The Favored Son of Heaven

Chapter 112 - Qin Fen’s Impulse

Chapter 112: Qin Fen’s Impulse

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

“Midnight Rings Ten.”

An enormous poster was placed in the most eye-catching location at the entrance to the movie theater’s doors. The movie poster was so terrifying that one’s hairs would stand on end just by looking at it, but this didn’t stop the footsteps of the moviegoers. Instead, it drew people in to watch the movie.

Song Jia was in a great mood. They bought a bucket of popcorn before entering the movie auditorium, and they happily entered inside.

The story progressed under the dark screen, and terrifying scenes grew more and more in number. Qin Fen felt a pain run through his arm. It was unknown when, but Song Jia had long since lost her excitement from before. She tightly gripped Qin Fen’s arm with both hands...

An enormous face suddenly appeared on screen, causing a wave of women to scream in this instant. At practically the same time, Qin Fen felt someone collide with his chest.

The super strong sensation of the scene caused even the hairs of quite a few men to instantly stand on end.

Qin Fen didn’t merely undergo technical and psychological training these past few days. Gun King desired Qin Fen to be able to maintain a hundred percent steady mind when shooting under any mission condition at any time, so he gave Qin Fen some image training. The image training was crueler than this movie by a hundredfold.

Qin Fen put his hand on Song Jia’s back. He gently patted her to comfort her, but he really didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Song Jia’s strength was at the three-star peak at the very least. It was even possible to she already reached four-star strength, yet she was actually scared of this horror film...

Song Jia was already leaning against his chest, but Qin Fen soon felt her body stop trembling. Even her blood and heartbeat had returned to a normal state, but she had no intention of getting up.

There was probably still half of the movie left, and Song Jia spent the time sticking to Qin Fen’s chest.

The movie finished, and they left the auditorium. Song Jia, whose complexion had long since restored its rosy color, pouted her tiny lips up high. “You invited me to watch such a scary movie. So you did have evil intentions after all. However, I am very pleased with how calmly you protected me.”

Qin Fen chuckled a bit. He long since guessed what this Lady Song would say—”I’m very pleased.”

“However, you need to accompany me shopping as compensation.”

“Okay.” Qin Fen felt a bit embarrassed. The women weren’t the only ones screaming in the auditorium near the end of the movie they just watch, even the men screamed from shock. This movie was really too scary. No wonder the movie poster said that those with heart conditions were forbidden from entering.

They walked the roads of Seoul’s night market, and Song Jia made her way through several streets with great familiarity. It was only now that Qin Fen realized just how much preparation Lady Song had done for the sake of tonight’s date. Not only had she dressed up meticulously, she had also studied the streets with utmost detail.

Soon, the two entered a relatively bustling street.

There were all sorts of stalls on each side of the road, and each of the stalls had all sorts of tiny life articles on display, as well as all sorts of tiny jewelry, ornaments, and so on.

As they entered the street, Song Jia instantly blossomed with the common characteristic that all women possessed.

Qin Fen realized something at this moment. Whether the girl was rich and powerful or an ordinary civilian, every girl loved to window-shop. Most men would be left in the dust when it came to one’s fighting strength in this matter.

“Qin Fen, is this pretty?”

“It’s pretty.”

“Does this look good?”

“Looks good.”

“What about this....”

Song Jia was already beautiful, and her eyes were quite fierce. Every tiny article she chose really suited her.

Song Jia tried dozens of tiny accessories in a row. No matter how much an accessory matched her, she never revealed any intentions of wanting to possess it.

Qin Fen knew that Song Jia didn’t want him to spend money. This young lady of affluent money wasn’t unaware of the hardships of making money.

“This one’s not bad too.” Song Jia’s eyes radiated with a special light for the first time. She held a very beautiful necklace that was hand-made and tried it on. “How’s this one?”

Under the lights of the street, the necklace shined even more beautiful when paired with Song Jia’s beautiful appearance.

Qin Fen couldn’t help being stupefied by this scene in an instant, even with his mental fortitude. He spoke completely subconsciously in praise. “Beautiful.”

“Really? I say....” Song Jia took off the necklace, but her pleased expression suddenly froze the instant her eyes fell upon the necklace. She curled her lips and said. “It’s not that great. The craftsmanship is a bit rough. Let’s go look at other....”

The stall owner was charmed by Song Jia’s beauty as well. He hadn’t heard clearly what Song Jia at this moment, and even if he had, he didn’t look angry at all.

Qin Fen followed Song Jia as she walked ahead. He found things to be a bit strange. She really liked that necklace just now. Why did she, in the blink of an eye...?

Qin Fen’s gaze swept to the price of the unique necklace at the stall, and he suddenly understood why.

Three hundred and fifty dollars! This price was absolutely a sky-high price out of this world for a street vendor!

Song Jia was going easy on his wallet! Qin Fen smiled. Song Jia, who many called a goddess, obviously wouldn’t be moved by three hundred dollars. She only acted this way because of him.

“I’m going to the restroom at McDonald’s.” Qin Fen pointed to a McDonald’s next to a different vendor not too far away. “Wait here for me for a sec.”

“Okay, go quickly and come back quickly.” Song Jia’s smile was radiant, as if nothing had happened just now. “You better be a good bodyguard for me with this many people around.”


Qin Fen squeezed his way through the crowd. It didn’t take long for him to return back to Song Jia’s side.

“This one’s pretty, isn’t it?” Song Jia held a bracelet. “I want this one.”

Three dollars? Qin Fen saw the price. Such a price was a medium price for a bracelet from this stall. Song Jia had chosen a bracelet that wasn’t the most expensive nor the cheapest. She unwittingly was going easy on his wallet yet not letting him lose face. Her mind was really meticulous to the extreme.

“For you.” Qin Fen fetched out the money from his wallet.

“Thank-you.” Song Jia put on the bracelet very happily. “This is really is super pretty.”

Song Jia gently swayed her wrist, and the crystal bracelet hopped along with her skin. There was an indescribable beauty to her under the lights of the street.

Her smile infected everyone around her and looking at her. Not a hint of mannerisms of a child of a rich and powerful family could be seen from her.

The lively street was long, and Qin Fen accompanied Song Jia’s shopping battle for an entire two hours.

The two walked on an empty street nearly devoid of people. Song Jia leaned against Qin Fen’s shoulder quite happily. There wasn’t any conversation in such a tranquil atmosphere, but there existed a special sweetness to it.

A large clock tower to the distance rang with its eleventh strike. Song Jia raised her head to look at Qin Fen with reluctance. “Time really flies.”


“You need to mentally prepare for your mission.”


“So, I can’t be too selfish today. I can’t keep taking up your time....” Song Jia’s voice grew softer and softer. In the end, she adjusted her emotions. “In any case, I had a lot of fun today. I’m very pleased.”

“Then I’ll walk you back to the hotel.”

“Okay.” Song Jia didn’t refuse. She hooked herself on Qin Fen’s arm again.



“I....” Qin Fen used his empty left hand to slowly fish out a necklace from his pocket. He said. “I thought about buying you a present since I came to the State of Korea. This is the present.”

The hand-made special necklace of pure silver gently swayed before Song Jia’s eyes.

Song Jia’s eyes went wide as she stared stupidly at the pure silver necklace before her eyes.

Every year for her birthday, Song Jia would receive jewelry worth tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands of dollars. At a tender age, She had already reached what Lin Liqiang called the highest realm for women. This was a realm where not a ripple of emotion would occur when seeing valuable jewelry.

Even if someone took out a first-class diamond the size of a fist, Song Jia would at most blink her eyes and say, “It’s not bad, I guess.”

But at this moment, Song Jia felt like she couldn’t breathe. It was as if the necklace had instantly filled her entire world. Nothing else could enter her world.

This was the necklace I liked the most. I had given it up cause the price was too high! He still remembered! And he had snuck back to buy it for me! Song Jia acclaimed excitedly in her heart.

Song Jia glanced at Qin Fen with happiness. It was as if her heart had turned to honey. Like hell is this guy wooden and slow-of-speech. He’s not wooden at all when it counts!

A three hundred dollars or so gift shouldn’t be precious when compared to the gifts worth over ten thousand dollars from the children of rich and powerful families.

But Song Jia had never been as excited and stirred as much as she was today. This three hundred dollar or so gift represented Qin Fen’s blood, sweat, and tears. The significance it possessed could not be compared, especially with the gifts from the children of rich and powerful families.

There was a special beauty with Song Jia’s dull appearance. Qin Fen, even with his mental fortitude, couldn’t help but feel a wave sweep through his heart when he saw her. He coughed to break the deadlock and asked. “Can you put it on?

“Okay.... okay, sure....”

Song Jia’s queen-like expression of saying ‘I’m very pleased’ and ‘I’m very displeased’ completely disappeared at this time. Even her voice had changed to be as thin as a mosquito. She possessed the look of a little girl right now.

Qin Fen clumsily undid the necklace’s clasp. His arms crossed around Song Jia’s beautiful neck, and they didn’t tremble at all thanks to the many hours spent training with firearms. He took a deep breath, and his hands tried linking the ends of the necklace together behind Song Jia’s neck several times with no success.

This was far harder than shooting guns. Qin Fen really didn’t understand himself. Clasping the necklace together shouldn’t be hard at all. Why was it so difficult for him at this time?

Song Jia merely lowered her head. She secretly observed Qin Fen out of the corner of her eyes. She saw that he was unable to clasp the necklace together, so she took a small step forward. This tiny step closed the distance quite a bit in an instant, and the atmosphere between them turned even more ambiguous in the blink of an eye.


The necklace was clasped together!

Qin Fen didn’t immediately remove his arms. He looked at Song Jia, who was surrounded by his arms. She was especially moving under the light of the moon. An indescribable beauty attacked his mental world.

He bent over, lowered his head, and pulled in closer.

He bent over further, lowered his head even more, and pulled in even closer.

Qin Fen drew his face close to Song Jia practically by instinct.

Song Jia, surrounded by Qin Fen’s arms, felt as if there was a lively bunny in her chest. She was a bit scared, yet she looked forward to what might come. She froze in place, not moving, something her body rarely did.

Qin Fen drew closer and closer to Song Jia’s cheeks, his heavy breathing already touching Song Jia’s skin. His fiery hot breath gave her a sensation she never felt before.

He’s drawn close. He’s drawn super close. What should I do? Song Jia’s heart asked herself over and over. This was the first time this girl, who was normally quite decisive, went completely in a panic.

Song Jia’s eyelashes gently trembled from the night’s breeze.

Qin Fen’s heart was pounding super fast as well. He stared quietly at the jade-beauty in his arms.

They slowly drew near. They slowly drew closer.

And two pairs of lips stuck to each other.

Song Jia gazed into Qin Fen’s eyes, not knowing what to do. The black pupils were akin to ink, and the light they flared with was bewitching. Then she felt a moist sensation from her lips, and she gently sucked in a slow kiss.

Song Jia’s heart pounded even faster with Qin Fen’s kiss. Her hands were pressed against his chest, welcoming his rough lips. She felt a tingling sensation from those lips.

The kiss deepened a bit further, and she gazed at Qin Fen with intoxication. Those good-looking eyes of his slowly closed, and her everything followed Qin Fen’s actions in taking in this first kiss.

Qin Fen never imagined that Song Jia’s lips could be this soft, could be this savory, could be this sweet. His arms around Song Jia began to close tighter.

This was the first kiss for both of them. Their movements were incomparably unpracticed but incomparably sweet. They relied practically on instinct, and Qin Fen tongue soon entwined with Song Jia’s sweet tongue...

Time passed. A long time....

And the two pairs of lips parted.

Qin Fen’s arms clung tightly around Song Jia in his embrace. He could feel her shaking slightly after they parted lips.

Qin Fen looked at Song Jia and didn’t know what to say for a time.

At the moment just then, Qin Fen felt like he did what he wanted. Whether or not he would be rejected, or how he should go about doing it, the thought never came to mind.

Qin Fen was rarely impulsive. He looked at Song Jia not knowing what to say after this impulse was over.

Song Jia only had a lowered head. She didn’t even open her eyes.

Looking at Song Jia, Qin Fen slowly closed in on her once more.

Song Jia still possessed strength even with her eyes closed. She naturally felt what Qin’s body was doing.

A kiss started once again.

Before Song Jia could even savor the taste of her first kiss, another kiss had begun.

Their lips parted again. Then they connected again. They parted, and connected, and parted, and connected.

The two kissed again and again. They kissed again and again.

“So you weren’t being honest with me....”

After they finished kissing, Song Jia’s emotions finally calmed. She leaned against Qin Fen as they walked together.

“....” Qin Fen thought of the scene just now. He really had gone crazy. He actually made such a bold move. If he had been rejected...

“Hehe... it’s probably Linqiang’s influence.” Qin Fen tilted his head. “This is the first time I’ve been impulsive like this....”

Song Jia smiled quite happily. She raised a small fist and waved it for a moment. “You can only be impulsive toward me in the future. Otherwise... humph....”


Qin Fen didn’t say anything. Instead, he simply kissed Song Jia on the forehead.

Perhaps it was because their relationship had matured, or perhaps it was because it was night, or perhaps it was because of hormones, Qin Fen was bolder and more active at this moment than ever before.

Such a move just so happened to coincide with one of the lines from Lin Liqiang’s “The Bible of Chasing Girls”: One must possess enough boldness! Sometimes, girls like bold men. Bold men represent courage, a sense of security, and stimulation.

The two cuddled as they walked down the long road. Even their shadows seeped with a thick sweetness.

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