Supreme Swordsman of the Nine Heavens

Chapter 51

Chapter 51


Everyone assembled at Green Pine Sect’s usual sword sparring grounds early in the morning of the tournament’s commencement. Five spacious circular rings were set up in in a North, South, East, West and centre formation. The ring acted as the boundary area. Every sect was provided with their own rest station around the rings similarly to a tent. Green Pine Sect was Green Pine Sect for sure. Even the temporary rest stations were extravagant. Each station shared the same dimensions and was plenty enough for ten or more people to enjoy at once. The trio from Dustfallen Sect had plenty of space since there were only three of them.

“Brother Feng, are you taking part this year?” inquired Daoist Bo Yang.

Universe Sect was Dustfallen Sect’s neighbour. Daoist Bo Yang’s gaze quickly shifted from Mu Yu to Cheng Yan. His intuition told him Dustfallen Sect was more of a force than they let on. He believed Cheng Yan’s participation would change the odds drastically. He was hoping his prized disciple, Gu Yitian, could pull an upset as a dark horse and end their streak of coming up short.

Feng Haochen was aware of Daoist Bo Yang’s concerns. Smiling, he expressed, “We don’t mind the rankings, but Mu Yu wanted to see what this is all about, so he will participate on his own.”

“Cheng Yan is not participating? We are in luck, then.”

Mu Yu liked the fact that Daoist Bo Yang wasn’t pretentious. Understandably, Daoist Bo Yang didn’t consider a Qi Condensation Realm cultivator a threat. Only three of Universe Sect’s disciples reached Foundation Establishment Realm before the age of twenty-five. To make up the numbers, he had to bring four disciples, one of whom was even a Qi Condensation Realm.

Daoist Qing Song’s appearance on a ring was akin to the sun that demanded everyone’s full attention.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the annual academy tournament shall soon commence. Every sect hopes to win for glory. I imagine you may be feeling nervous right now,” announced Daoist Qing Song. “Young cultivators, you are the cultivation world’s hope; its future belong to you. Don’t feel pressured. Demonstrate all of your talent and courage. Winning and losing isn’t everything. The most important thing is proving to us you have what it takes to fulfil your duty in the future.  The elemental demons are showing signs of resurgence. As humans and as cultivators, we are duty bound to eliminate them. Today’s tournament isn’t a life and death fight. It is a learning experience and chance to sharpen your resolve for the future. Now, I hereby announce the tournament shall officially commence!”

The competitors’ excitement and zeal surged. The speech sounded motivational and fair. In reality, the top ranked sects always had the chance to select the best disciples annually, so how were the sects left without equal talent supposed to have an equal chance? Repeat it for enough years and the chance was close to zero for those on the lower rungs, while the top sects grew their pool of talent. The lower-ranked sects could only pray they had a dark horse who could help them climb up to a better ranking.

Cognisant of the unfair arrangement, Mu Yu curled his lips. He glanced over to Gu Yitian, thinking maybe the latter would rattle the rankings this year. As he was told in the past, aptitude was but a starting point. How far one went from there depended on their determination and effort. Green Pine Sect’s disciples weren’t necessarily superior. Their better privileges were sometimes their own undoing due to them taking their foot off the pedal.

Mu Yu was eager to spar with Gu Yitian so that he could get a feel of the latter’s explosive power and close-quarters combat skills. Feng Haochen told him to refrain from clashing with Universe Sect, unfortunately.

Besides the participants, a massive Green Pine Sect audience was there to spectate. All of them wore unwavering confidence as coats.

“Green Pine Sect. Green Pine Sect.”

There were roughly ten or so Green Pine Sect disciples with Daoist Qing Song, waiting to be selected for the competition. Smaller sects struggled to see how they would win when the average level at Green Pine Sect was Foundation Establish Realm’s Seventh Layer.

An old “friend” looked up and met with Mu Yu’s gaze. Lo and behold, it was Raindrop Village’s Xiaohu. Xiaohu was buffer than before and a respected Foundation Establish Realm First Layer prodigy now.

The little rise in the corner of Xiaohu’s mouth was still an infuriating sight for Mu Yu who caught a glimpse of it. Xiaohu furtively gestured with his hand, goading Mu Yu into fighting him. Mu Yu furrowed his eyebrows. The bitterness of being given a grey token and the insults Mu Yu had to put up with came back, spurring his desire to fight back.

Mu Yu never thought much of Feng Haochen’s indifference to competition, but Mu Yu had enough of the framing and mockery of his shifu – as well as Xiaohu’s incessant derision.

Feng Haochen knew what was going through Mu Yu’s mind. He tapped Mu Yu on the shoulder. “Be careful. Just be yourself.”

Mu Yu nodded and prepared himself for the forthcoming one versus nineteen challenge.

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