Supreme Swordsman of the Nine Heavens

Chapter 90

Chapter 90

Dark Silhouette

Out of instinct, Mu Yu jumped up, hitting his head again on the ceiling. He disregarded the pain and performed a forward roll whilst beginning to thrust his sword back. Clang! The hard object his sword stabbed knocked it back. He saw the culprit zip into the drainage channel before he could react.

Mu Yu breathed a breath of relief, though it appeared as though the individual wanted to avoid a confrontation with him. He refocused and gave chase.

It was too dark in the passageway, so Mu Yu had to locate the individual based on movement. The individual drifted around a corner without slowing down in the slightest. He hadn’t ever seen any manoeuvre of that nature before. He used Dustfallen Stance to deftly curve around the corner and stay on the tails of the individual. He couldn’t catch the individual in spite of going as fast as he could.

The individual leveraged their knowledge of their terrain to their advantage, going around tight corners at high speed in an attempt to shake Mu Yu off. Further proof was in the fact the individual avoided the light shining down, again, without reducing their speed.

“Stop!” demanded Mu Yu, hoping cultivators on surface level would join him in the pursuit.

Mu Yu was quite scared just thinking about what would’ve become of him had the individual attacked me while his guard was down.

Judging from the individual’s breathing pattern, they should’ve been a Foundation Establishment Realm cultivator. Mu Yu normally would’ve outclassed Foundation Establishment Realm cultivators in speed, yet this individual was able to maintain their distance. Mu Yu had Uncle An for training his stamina to keep up with the individual.

As they ran, the ceiling came down lower and lower. Falling rocks nearly clobbered Mu Yu’s head if he wasn’t deft at dodging them. This particular passageway was longer than the others. Like Mu Yu, the individual’s footsteps were inaudible.

The sudden presence of light fuzzed Mu Yu’s vision. He had left the passageway and arrived at a small mountain. He recognised the mountain was near Green Pine City.

The individual jumped into shrubs and vanished. Mu Yu wasted no time chasing after the individual.

Out in the open, Mu Yu could finally fly on his sword. Thanks to the noon sunlight, Mu Yu could finally see he was chasing a fiend beast. It was jet black but had two red tails that created afterimages as it wagged them. It was a level three soul-devouring wolf. He couldn’t catch up even whilst flying.

Soul-devouring wolves usually resided at the heart of Fiend Beast Forest. They were as strong as Golden Core Realm cultivators, ferocious, feasted on their preys’ heart and washed it down with blood. However, they would leave the rest of their preys’ body alone. They weren’t an intelligent race.

They were back at Fiend Beast Forest, so fiend beasts were ubiquitous. The further in they ventured, the higher level the fiend beasts were. Since Mu Yu could control wood, he had a terrain advantage, as well.

Mu Yu fused with a tree and began tree hopping, closing the gap swiftly. He attempted to wrap a branch around the soul-devouring wolf, but the fiend beast deftly slipped away and continued to flee.

Mu Yu swept up grass on the ground and restrained the soul-devouring wolf. Unfortunately, it snapped it with a hard stomp and continued stomping again. Mu Yu tried catching it with branches a second time. Alas, it jumped up high and sliced incoming branches. At that point, Mu Yu was dead certain those were the claws he saw the other night.

Mu Yu took advantage of the short delay when the fiend beast had to hack branches to slash sword qi at the fiend beast, flooring it. Though it grimaced and was bleeding from its back, it agilely rolled over and fled helter-skelter again. Although Mu Yu didn’t want to hurt it since it spared him underground, it gave him no choice.

Mu Yu expected it to be as strong as a Golden Core Realm cultivator. Howbeit, its energy didn’t seem to be pure wild beast energy. It wasn’t as wild as other wild beasts and didn’t have the aura of a Golden Core Realm cultivator. It never expressed any desire to engage Mu Yu in an altercation.

The soul-devouring wolf raced into a cave. Mu Yu braked in front of it since it wasn’t wise to enter when there weren’t any plants inside. He fused with a horsetail pine tree.

The interior of the cave gradually widened as Mu Yu went in. Bizarre rocks on the walls were the source of light inside. He saw a silhouette at the end of the grass-littered cave. Rather than the fiend beast, he espied a human being.

The human being was naked and curled up on his side. The wound Mu Yu inflicted on him was still on his back. Mu Yu couldn’t see another exit. Nevertheless, there was no mistake the soul-devouring beast had vanished. Mu Yu suspected he might’ve been looking at a fiend after transformation. Thus, he raised his vigilance level. He intended to check the human’s face to test his hypothesis.

Mu Yu emerged from the tree. Around the field of choppy grass were dirty strips of cloth. Blood and stones littered the floor. He positioned Shadow Splitter Sword in front of him as he closed in,ready to kill on demand

“Can you, cough, can you give me some clothes?” weakly pleaded the human, in humanity’s language.

Mu Yu was certain he heard a human voice. While it had been many years, there was no doubt the voice belonged to General Manager Xun!

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