you can bring it... but as a reminder... you only can use this weapon alone. The mock battle has its regulations. You only can use individual combat weapons. Look at this, this strong man holding the M134, obviously, he can operate this weapon alone.”


Qin Fen armed the Thunderstorm from the box. He showed that he could skillfully operate this weapon alone. At last, he put it on his hand steadily and asked, “Do you all need me to run with it to verify?”

All the seasoned soldiers stared at Qin Fen. They shook their heads in unison as they questioned deep down their hearts.* Is he still a human? Where did the military get such a monster? Look at the way he picked it up, so easily, and he claims that he can run with it? Is this a human? A human mobile armor?*

“Do you count this as an individual weapon now?” Qin Fen had to ask again. If this thing couldn’t be used, it meant he really could only bring the grenade launcher instead.

After a period of silence, the seasoned soldiers saw the excitement in each other’s eyes.

In the next second, all the seasoned soldiers began to laugh loudly.

“Haha! Those bastards from West Asia are so unlucky!”

“God sent us such a monster, guess we are going to have a landslide victory this time!”

“Landslide victory? I think it is a massacre!”

“Yes! Will it be possible to create a victory record with zero casualties?”

“We can’t tell now! Maybe the bastards from West Asia will just surrender when they see this weapon while pissing in their pants.”

Many of the recruits were also curious by the laughter of the seasoned soldiers. When they gathered around to see the weapons in the hands of Qin Fen, they were shocked and became silent for a long time.

Only the few young elites who had sparred with Qin Fen really knew the true power of Qin Fen. There was more envy than surprise in their eyes.

They all knew that this time, Qin Fen would definitely shine in the military mock battle! No one could snatch his limelight.

Qin Fen put Thunderstorm back into the container and when he was placing the container back on his body, he was surprised to find a person familiar within the recruit camp: Lin Jiaxuan

Why did she appear? Qin Fen was quite puzzled. This woman is neither a recruit nor a part of the army. This military exercise has nothing to do with her. Why does she look like she was prepared to participate in military exercises?

“Kid, go give them a good beating! Make us proud!” Lao Zhang’s words summoned Qin Fen back from his thoughts.

“Yes sir!”

Qin Fen once again performed the standard salute and secretly thought. If I didn’t intend to go all out, I wouldn’t have put in so much effort in obtaining this weapon. I would have probably just taken a broken gun to eliminate dozens of opponents just to put on an act.

Walking past the stunned crowd of recruits, Qin Fen embarked on a transport plane carrying members of their class.

As soon as Qin Fen got on the plane, he immediately attracted more attention from people whose eyes were filled with envy and marvel.

Du Peng also gently raised his thumb. Chen Feiyu had heard about the violent scene of Qin Fen killing the fish-scaled gorilla in the Golden Triangle. He was not surprised by his strength, but he admired his skill in weapon operation.

“What weapon did you pick?”

Qin Fen gently put his weapon down and turned to Du Peng’s strange metal box.

Du Peng patted the box with an ordinary P308 inside. Qin Fen recognized that it was the gun used by Du Zhanpeng on the battlefield last time.

In a professional view, this weapon was still a good killing weapon. For Du Peng, however, it had a special commemorative meaning: it was a homage.

Qin Fen looked at Chen Feiyu, who was sitting next to him. This Gruesome Madness martial artist who lived for a long time at the Golden Triangle hadn’t use any firearms, but a big metal knuckle. It was a spoil that Qin Fen had got during the battle where the Golden Triangle retreated.

Mechanical fist.

“What are you going to do?” Qin Fen looked at Chen Feiyu with his mouth open, “This is a mock battle, not a life and death battle.”

Chen Feiyu smiled at the metal knuckle in his hand, “I thought for a long time and I really didn’t know what weapon to take. Guns...I do not know how to use them, and yet it feels so naked to just bring my bare knuckles. After some consideration, I thought that this will at least help intimidate the opponents.”


Qin Fen raised his arms behind his head and used them as a headrest, leaning against the wall of the plane, adjusting his eyes towards the mechanical fist. This thing adjusts the output power to the maximum until the energy is exhausted. It completely ignores the state of the user’s body, and the power can even be...

Qin Fen opened his mouth again. If he was struck by this weapon even once, he would probably lose the ability to fight on the spot. If a vital part was struck, death would be a possible outcome.

Of course, this kind of person who ignored everything and adjusted the maximum output power, bearing the 99% possibility of the bones in their arm shattering if contact was made, was terrifying.

Qin Fen looked at the weapons of other recruits. He smiled every time he saw one. It seemed that his teammates were eager to win, almost all recruits had the most suitable weapons for themselves.

Qin Fen didn’t believe that the recruits choose the weapon themselves. Obviously, in all likelihood, Gun King helped with the selection of weapons.

Many new recruits were chatting in a nervous tone, discussing how they should cooperate with each other when they actually enter the mock battle.

Qin Fen gently moved his shoulders. After having to perform several tasks involving life and death, following encounters such as a mock was difficult to make him feel really excited again.

“Old Qin, Old Du, I heard that you have all been on the real battlefield. Could you guys share some of your wisdom on how should we cooperate with you when we are in action?”

Deng Biao’s enthusiasm had risen. Jin Kui also looked at Qin Fen eagerly. He was the worst on the team, but he didn’t want to be eliminated by the recruits from West Asia.

“Tactics...” Qin Fen thought for a moment, “It’s good just to follow behind us.”

Du Peng closed his eyes and leaned against the cabin and said calmly, “Yeah.”

The other members of the class looked at the weapons of Qin Fen and felt safe again. With such firepower, it should be safe to stay behind them.

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