The Favored Son of Heaven

Chapter 166 - A Sniper Stand off of Life or Death

Chapter 166: A Sniper Stand off of Life or Death

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

“All right.” Du Zhanpeng sighed. “Then we will do a frontal assault. Qin Fen, you are in charge of eliminating the sniper in the first instant. Lin Ling, Wuyi, and I will be in charge of disposing and dispersing the people wielding AK-47s as much as possible. Everyone else will act according to circumstances when the time comes.”

“My marksmanship is in no way lacking compared to anyone.”

Du Peng let out an ice-cold protest.

Du Zhanpeng got up and tidied his clothes for a moment. He turned around and faced the other recruits. He waved and gave a small yell, “Everyone, follow Qin Fen. Divided into two groups when we reach the location that the large rock. Half will go with me, and half will go with Qin Fen.”

After Du Zhanpeng finished speaking, he raised his leg and walked toward the rainforest. He completely ignored Du Peng from beginning to end. It was as if this young man didn’t exist at all.

“Du Zhanpeng...”

Du Peng had a certain desire to raise his gun and simply kill Du Zhanpeng. It was just that if he were to do such a thing on this island, the Du Family wouldn’t leave the matter at that. Even if he didn’t fear death, what about his mother?

With Qin Fen leading the way, like an old horse that knows its way back home, everyone quickly made it to the back of the large rock.

Du Zhanpeng quickly deployed their members. Arrangements were completed, but he forgot one person. Only Du Peng didn’t have a team he belonged to.

Du Zhanpeng brought the people allocated to him to begin moving toward the right side of the large rock. It was during this time that Du Peng heard Xing Wuyi whisper. “It seems like you haven’t given Du Peng an order.”

“You want me to give an order to trash?” Du Zhanpeng sneered as he retorted. “What kind of qualifications does he have to have me give him an order?”

Du Peng’s body trembled once more. His face was already gloomy, but it now turned even darker and colder.

“Don’t have the qualifications. Don’t have the qualifications. Don’t have the qualifications...”

These words swiveled within Du Peng’s mind like a curse. Ever since he grew to understand matters, he didn’t know just how many times he heard Du Zhanpeng say these words.

Du Zhanpeng arrived by Qin Fen’s side and extended his wrist. Then he gestured to synchronized their watches. They had already entered a combat state, so they needed to converse using only sign language. This was the safest thing to do.

The two people quickly synchronized their watches. Du Zhanpeng then pointed at the clock hand on the watch, once again confirming when the first shot will be fired.

Qin Fen nodded very cautiously. The instant when the time comes, he would need to open fire. Otherwise, the other comrades, who would duck out soon after, would likely be locked on by the enemy sniper.

Heaving the Barret M82A1 heavy sniper rifle, Qin Fen arrived at the path right of the large rock in a nimble manner like that of a cat. Snake Head, Mute, Big Rock, and fifty other people kept a small distance behind him. Du Peng was in the middle of their troops. He squatted down with his body and advanced forward along with the other recruits, but faced backward. The P308 in his hands quickly swept around the environment behind their troops. As long as there was the mere stir of grass and wind, he would be this troop’s guardian angel and confident soldier.

Practically at the same time, all the recruits turned off their safety on their guns. Snake Head nervously stared at Qin Fen, who he really admired. This recruit would be the first person to fire his gun, and he had to guarantee that he would eliminate the enemy sniper, yet he actually displayed a relaxed mentality just as always. His entire back leaned against the enormous rock, giving one a sort of feeling that he was bathing in the moonlight in enjoyment.

Du Zhanpeng looked at the clock hand on his watch once again. He silently closed his two eyes, completely relying on his senses to calculate the time. He didn’t go looking at the time any longer as he walked off.

He knew that observing his watch would leave him distracted. At the very least, he would be slower than Qin Fen by half a beat. This half a beat wouldn’t normally be a problem, but in such an environment, it was very likely to cause Qin Fen to lose his life.


The clock hand on the watch pulsed once to reach the agreed-upon time between the two people. Qin Fen’s gun, which was vertical and faced the sky, was quickly lowered down. His body flickered into the center of the path thanks to his two legs using the Arhat Cloud Walk. A flame sprayed out in this instant from the Barret M82A1 heavy sniper rifle. The extremely loud gunfire resonated between the mountain path, which wasn’t that wide.

The bullet had a twist rate of one turn per two hundred seventy-nine millimeters, or eleven inches. It spun quickly in the air, slashing out a shrieking whistle.

The sniper within the pile of wood atop the second story had been lying in wait all this time. He was caught off guard by Qin Fen’s actions. As a sniper, Qin Fen had actually used the Arhat Cloud Walk martial art to move around? How in the world would the shot be accurate in this way?

Before this thought could flash completely in the enemy sniper’s mind, the bullet had already pierced the sniper lens on the enemy sniper’s sniper rifle. The bullet dug into his right eye, and the sniper’s skull exploded with a bang. Like a watermelon being struck, red and white brain matter and blood scattered and flew in all directions.

At the same time as the gunshots, all the people who stood next to Du Zhanpeng, suddenly felt the ground shake. It was as if something heavy had fallen to the ground from the sky, smashing the ground to cause this vibration.

The explosive speed of Seven Stars of Immortal Thunder Cleaving Calvary brought Du Zhanpeng to propel into the center of the road in the first instance. The cleaving strike of his palm turned into a powerful throwing blast. A highly explosive combustion offensive grenade, smaller than a fist, rolled through the air.

“Oh no!”

The fifteen gunmen with AK-47s lying low on the second story saw the grenade tumbled through the air, and they cried out in fear at the same time.

A sniper shot could only kill a single person. There was only one out of fifteen chance that they would die in such a case. However, if a grenade were to fall onto the rooftop of the second building, it would be hard to estimate how many people would die.

Four AK-47s pointed at the grenade that tumbled through the air at the same time. They fired in bursts, and in the instant the sound could be heard, the recruits who hid themselves behind the enormous rock collectively charged into the path with the utmost speed.

The people situated in the very front went prone at the first instant. The second row of people adopted crouching positions with the knee on the ground and fired their guns. The third role of adopted the half squat. In the fourth row stood up and fired.

The terrorists, who were on the defense, had a long since faintly felt a thick killing intent coming from behind this mountain rock. They had felt that the people behind the mountain rock could unleash an assault at any time, however, they never expected that the first two people to flicker out with possessed such outstanding strength. The other people who flickered out possessed coordination that was quite skilled. There was practically not even a hint of a gap when these fifty P308’s opened fire at the same time. The firepower instantly covered the entire story of the second floor.

The building made of rock, under this sort of firepower, had parts of it become crushed stone that flew endlessly in all directions. Metal became raindrops that madly sprayed in front of the fifteen gunmen wielding AK-47s.


The Barret M82A1 sniper rifle once again let out a roar, shocking the souls of those within the Valley. A terrorist who wore a bulletproof helmet no longer had anything that existed above his neck. Watery blood bubbled from the injury, erupting out without end.

“Motherfucker! We need backup! Hurry!”

The gunmen terrorists were very much suppressed. They roared into their earpieces. The swaying images of human figures appeared from the building’s first and second floors.

Pitch black gun muzzles extended out from the windows one after another. The metal door of the building made a huge banging sound as it opened up, and terrorists—wearing bulletproof vests all the same—charge out of the room with AK-47s in their hands. They began to pour down bullets in torrents towards the recruits.

The metal cover on the roof of the second-story also made a sound as it struck the ground. Terrorists also jumped out from there, madly roaring with AK-47s in their hands.

Bullets screamed as they traveled back and forth in the skies of the spacious and empty space. None of the sides dared to make a retreat. Despite the fact that bullet struck their bulletproof vests. Despite the fact that bullets screamed past their ears, and the high-speed streams of air cut the skins of their cheeks, they all still remained resolute and stood firm.

Everyone was all clear about something. That now was absolutely not the time to retreat! Whichever side chose to yield in retreat would forever be incapable of raising their heads in the future. The countless bullets would ultimately suppress the battlefield, pushing people behind their bunkers, and making sure that they could never reappear.

The screams of the bullets, and the sound of bullets striking bulletproof vests, were practically the only sounds in the entire battlefield.

“Grenade! Toss them in the middle of their path!”

The terrorists who took cover in the room on the first floor shouted himself hoarse into his earpiece with his wild roars.

Hearing this roar, there was immediately a terrorist who pulled off the safety on a grenade. He swung his arm towards the recruits, causing the ground to shake as he made his throw.

Another terrorist called loudly at the same time. “Do not...”

Before he could finish shouting his words, the Barret M82A1 sniper rifle roared once more with that sound of muffled thunder. The person who was about to toss the grenade merely felt a sharp pain in his arm. It was as if an explosive had suddenly gone off in the arm of the hand that held the grenade. This explosive instantly blasted his bone and blood to spray out chaotically. The grenade, which his hand still held, flew up vertically to fall onto the floor of the second story roof....


The terrorist who had yelled not to throw the grenade made a strange yell at this time. He got up and jumped off the story. The other terrorists saw the black grenade, and all understood what had happened. Each and every one went jumping down the story.


Flame and black smoke soared into the skies upon the explosion of the grenade.

The terrorists who took cover within the building were all really suspecting that the ceiling above their heads might break by the explosion

As for the terrorists who jumped from the second story, they simply jumped into the net of crossfire between both sides. They had to bet on their luck.

Some people had good luck. They were actually able to fall into the mud of the wide ground without any injuries. Some people were out of luck. Their hands and feet were severed by bullets as they fell to the ground, losing their combat strength by then.

As Du Zhanpeng open fire, he calculated the number of enemies. There were approximately fifty terrorists. Their one and only sniper had already been killed. That meant that all the recruits had to do was eliminate these fifty terrorists, for these were all the enemies left.

A single silly order had caused a terrorist to try to throw a tiny grenade. This grenade, unexpectedly, struck the terrorists’ formation into disorder. The terrorists on the roof numbered nearly twenty, a number that was more than one-third of their entire defensive force.

The grenade had pressured these people to be incapable of firing for a time. All of them chose to evade or take cover. More miserably, there were people who simply lost their combat power on the spot.

The pressure of the recruits lessened a bit. Only two-thirds of the recruits opened fire at maximum firepower with their P308’s, disregarding aiming completely as they engaged in suppressive fire. The remaining one-third of people now engaged in firing.

“Sniper! Eliminate the sniper!”

The terrorists in the buildings roared into their microphones once more. The enemy sniper was like the most excellent surgeon. In his hand, he held a surgical knife that quickly excised in an operation. Every gunshot certainly led to the death of a terrorist.

The Barret M82A1 heavy sniper rifle was initially designed to be used against light armored vehicles as well as helicopters and other similar weapons. There was not much difference between facing bulletproof vests and toilet paper with this gun. This was especially true since Qin Fen chose bullets with twist rates of one turn per two hundred seventy-nine millimeters, or eleven inches.

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