The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 387: special commission has been completed

Chapter 387: special commission has been completed

A few dozen minutes later, a group of Radan soldiers armed to the teeth with weapons and various scanning devices finally arrived at the hole which seemed to have been caused by a bomb.

Theres a soldier down there. One of the soldiers quickly reported.

Taking a cue from that, 3 soldiers wore protective vests before cautiously navigating down the hole with focus lights to quickly detect any danger.

Entering inside, they saw a thick convergence of smoke. The thickness of the smoke was enough to choke any human but having worn protective vests and masks, they were not affected.

With their weapons, they pushed the loose sand apart before quickly going in the direction that was indicated by the scanning device.

After pushing a lot of loose sand away, they finally saw the familiar uniform of the Radan army. They quickly started removing the surrounding scorched sand until they saw the soldier who was buried underneath.

Its Corporal Ares.

As they reported, the 3 of them already carried the Corporal and hastily started making their way back.

Is he still alive? The soldiers on the surface asked.

Cant tell.

The 3 soldiers advanced rapidly while pushing all the obstacles in their path away to create a faster pathway.

When they got back to the surface, they quickly placed the Corporal down and the standby unit of medical practitioners immediately rushed over with their equipment to attend to the soldier.

4 minutes after doing all their emergency treatment procedures, the Corporal suddenly coughed and came back to life.

Affected by the thick smoke, Ares immediately erupted into a fit of coughing, choking in the process as the medical experts immediately brought out a tonic to his nose for him to inhale.

A few seconds later, he finally calmed down.

He looked around in a daze. What happened?

Signs of memory loss have been detected, transfer him to the Central military hospital. The doctor quickly observed before giving his medical verdict.

The other medical experts working with him immediately reacted to his order. They brought a human-sized stretcher, gently carried the Corporal on it before rushing to the nearby emergency ambulance.

As this happened, a few kilometers away from the public development headquarters, an invisible man watched with binoculars.

After confirming that no problem cropped immediately, Clark threw the binoculars back into his bag before going closer to his invisible car.

After switching on the ignition, he smoothly drove away under the watch of the clueless Radan soldiers.

Back in the Oliver mansion, as soon as Clark drove back to take Albert, Captain Drake heaved a sigh of relief as this meant that the drop was successful.

He now felt anticipation about the subsequent development after this, he wondered when Ares would send them the first confidential government information.

His excitement and anticipation did not mean that he abandoned his work though, he already knew that this period would be his busiest in years.

Standing up, he went upstairs to his office where he had access to his special communication device.

He sat on his rocking chair as he solemnly looked at the foreign contact number before him, seemingly contemplating if he should call it or not.

His dilemma did not last as he quickly made his decision. Taking hold of the special communication device, he carefully inputted the foreign number before calling.

He stood up so as not to feel nervous.

As a 3rd rank high-grade soldier, he was experienced but being experienced did not necessarily mean being unable to become nervous.

Hello! A female voice suddenly sounded from the other side.

He took a deep breath on hearing that. Good day. Im the leader of the old warriors club, the stranded dragon should have told you about me.


Can we negotiate our cooperation and the price now?

Yes, if youre ready.


Driving through the streets of the Radan republic, Clark relaxed in his car as a lot of thoughts went through his mind. As a soldier, this was a problem that he could not escape from, he always had things in his mind.

He didnt speak throughout the journey, nor did his student.

As he drove leisurely, an impulse thought suddenly came into his mind and he could not suppress it no matter how hard he tried, so he succumbed to it.

Making a U-turn, instead of driving to the district where his secret underground base was, he instead drove in the direction of the Sewers District.

Along the way, his cars configuration changed to look like an old worn-out car. This was to better blend it with the community that he was going to.

Despite his weird actions, Albert did not object as he was already used to his masters antics, he just watched calmly from the side.

Getting to the sewers district, Clark purposely slowed down and drove through the streets of the district at a leisurely pace.

In this not too pleasant tour, he was able to drive to all corners of the district, having a complete overview of the district in the process.

He saw the ugliest parts of the Radan republic.

He saw the poor, he saw the homeless, he saw the orphans, he saw the widows, he saw the mistreated, and the greedy in poverty.

He saw it all; he saw all the multifaced version of the Radan republic.

By the time that he completed the tour, a lot of things became clear to him and his mind became freer.

He no longer felt as guilty about some of his decisions.

He learned that for something good to be born, you have to make a lot of extreme decisions to fight all the obstacles that will emerge.

This was the price of every good thing; this was the sacrifice.

After emptying his mind, he no longer stayed in the district. Turning his car around, he drove out of the district at a steady speed.

A few minutes later, he finally arrived back at the junkyard leading to his secret underground base. This sight never failed to amuse him, and it actually uplifted his mood a bit.

As soon as he drove inside the underground base before he could come out of his car, he felt his special communication device ring a notification beep.

He glanced at it.

Special commission has been completed.

Commission target: A durable secret training chamber.

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