Spatial Farm Life: Raising My Kid, Abusing Scum, and Keeping Busy With Life

Chapter 350 - 350: All Trash

Chapter 350 - 350: All Trash

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation     Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The old emperor obediently extended his hand, and Qingfeng checked his pulse.

“Your health is good. Have you been taking care of yourself recently?”

“Haha, try this tea. I’ve been drinking it lately. It feels good.”

The emperor didn’t delve into the matters of the Qiao family. Qingfeng lifted the teacup, sniffed it, and then tasted it, revealing a surprised expression.

“This tea is excellent. It has a fragrant aroma, and drinking it imparts a warm feeling throughout the body. It has the effect of nourishing the spirit and dispelling fatigue. Regular consumption can promote longevity.”

“When you return to the mountain, I’ll send you some.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

As the two enjoyed their conversation, the topic turned to the Qiao family.

“Your Majesty, when I entered the capital, I passed by a residence called Lucky

Garden. Do you know about it?”

“That’s the home of one of my subjects. Is there anything wrong?”

“I sensed strong demonic energy in that residence.”

The emperor furrowed his brows. “Demonic energy? How is that possible? I’ve investigated their background; the couple started from the countryside and has come a long way. They’ve raised well-behaved children with good morals.” “Then there must be demonic creatures hidden in their home.”

“I find it hard to believe. Madam Qiao is influential; she wouldn’t tolerate demonic creatures in her household.”

“But if these creatures aren’t dealt with, they might bring calamity to the mortal realm.”

“Old friend, you’ve traveled a long way and must be tired. The Qingfeng Hall has been prepared for your stay. Would you like to take a rest?”

Taoist Qingfeng noticed the emperor’s strong preference for that family and decided not to press the matter.

“In that case, I’ll excuse myself.”

After Qingfeng left, the emperor contemplated sending a message to the Qiao family but decided to wait until the evening palace banquet.

The Qiao family planned to skip the palace banquet, but they received a royal invitation, compelling them to attend.

Unable to decline, Yuan Jiaqi could only bring his wife and children.

They are different from the past. No one dared to look down upon Lucky

Garden. Upon seeing Mr. Yuan’s family, especially after catching sight of Qiao Mai, people’s gazes were filled with fear, afraid of provoking this woman and inviting trouble.

Now, even the royal family couldn’t afford to offend Lucky Garden. Prince Shunqin’s family wanted to establish a good relationship with them.

In the palace, their seating arrangement was significant. The Qiao family was placed closely beneath the emperor. The Eleventh Prince, Haichuan, Ling’er, and Jiamei sat together.

Observing this, the officials wondered why the emperor regarded the Qiao family with such favor.

What made their family so exceptional? They didn’t hold military power, and even if the Eleventh Prince were to become the heir, could he maintain his position for long without support?

However, they were unaware that the emperor had no intention of ruling until his death. He held the military token and wasn’t afraid of anyone.

After the old emperor and his concubines arrived, the banquet began.

The emperor contemplated for a moment, then looked at Yuan Jiaqi and Qiao Mai to his left, whispering.


“Your Majesty?”

“We’re not outsiders. What do you think of me?”

“A wise and rare monarch.” “Then I’ll ask you directly.”

“As long as I can answer.”

“I have a good friend, a Taoist, who is over a hundred years old but still healthy. He has insights into the path of cultivation. He happened to pass by your house today and sensed a strong demonic aura. I don’t believe it. I want to ask you personally.”

Qiao Mai smiled and glanced in a certain direction. “Your Majesty, do you understand what a demon is?”

“They eat and harm people. A beast that brings disaster.”

“So, have there been any harmful events heard of in the Great Ming Dynasty?” “Not really, but I’m worried.”

“Your Majesty, when the Eleventh Prince can assist you, take some time to read the cultivation scriptures. Humans harming others are sometimes worse than demons. Everything has its good and bad sides. Sometimes, humans are not as good as demons.”

“Hiss- You have seen demons?” “Haven’t you seen them too?”


“At my house, those three sheep and the six little squirrels on the tree.”

The emperor’s face turned green upon hearing this. “How could they be demons when they are so cute?”

“In the world of cultivation, there are demonic beasts, spiritual beasts, immortal beasts, and divine beasts. Creatures with charm naturally have a demonic aura, but not all eat people.”

“I’ve seen them eat grass and nuts.”

“So, why worry?”

“As long as they don’t harm people, I can rest assured.”

“Your Majesty, you are a wise monarch. While friends are good, you should have your judgment. Determine what words are trustworthy and what are not.

Don’t blindly pursue immortality, as even Immortals can die.”

The emperor looked at her excitedly, “Are you the Immortal from that night?”

Qiao Mai turned her head and ignored him. Let him guess. Their conversation was soft-spoken, and almost no one in the hall heard them over the music and dance.

The emperor swallowed, seemingly watching the performance, but his heart felt like boiling water.

The burning sensation made him want to go outside and cool off.

Is she an Immortal? Oh, it’s so uncomfortable to be teased like this.

She’s not an immortal, but she talks about the cultivation world. How does she know about demonic beasts?

As an emperor, he rarely read such books. With so many affairs of state, who has time for these things?

However, he still knew ancient myths.

Just as he was lost in thought, the empress spoke up.

“In-law, with so many people here and it being New Year’s Eve, I’ve grown tired of the performances. I still find your magic fascinating.”

“What do you desire, Empress?”

“Flowers, perhaps? I love all types of flowers.”

Qiao Mai stood up, and the dancers stepped back, anticipating her performance.

She came to the center of the stage, scanning the expectant gazes.

“Today, the Empress is pleased. She likes my magic tricks. So, I will present a humble display.”

She instructed palace servants to bring a few bamboo poles and create a simple frame.

She communicated with Greeny using her mind, then covered the frame with a piece of red cloth.

“Empress, which flower would you like?”

“Let’s start with peonies.”

This time, Qiao Mai didn’t lift the red cloth. Instead, she magically produced a pot of vibrant red peonies from within.

“Wow, it is a peony!”

The empress descended from her seat to touch them. “Real flowers! This peony is so brilliantly bloomed.”

“It’s a gift for the Empress.”

“Someone, bring this back to my sleeping quarters.”

Once the empress returned to her seat, Qiao Mai continued her magical display.

In rapid succession, she produced pots of roses, dahlias, and chrysanthemums.

Among the flowers, peonies were the most abundant—red, pink, green, blue, and even ink-black peonies. The display left everyone awestruck.

Compared to her magic tricks, the singing and dancing seemed like trash.

The emperor and empress stood up in excitement, unable to believe their eyes as the stage was filled with flowers.

In a corner, Taoist Qingfeng observed silently.

“I didn’t expect to find a spatial treasure in this world during my travels. What a waste that it’s in the possession of this woman.”

He discreetly vanished after uttering those words.

Qiao Mai, noticing his departure, sneered. “This old guy has ill intentions. It seems he’s eyeing my space.”

However, he is capable enough to realize that she possesses a spatial treasure, but it isn’t something he could covet.

After finishing the magic tricks, the emperor didn’t ask her to perform anything else, and the officials had no authority to request more. Therefore, Qiao Mai returned to her seat.

The Eleventh Prince finally fulfilled his wish, witnessing the incredible magic tricks he had desired.

Baskets of real flowers were beautifully arranged, and as long as one wasn’t foolish, no one would claim it to be a magic trick. It was indeed not an illusion; what else could it be?

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