System Change

Chapter 114: Gerald

Chapter 114: Gerald

W-what did you two do to me? Gerald sputtered while clasping at his throat.

Alanah looked at the man, confused. Mr. Torith, I have no clue what you are talking about. You wanted to have a conversation, face to face, with no communication crystals involved, so that is what we are doing. I must say, you acclimated quite quickly. Very impressive.

N-no! You made me stab myself in the throat. I I remember it all. The man screeched.

Now, now. Think back on what you remember. I only told you that you should apologize. You are the one who went above and beyond and tried to maim yourself. Which, might I add, is quite interesting. You may want to ask yourself why you would subconsciously decide to act in such a manner. You might learn a bit more about yourself and your nature. I know I sure have. Alanah said with a knowing smile.

Y-you you He stuttered.

Have a seat Gerald. Avery spoke up. You wanted a meeting with my mistress, now you have one. Her time is quite valuable. You better use it wisely.

Gerald took a deep breath, calming down. He cautiously approached the table and sat down, eyeing Alanah wearily.

Now. Alanah said. What was so urgent that you had to come to my establishment and cause a ruckus. I was in the middle of a very important conversation when you arrived. This better be good.

Gerald, now calm, stared daggers into Alanah before answering. Im sure you know exactly why I have come here, but since you are acting ignorant, let me help jog your memory. He spit out.

Careful! Avery warned. Your position in the Kingdom may be higher than mine, but you are not in my league. I will not tolerate you talking to my mistress in that manner.

Its fine, Avery. Alanah said. Let the man do as he pleases. If he goes too far, you will not be needed to defend my honor. I am perfectly capable. In her head, she spoke through the communication crystal. Thats enough. Hes already reeling from the other actions, no need to add on to his stress.

Avery bowed in servitude. Yes, mistress. Inwardly, he sent back. I know hes just trying to gain back a little control of the room, but if nothing else, he should know better than to insult you.

Better in my face than behind my back. Alanah replied.

Gerald flinched at Averys outburst, but smirked at Alanahs reprimand. Yes, Avery, she is perfectly capable. There is no need for a dog like you to bark. Listen to your master.

Watch it. This time, Alanah warned. I gave you some rope, and now you try to hang yourself? Get on with it. What do you want? Her friendly demeanor was thrown out the window at his remark. Alanah was as protective of her people as they were of her. She would not hear them being insulted.

Gerald clicked his tongue. Whatever. He said. I know you know of this Derek Hunt person.

Yes, what of him? Alanah replied.

He attacked my family yesterday! Gerald yelled.

Alanah shook her head. No, he didnt. I know exactly what happened yesterday. He warned your family after they made an egregious error by offending him. They are lucky that I talked him out of attacking your family. Otherwise, only you and your wife would remain.

My grandson is in a coma! The man spat.

That was news to Alanah. It seemed like the boy hadnt been able to withstand Dereks aura at all. Of course, it had only been a day. He would most likely wake up and be fine. Well, physically, at least.

And whose fault is that? I cant believe that your son actually raised a child who cant even withstand a little aura. How pitiful. She said. Besides, it only happened yesterday. Im sure hell be fine in a few days. You can use this as a learning experience for him. It will teach him not to offend those he cant afford to. Of course, with the way this meeting is going, maybe it would be good for you to gain some of that experience, as well.

Still! How dare he barge into my sons, the City Lords, manor and threaten him. And over a commoners life. Gerald said.

Alanah looked back at Avery. Avery, which noble house is it that you come from again?

Avery tilted his head. None, mistress. I am but a commoner orphan.

Ah, I see. Alanah said, then shifted her focus back to Gerald. Gerald, as my assistant is but a mere commoner. Im sure you wouldnt mind having an exchange with him, maybe learning the worth of commoners in the process?

Geralds face paled slightly, but he scoffed. I will not lower myself to spar with a filthy commoner. Besides, one outlier does not prove anything.

Oh? Well, since you wont lower yourself to spar with a commoner, then how about me? I wont even use a weapon. Alanah said.

His pale face contorted in fright. I wouldnt dare. He said.

Then shut the fuck up and get to your point! Alanah commanded, still careful not to put any energy into her voice. Commoner this, commoner that. None of that matters. What matters is that your family offended somebody that they shouldnt have. That somebody just happens to be a friend of mine. Now, youre here making excuses. What is it that you want?

I want him held accountable! Gerald yelled. He threatened my family. The family of the Kings Advisor. Just that should be enough to put him to death, but he even put my grandson in a coma.

Alanah sighed. I really dont know what the King sees in you. Derek let your family off lightly after what they did. Yet, you still come in here demanding he be held accountable? How could someone like you possibly advise the king?

Y-you! Geralds face flushed red in anger.

Little Gerald. Alanah spoke softly. Let me give you a small bit of advice. Derek is a friend of mine. He is also somebody that I would never want to offend. She said. And, if the King were to ask me, I would tell him the same thing.

It took a moment for the realization of what her words meant to kick in. Finally, his eyes went wide. Hes but one man. How can you have such a high opinion about a single person that nobody has ever heard of before? What has this man done to receive such respect?

Alanah smiled. Im sorry, but that is all Im willing to discuss with you about Derek. Take my advice or ignore it. Its up to you. I will not reveal any more details about him than I already have. I suggest you count yourself lucky that Derek has agreed to let your family off with a warning.

Gerald sat in silence. Occasionally, he shook his head and muttered, Just one man Finally, Gerald finished thinking to himself. The man should still be punished. Nobody is above the law. He definitely broke many of the Kingdoms laws by threatening a City Lord.

Alanah snorted. Laws? You should know better than anyone that laws are for the weak. How could any of your family be alive if the laws of the Kingdom were followed? I, for one, know of at least a dozen laws that you or your son have broken that have the punishment of death attached to them. Im sure the King knows as well, but he has decided to overlook these transgressions because he thinks he owes you.

I dont know what youre talking about! Gerald shouted from across the table. Me and my family do everything openly and honestly.

Alanah stared at the man, flabbergasted. Did you seriously just say that? Youre literally here because your grandson tried to ambush and kill a thirteen-year-old so he could steal the boys storage ring. And you say that your family doesnt break any laws? Are you delusional?

Thats just a mistake made by the young. You cant hold that against him. Besides, he was a commoner and my grandson is a noble. The laws are different.

Alanah shook her head. No, they are not. The laws are the same. Actually, it is the nobles who are supposed to set an example for the commoners. If anything, nobles should be punished to a higher extent than commoners. But that is politics, and you are not here to discuss that. Are we finished? I have many things to do today.

We have to do something about this. Even if he is one of your friends. Gerald said.

I agree. Alanah said. Ill probably congratulate him on a job well done, thank him for not causing your family too much damage, and buy him a drink when he arrives at the capital. She nodded.

The man sneered. At least tell me why you hold him in such esteem.

No. Alanah answered simply.

Gerald pushed himself back and stood from his seat. Fine. I knew this was going to be a waste of my time. I only came here out of courtesy. Ill be reporting this matter to the King.

Courtesy? Alanah scoffed. You came here because you thought you could pressure me into betraying my friend. Or, at the minimum, have me beg for my friends life. Well, Im sorry to say, but Derek can handle himself. Im sure youll send some assassins after him after this. I know how you operate. Go ahead and tell Edward. Ill be sure to contact him once you leave to let him know youre coming. Think of it as a courtesy to you.

Gerald stomped across the room to the door.

Oh, just so you know. Alanah spoke, and he stopped. Ill let Derek know that he doesnt have to hold back because of me anymore. Id like to see your manor in Torith after the first failed assassination attempt.

Gerald opened the door, walked out, and slammed it.

I didnt make anything better, but that man was set in his ways the moment he entered the room. There was no changing his mind. Hes actually happy that something like this happened. Hes always been jealous because of the respect Edward gives me. She couldnt help but think as the Kings Advisor left her restaurant. At least Phillip isnt a total idiot like that one, even if he is overbearing.

Alanah shook her head. Looks like I have even more on my plate today. She took out two red communication crystals. One had Dereks contact information, along with a few other runes, and the other had but a single rune, the Kings.

Are you going to warn Derek? Avery asked.

You do it. She tossed him the crystal containing Dereks rune. The old man always talks my ear off. No telling when Ill be able to get out of this conversation. It was ironic. If only she knew that Stella had the same thoughts about her.

Avery smiled wryly. Well, I wanted to talk to Derek, anyway. He took the crystal and began his communication.

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