Spatial Farm Life: Raising My Kid, Abusing Scum, and Keeping Busy With Life

Chapter 372 - 372: I Want To Resign!

Chapter 372 - 372: I Want To Resign!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Yuan Jiaqi finished his official duties and returned home. Upon hearing about it, he was pretty happy.

However, when he learns that Qiao Mai is going to Tianshui Town for seclusion, his mood sours, and he goes to meet the emperor.

“Your Majesty, I want to resign!”

“What? You’re so young. Why resign?’

“I want to accompany my wife to Tianshui Town for seclusion.”

“What about the Ministry of Personnel?”

“Leave it to my son, Your Majesty. All my official duties will be handed over to my son. I can’t be separated from my wife. Wherever she goes, I go.” “You are a slave to your wife. If she goes into seclusion, what will you do?”

“Your Majesty can say whatever you want. In any case, I want to be with my wife. If she is in seclusion, I’ll be outside guarding her. This way, I can be at ease.”

“You’re not even forty yet. It’s a pity!”

“My son can serve the court. Besides, I’ve been away from my hometown for many years. I miss it. Let the children stay here. Without us old folks, the children will have an easier time.”

“Fine. In the next three days, make the handover with your son as soon as possible.”

Qiao Mai had advised them to travel light, but the emperor and empress surprisingly brought a lot of luggage when they set out. In addition to Qiao Mai and Yuan Jiaqi, they ended up loading an entire carriage with belongings.

She had planned for just three carriages, but in the end, they needed five. In a spontaneous decision, Qiao Mai also decided to take four little maids on the journey.

She could take the time to guide and train her maids. She planned to return to Tianshui Town and settle them there.

Back at home, she had everything arranged. Chuan’er officially took over Yuan Jiaqi’s position. Early in the morning, the youngsters bid them farewell.

There were five carriages – two for the servants, two for the masters, one for luggage, and twenty plainclothes guards. Qiao Mai couldn’t help but feel a headache looking at this large group.

She wished it could have been just her and her husband, each riding a horse, making the journey simple and enjoyable.

However, since the emperor suggested an entourage, she accepted it.

The emperor and empress insisted on joining them in one carriage, claiming it would be more interesting and less boring.

The journey would take about a year. Ling’er leaned against the Crown Prince while Chuan’er hugged Jiamei’s shoulders. The four stood at the entrance of Lucky Garden.

Ling’er pointed with excitement. “Look, isn’t that mother’s pet on the roof? How did it get up there?”

“Oh, that’s right. I heard it was involved in the heart-robbing case.”

“What’s its name?”

“Blackie! ” “Wow. Mother’s pet must be impressive, right?”

“Of course.

The convoy left the south gate of the capital and proceeded on the official road.

This matter was not kept secret; the court officials and commoners knew

about it.

Some even followed the convoy to the city gates to bid them farewell.

In the past, when the emperor traveled, his whereabouts were concealed. Now, he was boldly traveling with his in-law and wanted the whole world to know.

Who would dare to rob him? Unless they wanted to die, not to mention a few petty assassins— Even a formidable army wouldn’t make the emperor bat an eye.

Traveling on the official road, the emperor and empress were in high spirits. “In-law, having you accompany me on this journey is my good fortune. I rely on you all the way.”

“Hmph, you will provide the silver in return.”

“Of course.

Yubao rode outside the carriage on a horse, feeling awkward. He was the emperor’s financial minister, and all the money passed through him.

This time, he carried no less than a hundred thousand taels of silver. He thought it should be enough for the journey.

He couldn’t help but touch the silver notes in his chest. A hundred thousand taels? It seemed enough, but not even a million taels might be sufficient if they encountered something valuable.

Well, with Qiao Mai around, she was a wealthy woman. If they ran out of money, they could use hers.

Inside the carriage, the four people sat comfortably. There was a movable table, and they faced each other in pairs.

The empress pursed her lips and looked at Qiao Mai, saying, “This carriage is stable. Is there something missing on this table?”

“What do you want to eat?” Qiao Mai couldn’t help but laugh.

“Give them a cup of beer? And ice cream for each of us?”

At the mention of ice cream, the emperor became spirited, eagerly awaiting. Qiao Mai reached under the chair and pulled out a bucket of beer.

She poured four glasses, tossed in four ice sticks, and conjured four boxes of ice cream and a large bowl of sliced sausage.

“Come on. Eat and drink. I have everything you might want.”

The emperor eagerly took a sip from his cup. Outside, Yubao listened, swallowing his saliva. He also wanted to drink!

Yuan Jiaqi and the emperor clinked their glasses. “Don’t drink too much, or you won’t find a restroom on the road.

This nearly made the emperor spray out his drink. He glared at Yuan Jiaqi. “You’re stirring up trouble. We men stand to handle that. It’s not like we’re women, unable to solve the issue anywhere.”


The guards outside almost burst into laughter. Qiao Mai and the empress clinked glasses.

“Women can drink this wine. It’s quite hot today. Let’s have some. The dizzy feeling is quite nice.”

“I’ll go with my in-law’s suggestion.”

Qiao Mai took a sip and looked out the window, saying loudly, “When we find a place to rest tonight, I’ll arrange for a few barrels for all of you to try.”

“Thank you, Madam Qiao.”

Although she didn’t let them drink alcohol, Qiao Mai handed a basket of fruits out of the window for them to share.

Her gifts were all of high quality, and every guard received a share. The remaining items were given to the servants in the rear carriage.

Just as they left the capital, the emperor started boasting and talking loudly in the carriage.

Before reaching a hundred miles, the sky began to drizzle. They found a place in a nearby town to settle for the night.

It was also lunchtime, so Qiao Mai had the guards and servants eat. The four of them were full from drinking and didn’t feel hungry.

The empress got a bit tipsy and fell asleep as soon as she lay down. The emperor had no choice but to rest beside her.

Qiao Mai had Blackie guard them while she and her husband went outside after leaving the inn.

Yuan Jiaqi hugged her shoulder, and the two walked with an umbrella in the small town, where there were few pedestrians. “Wife, this town is close to the capital, not much of a feature.”

“Who said there’s nothing? Look over there!”

Yuan Jiaqi raised his eyes and looked ahead, then furrowed his brows. “Sending a child out to set up a stall in the rain? Can these things be sold?” “Who said they can’t? Come on, let’s go and buy some.”

The two approached the stall. A little girl, around seven or eight years old, was selling shiny purple-black fruits.

They resembled grapes but were single fruits instead of clusters.

Seeing customers, the little girl smiled sweetly at them.

“Do you want to buy some fruits?”

Qiao Mai pointed at the fruits. “What are these?”

The little girl shook her head. “I don’t know. I picked them up from a tree in the mountains. They’re not poisonous; I’ve tasted them. They’re sweet with a bit of sourness.”

Saying so, the little girl picked up a fruit and offered it to them for a taste. Qiao Mai looked at her hand but didn’t accept the fruit.

The little girl felt embarrassed and said, “I did wash my hands, but because of the work, they couldn’t get clean. It’s just how it is. Please don’t mind.”

Qiao Mai nodded, took the fruit from her, and put it in her mouth, nodding in approval.

“How much for a kilogram?”

“Five copper coins per kilogram.”

“How much do you usually sell?”

“This is my first time selling. I picked them early to ensure freshness, fearing they might not stay fresh for long. That’s why I came out to sell in the rain.”

“Well, how many kilograms are in this basket?”

“About twenty.”

“Can I buy the whole basket?”

“You’re buying it all?” The little girl looked at them happily, her lips curving up.

“Yes, we’re traveling merchants with many mouths to feed.”

“In that case, you can have the basket for free. That’ll be one hundred copper coins.”

Qiao Mai smiled and handed over a silver coin. The little girl took it and stuffed it into her bosom.

“Do you have anyone else at home? Why are you setting up the stall by yourself?” “I have a grandma at home. She’s old and inconvenient to move around.”

“No one else?”

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