The Bored Immortal

Chapter 146 - He Is A Vampire?

Viktor saw other Ranars trying to gang up on him as well and decided to become more serious as he suddenly zoomed between them, beheading them with ease before they could even react to his inhuman levels of speed.

Since Viktor was in his vampiric form, his speed was one of his biggest advantages that compensated well for having a relatively weaker body when compared to his werewolf form.

Of course, he still had superhuman levels of strength and durability as a vampire, but the Ranars before him was no ordinary humans and had exceptional strength with the terrifying ability to even regenerate their heads.

After tending to the wounds of her friends, Ayana was shocked to see the civilian before her moving at an insane speed while beheading the Ranars so easily.

She now realized why she and her friends easily lost to him since this man was not a Regular, unlike ordinary humans but was a magical being.

She wondered how come she never heard of him, especially when he seemed to possess such powerful abilities and saw how his eyes were glowing crimson while his fighting skills seemed so elegant and refined as if he was dancing.

Still, she saw how the Ranars were constantly regenerating and getting up again to attack him. And she knew that no matter how many times he killed them, they would still get up again.

So she looked at her friends to say something but hesitated, seeing how injured and exhausted they were. So she bit her lip and took her sword while taking a dagger with her as well that seemed to be inscribe with some mystic black runes.

And much to her people's surprise, they saw her running towards the Ranars and wondered if she was trying to help the man fighting off the Ranars.

They wanted to help her as well, but the moment they tried to get up, their injuries forced them to sit down again.

As she ran towards them, Ayana mumbled something, and within a few moments, her sword, which looked like an ordinary one, suddenly had black flames arising from its blade magically.

"Hya!" With a battle cry, Ayana jumped and stabbed through the neck of one of the Ranars, making it instantly collapse on the ground.

Viktor, who was using his speed to try and avoid getting ganged by the Ranars, was surprised to see Ayana joining the fray and was also astonished to see her 'killing' the Ranars one by one though the other Ranars noticed her presence and tried to attack her as well.

"Here, use this dagger to finish them!" Ayana shouted as she threw the dagger towards him, and Viktor caught the strange dagger with mystic black runes on its blade.

He was about to ask her how to kill these Ranars before getting the dagger from her, and now after seeing the dagger, he could guess that this dagger was made to kill off these evil spirits for good.

But he saw that Ayana was getting swarmed again by more than ten Ranars at the same time, and even if she had the ability to kill them, there was no way she could kill all ten at the same time without suffering injuries.

So he immediately teleported beside her and stabbed the head of one of the Ranars who was about to slash Ayana's back, and he heard a sizzling sound coming from its head before the Ranar as it collapsed on the ground with fumes coming from its head.

Viktor was astonished by the effectiveness of this dagger, but he didn't bask in his awe for long and immediately used his speed to zoom between the rest of the Ranars and kill them off easily by stabbing them in the head.

And finally, the two were surrounded by dozens of Ranar corpses before looking at each other with strange expressions.

"So you are a vampire, huh?" Ayana asked as she lowered her sword before while the black flames dissipated on their own.

Even though her tone seemed casual, her eyes couldn't hide her astonishment to see someone like him.

Viktor was surprised that she knew what he was and smirked, "You could say that. But what or who are you exactly? Are you even human?" Viktor asked with a curious expression since he had never seen humans performing extraordinary feats and considered her to be some kind of extraordinary being hiding in human clothes just like him.

Ayana shook her head strongly and said, "Of course, I am a human. What else could I be?"

Viktor was astonished as he dryly chuckled, "A human?"

Ayana crossed her arms and said, "Just because most humans are ordinary doesn't mean there aren't stronger ones. In fact, there are humans far stronger than you can imagine. You have no idea how powerful humans can become. For example, my Master, Lady Nyissa's powers would surely astound you. If only she was here, then taking care of these ugly spirits wouldn't have been a problem."

Ayana then looked at him with an awkward expression and said as she gave a slight bow in appreciation, "Still...thank you for coming to our rescue. Without you, we might not have lasted long enough if Master Nyissa was preoccupied elsewhere. We already lost two and..." Ayana bit her lip in pain, unable to complete her sentence after thinking about her two friends who died. Even if she didn't wasn't too close with them, they were still people she knew and spent time with in the past.

Still, she took in a deep breath and raised her head with a stiff expression.

Viktor also slightly bowed his head as well to accept her thanks and asked as he looked at the dagger in his hand, "What makes this dagger special enough to kill these evil spirits? And also the black flames I saw on your sword before."

"That's our clan secret, and without my Master's permission, I can't reveal anything related to our clan to you.," Ayana said with a firm expression.

Viktor didn't prod anymore because after interacting with Ayana, he understood how uptight the Fujo Clan people were and how they staunchly followed their rules.

He knew people like them wouldn't dare to break any of their rules and traditions because if they did, then they might face serious consequences depending on the type of clan or family they were coming from.

Ayana then parted her lips as she hesitated to say something before she winced and bowed 45 degrees as she said, "I...I am sorry for kicking you in the stomach like that. It was never my intention to trick you like that. I-I just…" Ayana was already feeling bad that she dealt him a surprise blow like that but felt a bit relieved now, knowing that he was no ordinary human and her kick didn't leave him in a sorry state.

Still, this also made her realize that he went easy on her without using his real strength or abilities. So, she felt as if she was the one who played dirty by kicking him like that before.

Viktor smiled, seeing that maybe this girl was not that bad after all but cute and adorable in a way despite how violent she could get.

He decided to act big and said as he lifted her chin, "Please rise. A pretty flower like you is most beautiful when they stand tall."

Ayana was startled by his touch while his charming words made her cheeks warm since this was the first time someone referred to as a pretty flower while the people in her clan complimented each other based on their fighting prowess or abilities, even if it was between lovers.

"Also, I am sorry as well for slapping you. Does it still hurt?" Viktor asked as he gently caressed her soft pale cheeks with the back of his fingers.

Ayana glanced away as she stepped back and stammered, "N-No...of course, not. If I get hurt by a slap, then I am not fit to be Lady Nyissa's disciple."

Still, inwardly, Ayana felt better hearing his sincere apology and thought that maybe he was not so bad after all.

Ayana's friends, who were still treating their own wounds, had stupefied expressions seeing Ayana being so silent before a man, especially the one who slapped her a few times.

But then they thought that it was normal, considering he was the one who came to their aid and saved their lives. So they were not only astonished to see that this civilian was not a Regular but was grateful to him as well.

Ayana then looked at him and said, "We can't stay here for too long, especially you. But first, we need to find my Master since she might be the only one who knows how to get back to our world. Will you help us find her, Mr…."

"Viktor...Viktor with a K.. Of course, I will help you guys find her since I also have something to discuss with her," Viktor said as he thought about the Abominable Fiend.

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