Supreme Swordsman of the Nine Heavens

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

Daoist Qing Song

Bai Lang’s appearance put an end to the confrontation, but the disdainful gazes were hard to miss.

“Sorry for not telling you about my clash with Jiuhua Sect. I do not think I was wrong.” The only thing Mu Yu was guilty about was letting his shifu bear criticism as a result of his own actions.

Feng Haochen smiled. “There’s nothing to apologise for. That’s the reason I had you two suppress your cultivation. Nobody would believe you’ve reached Foundation Establishment at fourteen years of age, after all. I trust you didn’t do anything wrong because I know you. There’s no need to apologise. What has to be done has to be done.”

Mu Yu nodded, glad his shifu trusted him. As long as he had been with Feng Haochen, the latter had never criticised them. To be fair, they were never involved with anything questionable. The worst things they ever did were cause ruckuses – the twins were the main perpetrators. That was life, though. Life was a cultivation journey.

“But do be careful next time,” reminded Cheng Yan, from Mu Yu’s side.

Mu Yu acknowledged he heard with a head gesture. He pondered if it was time to tell his shifu about Tian Ran in case a ball came out of left field again as one did today or if it would cause more trouble.

Dustfallen Sect followed right at the rear. The other sects kept their distance from the trio.

“Brother Feng, how have you been?” asked a lanky Golden Core Realm elder, approaching the trio.

Next to the elder was an eighteen years old youth, who carried a heavy and thick iron sword on his back and sported a prim expression. Rarely did anyone ever carry their weapon on their back. The girl with them resembled Lan Ling’er in terms of appearance.

Feng Haocheng pressed his palm and fist together in front of him. “It has been a long time, Daoist Bo Yang.”

Daoist Bo Yang was Universe Sect’s patriarch. The only sect ranked below Universe Sect was Dustfallen Sect. Though they were a small sect, they had over a hundred disciples. Daoist Bo Yang and Feng Haochen were on friendly terms – probably due to their sect rankings.

“Greetings Patriarch Bo Yang.”

“Greetings Patriarch Feng.”

Mu Yu was glad to know at least someone was willing to interact with them.

Daoist Bo Yang: “Jiuhua Sect considers everyone inferior to them. I don’t think Elder Wu Yan was deliberately starting with you, however. His sense of justice precedes him.”

“I am aware of that,” responded Feng Haochen.

Mu Yu’s aura caught Daoist Bo Yang’s attention, prompting Daoist Bo Yang to query, “Are you planning to let this young man join the investigation?”

Feng Haochen bobbed his head. “It’s a good chance for him to expand his horizons.”

“With Young Cheng Yan accompanying him, they should be fine.” Daoist Bo Yang touched his beard. Daoist Bo Yang’s impression of Cheng Yan was a cultured, responsible and level-headed individual.

Cheng Yan expressed, “You flatter me, Patriarch.”

“I’m only given a voice because of my seniority. You were able to carry yourself long ago.” Daoist Bo Yang looked back at his disciples and subtly shook his head. Though his disciples were behind compared to Cheng Yan, his hopes were on the youth with the iron sword. “You two have to be careful when you’re working. Follow Young Cheng Yan’s advice, understood?”

“Yes, Shifu.”

The youth with the iron sword ignored Daoist Bo Yang.

Daoist Bo Yang couldn’t guarantee their safety when the other sects looked down on his sect. Though Cheng Yan had supressed his cultivation, Daoist Bo Yang could sense tremendous spiritual energy coming from Cheng Yan and could tell he was stronger than his disciples.

Cheng Yan: “I dare not claim I can carry the responsibility, but I would be more than happy if we could support each other when in need. I suggest we let someone else take the lead.”

“You need not be modest. The other sects are unlikely to bother with us. I merely hope my disciples don’t suffer any misfortune.”

Like Feng Haochen, Daoist Bo Yang wasn’t keen on involving his sect in the elemental demons’ matter. He didn’t want to lose the few disciples he had; however, his disciples needed experience to grow.

Cheng Yan nodded as a sign of acceptance. If he handled their sects’ relationships well, it would open up doors for them in the future.

Mu Yu yawned and let his mind drift off to the culinary world. He was eager to find out how food at a palatial sect would test.

They climbed a flight of stairs and crossed a bridge to reach the majestic palace door to Green Pine Sect’s conference hall. The hall was where all sect business was discussed and where guests were received. Comparing it to an imperial palace wouldn’t be far-fetched at all.

“Apologies for not welcoming you earlier, my friends, hahaha.” The elder with the haughty laughed stepped out from the hall. He looked lively and exuded an enlightened vibe. He wore a platinum daoist crown and a white robe patterned with golden clouds and a golden dragon. He wore complementary blue and platinum high boots with an ancient pine tree on each side. He was the most revered patriarch of the era – Daoist Qing Song.

The guests saluted Daoist Qing Song, honoured to have him personally welcome them. Feng Haochen and Daoist Bo Yang stayed in the rear, deeming their greetings unnecessary when there were plenty of others.

Daoist Bo Yang: “He must be close to Nascent Soul Realm now, huh? He might be the first cultivator to ever reach it.”

Feng Haochen raised a corner of his lips. Everyone except him was in awe of Daoist Qing Song’s cultivation. He wasn’t putting on airs, having said that. When he passed by Daoist Qing Song on the way in, he gave the latter a small nod as a greeting, and the latter reciprocated.

Daoist Qing Song sat in the master seat in the hall. The other patriarchs took seats according to their rankings. Their disciples stood behind them. Once everyone was seated, Daoist Qing Song announced, “It is an honour to have you here at our humble abode.”

Following more pleasantries, Daoist Qing Song continued, “We are all gathered here to discuss the elemental demons spotted in Crouching Dragon Mountain. We are bound by duty to exterminate elemental demons as cultivators. I would like to thank you all for coming on behalf of the rest of the world.”

“As you said, Daoist Qing Song, we are only fulfilling our obligation. I heard a youth in red rescued the hunter. Would you happen to know which sect is with?” inquired Elder Wu Yan.

“I am also curious about that. May I ask who here is his mentor?”

Everyone shook their heads. The thing was, nobody could confirm the hunter didn’t fabricate the existence of the youth of demons.

“Since nobody knows, let us put him aside for the meantime. I hope every sect can send their best disciples out to delve into the existence of the elemental demons. We adults will sit out on this campaign. Firstly, it will provide our young disciples with a chance to gain experience and nurture their ability to be aware of danger. Secondly, we can prepare for any potential threats from the demons.”

“We have nothing to add, Daoist Qing Song.”

Dao Qing Song nodded. “This is an opportunity to test our young ones’ cultivation progress. How about we hold next year’s academy selection at an earlier date?”

“Your wish is ours, Daoist Qing Song.”

It was already decided beforehand. Daoist Qing Song only asked for formality’s sake. Glad, he stated, “Please go and rest for now. We will commence the ranking contest tomorrow. Our disciples will lead you to your rooms in a moment.”

“Thank you, Daoist Qing Song.”

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