The Favored Son of Heaven

Chapter 179 - A Body of Gods and Demons

Chapter 179: A Body of Gods and Demons

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

It’s alive!

The biochemical beast egg, which had appeared to be dead all this time, finally came alive!

It emitted a shocking high temperature, and his true aura, which was completely identical to the one in Qin Fen’s body, was like a chain that ran through the acupuncture point in the middle of Qin Fen’s chest.

The true energy within the body was like a rough ox. This dragged the biochemical beast egg toward the skin.

The biochemical beast was like a leech that had encountered an open wound. It did its best to wiggle beneath Qin Fen’s skin.

The biochemical beast egg entered Qin Fen’s body, and it was immediately like a seed germinating. Countless fine and thin lines, similar to nerves, followed his meridians, quickly growing and spreading.

At this moment, countless red lines appeared on Qin Fen’s skin as well. These were biochemical nerves that the biochemical beast was distributing over Qin Fen’s body.

Du Hen watched as Qin Fen’s biochemical beast egg engaged in the distribution process. His two eyebrows began to gather together once again. He had never seen a biochemical beast egg distribution as strange as this.

As the general of the military region, Du Hen held true power and authority. His understandings of the biochemical beast egg were naturally incomparable to that of a little soldier like Qin Fen.

In theory, the biochemical beast was a life form that possessed no capability for thoughts. At the same time, during its very initial stages, they don’t possess their own physical form.

The most basic grade of biochemical beast eggs would only unleash a few vein lines like the meridian channels during the situation where they merged with the body. These vein lines would fuse with the host’s body or the host’s meridian channels. This made it so that the user’s life force became more tenacious and more suited in vile living environments. At the same time, the host’s combat power was increased as well.

When a midgrade biochemical beast egg fused with its host, it would often let out a dozen or so of vein lines like meridians, fusing with the dozen or so of the host’s corresponding or so meridian channels.

The meridians’ vein lines unleashed by the midgrade biochemical beast far exceeded that of basic grade biochemical beasts in terms of thickness and solidarity.

When it came to high-grade biochemical beasts, during the fusion process with the host, these biochemical beasts would unleash nearly a hundred vein lines akin to meridian channels. These vein lines would fuse with the meridian channels of the host’s body.

When compared to the meridians vein lines unleashed by midgrade biochemical beasts, high-grade biochemical beast vein lines were more thick and solid.

Du Hen was a bit baffled. The biochemical beast of the young man before his eyes was releasing meridian vein lines that nearly covered all the meridian channels of the young man’s entire body. This already exceeded the capabilities of high-grade biochemical beasts. This capability could be said to be that of the hypothetical peak perfection of biochemical beasts.

It was just that, though this biochemical beast egg was this powerful in its degree of coverage of meridian channels, why was it that not a strand appeared to be thick veins line meridian channels? The vein line meridian channels could be described as fine. There was some admiration about the vein lines with the enormous area they covered.

Du Hen did a calculation. Even the thickest of meridian vein lines was probably only a fifth as thick as an ordinary person’s hair. It looked as if the falling of a mere leaf landing onto the body could shatter the vein lines.

Such a large area coverage, yet such fine vein lines? Du Hen found it impossible to understand. What was going on in the head of the creator of this biochemical beast egg?

The creator overly pursued coverage, completely disregarding the degree of shock resistance in terms of fineness with the meridians. He completely ignored the supporting capacity of the emulated meridian channels, and the shock stimulated and engendered from forces going through the meridian channels of the human body.

Du Hen could only give a single assessment when it came to this biochemical beast egg. A product created out of extreme paranoia. A biochemical beast egg that appears quite perfect, but is actually a completely useless piece of trash.

Qin Fen didn’t have the time to care about what Du Hen was thinking. He felt like his entire body was about to burn up. The biochemical beast’s emulated meridian channels were not only covering his entire body, they were covering his entire head as well. This included even his eyes, ears, nostrils, and other places. There were no places that were spared.

Qin Fen’s blood was surging, and his bones were screaming. The organs of his body were groaning. His soul was shaking.

Qin Fen experienced far too much today, more than what he had experienced in his eighteen years of life.

With every powerful and forceful pulse of the heart, a thudding sound could be heard from even outside of the body. It was as if there was a snare drum gently being struck.

At this moment, the Dragon Elephant Prajna Art was coursing like a hurricane within his body.

At this moment, it was as if the true energy of the Dragon Elephant Prajna Art had truly turned into a legendary deity dragon that was flying to the highest of the heavens!

Power. Power was surging within his blood. Power was blooming within his bone marrow. Power was screaming within his muscles. Qin Fen finally understood how the users with a biochemical beast who he had faced in the past could so strong. The biochemical beast was like a nuclear reactor, endlessly stimulating the latent potential of the body to grow.

Du Hen wasn’t as excited as Qin Fen. There was still a hint of a sneer engraved on his lips. Even if he admired the design of this biochemical beast, he also felt that it was ridiculous.

The fusion process of the biochemical beast egg with the human body was always an extremely enormous risk.

In today’s world, there wasn’t a guarantee that a biochemical beast egg could be utilized even if one spent an absorbent amount of money on it.

The fusion process was an extremely, extremely dangerous thing.

There was another name for the fusion process – the gates of hell.

If the fuser’s body didn’t possess enough strength, the fuser didn’t possess enough mental willpower, or the fuser’s control over power didn’t reach a certain realm, then the fuser would often have his body explode and die during the fusion process.

The biochemical beast of the young man before his eyes was different. It didn’t possess the enormous risk of death that the fusion process should have. This biochemical beast egg spread its emulated meridian channels extremely quickly, but it did so with extreme position and care. This suppressed the risk from beginning to end.

It could be said that out of all users who had used a biochemical beast, Qin Fen was the person who had experienced the least danger during the infusion process.

It was just that, from Du Hen’s perspective, having zero risks was quite a silly thing.

The biochemical beast was not only an auxiliary method of attack during battle, it was, at the same time, a tool to stimulate a person’s latent potential.

There are many ways to obtain breakthroughs in this world. One could diligently and bitterly cultivate every day and obtain sudden comprehensions. Some people might even have some fortuitous encounters. However, nothing can compare to the ease with which one could make a breakthrough by being on the edge of life and death.

Though the fusion process of the biochemical beast possessed enormous danger, danger and opportunity existed simultaneously. As long as one could stick it out through the level one fusion, even if the body doesn’t make a breakthrough in star level strength, the body would still have a portion of its strength increase substantially.

As for succeeding in a fusion that was not shocking nor dangerous, where the designer protected the user’s life and safety, would this not be a sort of disgusting love? Being overly protected would let the user lose this chance to grow stronger.

“A failure, a failure, a failure.” Du Hen looked on, shaking his head. This was the biggest failure of a biochemical beast design he had ever seen before.

To make the safety rise to such a degree, to have the emulated meridian channels spread to this degree, Du Hen was forced to recognize that the designer was a genius among people. However, this genius character, from his perspective, had taken the wrong direction.

Since the designer possessed that sort of strength, why not design the fusion process to be more difficult, to be more dangerous? At the same time, reduce some of the emulated meridian channels, and take the remaining spread of emulated meridian channels and expand them to the most important limitations for the user, where greater forces might have to be sustained.

Such a design would be mainstream and modern biochemical beast design.

After all the emulated meridian channels were spread out, a change began to occur with the biochemical beast egg in Qin Fen’s body once more.

Du Hen stared at Qin Fen’s chest with great curiosity. The designer had designed such a trash biochemical beast, but what was the model of its design? What sort of abilities would be engendered?

Strands and strands of rays of light’s burst forth from Qin Fen’s chest. This was the projection that would appear every time the biochemical beast fusion was a success. It was to tell the user the design model of the biochemical beast.

The rays of light slowly coalesced together, and the design model of Qin Fen’s biochemical beast appeared at last.

Du Hen had encountered many strange things in his life, and he was rarely shocked to stupefaction by these bizarre things. Today, the projection of the biochemical beast within Qin Fen’s body truly caused Du Hen to be stupefied.


A pupa.

Or perhaps it was better to describe it as an enormous pupa.

The projection of a basic grade biochemical beast was typically the size of a fist.

The projections of mid-grade biochemical beasts were typically the size of washbowls.

The projections of high-grade biochemical beasts were varied from half a person’s height to a meter tall.

However, Qin Fen’s projection was a full three meters in size!

It was an enormous pupa that’s bloomed with five radiant colors. If floated above the two people’s heads, high above. It was like the primordial chaos of life, it was like Pangu before he broke open the enormous egg of primordial chaos.

Gorgeous. Du Hen had never seen someone be able to design a biochemical beast egg to such a gorgeous degree.

Whether it was the simulated meridian channels that covered the entire body’s meridians, or the dazzling projection, gorgeousness that was indescribable with words permeated through in all aspects.

Du Hen slowly opened his mouth when he saw the enormous pupa. “Have you received the information? Has it told you what ability it possesses?”

Qin Fen was a bit lost as he shook his head. “No....”

“Really?” Du Hen was a bit unconvinced. His eyes instantly turned into something like sharps swords. They shot into Qin Fen’s eyes. It was as if he could see through everything with that penetrating ability.

“No.” Qin Fen continued to shake his head.

“Really?” Du Hen was still a bit unconvinced. However, he was incapable of ascertaining whether or not Qin Fen was lying.

In this world, whether it was a young man who just entered the strength of the meteor star level or a fully grown adult expert of the comet level, the gaze of the Seven Stars of Immortal Thunder Ask With Heart and Eyes was able to see through any sort of lies, anomalies, and expressions.

“Yes.” Qin Fen nodded once more.

“Humph.” Du Hen gave a faint sneer. He turned around and walked out the door. He had waited quite a while, and in the end, all that turned up was a piece of trash of a biochemical beast egg.

Such an ending made it so that he lost his mood to go ask about the designer.

Qin Fen arrived before the closed door. After confirming that Du Hen had the left the room did he let out a long breath of relief. The beating of his heart was thumping urgently without end.

Du Hen’s gaze had been far too strong just now. If he hadn’t learned psychology from Squad Leader Hao and had some achievements in psychology, if he hadn’t just so happened to enter the meteor star level, and if he hadn’t had the assistance and help of his biochemical beast, then the strike of Du Hen’s gaze would have truly been unstoppable.

Qin Fen walked into the bathroom and began to take a shower. He rinsed the filth off his body, and he thought back to the thrill he felt when facing Du Hen.

The biochemical beast really didn’t do as Qin Fen answered to Du Hen, not sending any information at all. Actually, there was some information that had entered his brain.

“God-Demon Body biochemical beast. Very initial ability is evolution. Everything else is unknown....”

“God-Demon Body. God-Demon Body.”

Qin Fen’s ten fingers were full of shampoo as he massaged his head. He endlessly speculated just what the biochemical beast God-Demon Body was like.

According to the Federation’s published biochemical beast data, the name “God-Demon Body” did not exist. It was certainly something new that Lin Liqiang designed.

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