Supreme Swordsman of the Nine Heavens

Chapter 129

Chapter 129

At the Wedding

Cheng Yan’s wedding was held at Green Pine Sect. As the only Primordial Infant Realm cultivator remaining, Daoist Qing Song was venerated to the point the most important figure of every sect attended the wedding in their best presentation and presents. Everything one would find at a celebration was seen at the venue.

Everyone was shocked to hear Qing Mei was betrothed to Cheng Yan and unable to comprehend why. But it didn’t stop there. Daoist Qing Song’s courteousness around Feng Haochen was equally surprising. Feng Haochen should’ve been the grateful one from their perspective. They denied Daoist Dao Qing’s smile was genuine, rationalising it as him just being friendly with his in-laws.

Feng Haochen didn’t have opinions to share, resulting in Daoist Qing Song handling everything himself.

“Younger Sister, this suckling pork is delicious.”

“Young Brother, slow down. Let me finish snapping this chair leg.”

“What about me? What about me?” cried Xiaoshuai.

Kongkong and Miaomiao used cloth to give Xiaoshuai two arms and legs. They then drew a large and small eye onto Xiaoshuai and added eyebrows.

“You take care of scaring any Green Pine Sect disciples who come this way.”

The impish twins left a trail of mayhem in their wake. Every now and then, someone would sit on a chair, and one of its legs would snap, embarrassing them. Nevertheless, Green Pine Sect’s didn’t give them any grief because Daoist Qing Song gave the order to treat Dustfallen Sect with courtesy.

The traditional rituals were compulsory. The ceremony was held in the majestic conference hall, albeit a decorated version. Usually, there’d only be one seat, but Daoist Qing Song and Feng Haochen sat side by side in the master seats placed in the highest location.

For once, Feng Haochen didn’t adorn himself in his patched clothing. Tian Ran and Lan Ling’er’s were his stylists for the event. His beard was groomed to be presentable as was his hair, which was held in place with a white daoist crown. He replaced his usual robe with a white robe embellished with golden rims and topped off his appearance with quality black and gold shoes. It was so uncomfortable at first that he tried to switch back to his patched robe. Nevertheless, the two maidens burnt that idea. As for Daoist Qing Song… well, it was his daughter’s wedding, and he had a reputation to uphold.

Cheng Yan was very becoming in his red robe, and the revelation of his true cultivation convinced the guests he was the perfect match for Qing Mei. Underneath her light and breathable face veil, although Qing Mei had the corners of her lips up ever so slightly, she was absolutely elated. She still had no idea why Cheng Yan rejected her out of the blue at one point, but she couldn’t bring herself to care when he visited with her father and proposed to her.

Elder Xun, who was introduced as Green Pine Sect’s venerated elder, was the host for the ceremony. Elder Xun shed tears of joy as he relished the dream-like moment. Mu Yu was the one who demanded Daoist Qing Song instate Elder Xun as an elder out of gratitude. As the man who once managed a populated academy, Elder Xun had no trouble running the ceremony.

“First bow, a bow to heaven and Earth. Second bow, a bow to parents. Third bow, a bow to each other. Head to the room to consummate the marriage!”

As part of tradition, particular friends of the groom would try to jokingly prevent the groom from consummating his marriage under the sheets. Mu Yu didn’t join them. Instead, he spaced out as he Lan Ling’er and Lie Shang hold hands, thinking to himself, “God, I want to chop his hand off.”

Tian Ran flicked Mu Yu across the nose: “Hihi, fantasising again.”

Tian Ran had Cheng Yan and Qing Mei on flying swords. Cheng Yan had his feet to the left of the sword, while Qing Mei was positioned the other way. With the two of them lying down, one beneath the other, they kissed from that position to the applause of everyone.

“No,” denied Mu Yu, playing out a myriad of scenarios where he beat Lie Shang on his hands.

“Brother Mu Yu, I’ve been watching you for days. Ever since you woke up, you’ve been glaring daggers at Lie Shang. You’re pretty cute when you’re jealous.”

Tian Ran stood up to watch Xiang Nan demand a different pose from the newlyweds. He wanted them to form a heart shape in the sky and kiss. The peculiar pose and faces matching their clothing had the crowd laughing.

“Me jealous of Lie Shang? Please.”

“You’re pretty cute when you’re in denial, too,” Tian Ran clapped as she teased. She sat back down and pinched her chin: “You don’t plan to confess to Sister Ling’er?”

“How? Kabedon again? I don’t feel like being booted off a mountain a second time.”

“How do you expect her to like you if you don’t tell her you like her?”

While Mu Yu was brooding to himself, Tian Ran had pulled Lan Ling’er over. Tian Ran hopped behind Lang Ling’er and winked to Mu Yu: “Sister Ling’er, Mu Yu has something to say to you.”

Lan Ling’er was beaming: “What is it?”

“Well, uh…” Mu Yu raised the corner of his lips. “Ling’er, have you thought about who you’d like to marry?”

“Second Brother, of course. It’s still too early for me to think about it, though,” answered Lan Ling’er, glancing over to Lie Shang, who was pouring Cheng Yan a drink.

Something in Mu Yu’s chest shattered.

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