Spatial Farm Life: Raising My Kid, Abusing Scum, and Keeping Busy With Life

Chapter 354 - 354: It’s Difficult For Me

Chapter 354 - 354: It’s Difficult For Me

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Alright, if not, I hope you can show mercy, dear in-law?”

Since the emperor found out she was a cultivator, he had been speaking with uncertainty, afraid of irritating Qiao Mai. Who knows, she might even kick him off the dragon throne.

He still had many unfulfilled wishes and couldn’t descend the throne now. “Tomorrow, have someone block this street and bring those ministers. If they still think I’m a demon, I suggest you kill one of them.”

“Kill anyone you don’t like.”

The emperor gritted his teeth. “Fine, I’ll kill a few. I know they’ve long formed factions, with their targets for the next heir, but I am the emperor. Those not loyal to me, I’ll kill them all.”

“That’s right. As an official, one should also be kind to the people besides being loyal to you. That’s the mark of a good official.”

“Alright, I’m leaving. Can you bring a few baskets of your cherished fruits for

“You’ve finished them?”

“Yes, your fruits are good. As soon as the concubines heard I had some, they all came to snatch them. It’s tough for me.”

Helplessly, Qiao Mai waved her hand, and six baskets of fruits appeared on the ground.

Servants carried them to the carriage, and the old emperor hurriedly left. Before dawn, the streets were sealed off. The commoners couldn’t get close but could still see from a distance, though not very clearly.

Morning court and political affairs were all put aside.

The emperor, accompanied by civil and military officials, arrived at the entrance of Huangdao Street and walked with the officials to Lucky Garden. He pointed, “Open your eyes and see. Is that demonic or auspicious?”

The officials had heard rumors yesterday, and they had their spies. But seeing it for real, they still stubbornly denied it.

“Your Majesty, didn’t Taoist Qingfeng say this residence has demonic energy?”

“Qingfeng is an old friend of mine. He told me he was mistaken. Don’t you see it with your own eyes now?”

“If Madam Qiao is a demon, she could have transformed into anything. It’s probably not difficult for her.”

The emperor looked coldly at the Assistant Minister of War. Since this person was a lackey of some prince, the emperor would fulfill his death wish.

“Guards, arrest the Assistant Minister of War for spreading false information. Hand him over to the Ministry of Justice for investigation.”

The emperor was serious, and the courtiers knew to prioritize their own lives. “Your Majesty, the sky above Lucky Garden is an auspicious sign.”

“Yes, Your Majesty. As your humble servant, I have seen it with my own eyes. I misunderstood Mr. Yuan’s family.”

One after another, officials expressed their views. The emperor snorted.

“I’m still in power and alive. You should be loyal to me. The heir I choose is the one you should support. It’s futile for you to support someone I didn’t choose.”

All the officials lowered their heads. After returning, the emperor arranged the marriage between Jiamei and Chuan’er.

Qiao’s Small Eatery and the embroidery shop opened on this day.

The storm was easily resolved by Qiao Mai.

It seemed calm, but Qiao Mai knew there would be no peaceful days until the Eleventh Prince ascended the throne.

That position was coveted by many, but the issue of demonic energy would be put aside.

Half a month later, the Internal Affairs Department sent a booklet to Yuan Jiaqi, explaining everything clearly.

The emperor decreed that the seventeenth day of October was a good day. Yuan Haichuan would go to the palace to welcome Princess Jiamei to Lucky Garden.

Yuan Jiaqi immediately followed the instructions. Qiao Mai didn’t need to worry about these matters; she only needed to follow along when necessary.

In September, all procedures were completed, waiting only for the big day.

At this time, another incident occurred in the capital. Someone was killed and had his heart plucked out. The sight of the deceased was unbearable. The local authorities were investigating the matter.

Two days later, another person was killed, again with the heart extracted. All victims were strong and healthy men.

Qiao Mai heard about this and raised her eyebrows, a faint smile on her lips.

The issue of demonic energy had just been forgotten by the people, and now they were using it again to spread fear.

Indeed, the internal panic made the commoners recall the demonic energy, as only demons would extract hearts, supposedly for healing or cultivation.

It was like a weed swaying with the wind, people echoing each other without their judgment.

Qiao Mai didn’t blame them. After all, they were weak, and surviving was already challenging.

After the third heart-plucking case, Qiao Mai entered her space and sat in front of the computer, taking a deep breath.

She started searching on the platform. Finding the murderer would be simple with the help of the Howling Dog!

The Howling Dog could smell the scent and track clues. Even if one tried to hide or escape, they couldn’t escape its nose.

The Howling Dog was a seventh-rank demonic beast with a chance to evolve into a divine beast. Given her current cultivation, forming a contract with it was pretty strained but still achievable.

Spending a considerable sum, Qiao Mai reluctantly bought a pure black Howling Dog.

Infuriatingly, it almost bit her as soon as the dog appeared. If not for the constraints of the contract, it would have been challenging to tame it.

Qiao Mai looked at it calmly, and it defiantly glared at her.

“From now on, your name is Blackie.”


“Resist all you want, but I am your master. If you have the guts, don’t get

caught and sold on the platform, okay?”


“Behave, be a good beast, and I’ll provide you with good pills!”

“Are you an alchemist?”

“Close to eighth-rank. When I reach the Incarnation Realm, it’ll be just about right.’

“Hmph, with your current cultivation, it’s hard for me not to look down on you.

Fortunately, you can refine pills.”

“Good. Follow me around as a black dog and do whatever I ask. Don’t cause trouble.”

“Let me taste a seventh-rank demonic beast pill first.”

Qiao Mai flipped her hand, and a jade bottle appeared. She opened it for the dog to sniff, then put it away.

“You can have it after we finish our business.

“You’re wicked.”

“Same goes for you.”

Qiao Mai appeared in the room with Blackie. Hands behind her back, she walked with a black dog trailing behind.

Leaving Yuexian Pavilion, they arrived at the entrance of Lucky Garden. The streets were deserted again. She rolled her eyes in exasperation.

She headed towards the Investigation Bureau!

When the commoners saw her, they kept a distance and cleared the way wherever she went.

They feared she would transform into a demon and devour them. Qiao Mai paid no mind, leading Blackie to the Investigation Bureau. The officials recognized her. Upon seeing her, they saluted.

“Respectful greeting to Royal Consort Qiao.”

“Where is your leader?” “He’s, he’s inside.”

“Lead the way.”

Upon meeting the chief, she wasn’t polite. “Show me the bodies of those killed in the past few days.”

“Royal Consort, the sight of death is too gruesome. Are you sure?”

“No problem. Let’s go.”

With the chief personally guiding her, they arrived at the morgue. Inside were three corpses, surrounded by many buckets of ice.

The officials gently lifted the covers for Qiao Mai to inspect, and she glanced at Blackie. “Blackie, go take a look.”


The officials were surprised. Why would Qiao Mai bring a dog? Could a dog solve a case?

Blackie went to each corpse, sniffing. “Master, this wasn’t done by a demon; it was a human.”

“I knew it already. Can you find the culprit behind the heart extraction?” “Piece of cake. I want ten seventh-rank demonic beast pills.”

“If you solve the case, I’ll reward you with a hundred, but if you can’t, you’ll only get dog food.”


Using telepathy, Qiao Mai and Blackie communicated. After spending some time in the morgue, they left. Qiao Mai didn’t say or do much, leaving the officials at the Investigation Bureau bewildered.

Qiao Mai returned home, and Blackie was nowhere to be found.

Yuan Jiaqi came home from work, still trembling. “Wife, that person is too despicable. If you have to kill someone, make it quick. Extracting hearts is too cruel.”

Qiao Mai took a sip of water and chuckled, “If it’s not cruel, how can people believe it’s demonic?”

“What? Hasn’t the demonic energy been resolved?”

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